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  • #29270


    I am very sorry for what happened in class today. I hope you are doing okay. I remember the instructor telling us many times to go harder and faster so thatís what I tried to do. Consistently I’ve been yelled at by instructors at the NTC that I’m not committing to my attack, so thatís what I tried to do. I feel like Iím damned if I do and damned if I donít.

    I wasnít sure if I was going to see you again before I left town, so this was the only way I knew of to apologize to you again. Iím not going to reply to anybodyís requests for more info on the matter.

    Take care,

    Mark Z


    Hopefully GK is OK, and while I dont know the specifics of what happened, \”controlled aggression\” is key when working self defense techniques with a partner and no padding.

    Saying that your instructors tell you that you dont commit enough and then your response is to injure somebody with a lack of control and say \”well I’m damned if I do and I’m damned if I dont\” doesn’t compute in my book???

    Hopefully GK can shed some light.



    My 2 cents, there is probably a higher percentage of injury playing office league softball than in KM class.

    No joke, blown out knees from sliding into base, injuries from diving for a catch, we’ve all seen it, especially when the person isn’t normally active.

    I could think of a couple other ways to contact a fellow member of your class, besides a public forum. Maybe the instructor could have relayed an e-mail, for instance.

    Anyhow, this thread may inspire GK to exceed 1,000 posts on this board!


    I guess it will!! 😀 😀

    Wow, I can’t believe the incident has found its way onto the forum already!! I guess I’m a tad embarrassed, it’ll make me look like a sissy. 🙁

    Mark, no need to apologize. The idea of the drill was to go hard, everyone did, that was the idea. If it was anyone’s fault, it was mine for obviously doing something wrong in my defense.

    For those who weren’t there: We were doing a knife drill at the end of class. One attacker after the other, different kinds of stabs, as soon as you had defended the next guy was coming in. This was an overhead stab defense and somehow the metal part of the knife slammed into my head and cut a hole into my scalp. 🙁 Bled pretty bad at first, but luckily one of the students was a firefighter and Kelly also was pretty adept at this, so they fixed me up and I went home, as a precaution.

    I’m fine now, it’s not bleeding anymore, the worst part was that I couldn’t continue to train. I’d want to come tomorrow, but not sure yet, maybe better to wait a few more days, so it doesn’t get ripped open again. You can’t really put a band aid on there, because it’s underneath the hair.

    Mark, did you see why I was hit? I’ve been trying to figure out what I was doing wrong. Maybe I didn’t hit the wrist, but closer to the forearm? I thought my arm may have collapsed a little bit under the weight. Also, I don’t think you were as tall as the person I was working with before that, so maybe my arm position was somewhat off? I always tuck my chin, but now I’m wondering, if the person is not that much taller than you are or even the same size, maybe you shouldn’t tuck your chin as much (this may have brought my head closer to the knife, which seemed to have come over the top of my defense). Hmmmm, maybe we should use video cameras for these kinds of drills, then we could go back to the tape and review.

    Another thing I learned was that that type of head wound doesn’t really hurt all that much. In a fight, you should be able to continue. I even continued with the drill, but I could tell that my fellow attackers were getting a bit more cautious as they saw the blood gushing down the side of my head… 😉

    By the way, Mark, how did you even know that it I was GK?


    Alright, there it is!! 1000 posts!! I see confetti, balloons and, most of all, my congratulatory free lifetime membership at the NTC!!! 😀 😀 😀

    Then again, it may just be the head wound……. 🙁



    You went home?????? Oh, I am so disapointed, a cracked skull a liter of blood and you call it a night????? ROFLMFAO



    I’m sorry to hear about your head wound. 🙁

    And congratulations on 1000 posts!! 😀


    Yeah, I was bummed out about having to leave, but next would have been the ground fighting class and I really didn’t want to bloody up everyone’s shirt and ruin the floor. Or frighten a prospective new student, who might have walked in and seen the bloody mess! 😆


    \”How did you even know that I was GK?\”
    I would guess that I could figure it out if I were at the NTC. In attaining 1000 posts on this forum, plus being active on the previous one, you’ve given away quite a bit of detail. Size, ability level, length of time in the system, occupation, etc.

    In all seriousness though, glad to hear you’re okay… however, you may want to get things checked out to see if you need stitches. When you mention the \”metal part\” of the knife, what kind of knives were you using? Maybe it’s karma or just irony, but I recall a post of yours just recently asking about possibly using real knives in class 😯

    Finally, Kirian, accidents happen. Even the best students make mistakes (Didn’t Ryan try to crush La Revancha’s skull a while back? – maybe that wasn’t a mistake…) , and this one sounds like it could have either been GK’s or Mark’s. I wouldn’t be so quick to link it to Mark, sounds to me like he was doing a kind thing here by following up. Plus, I’ve been fortunate enough to train with him for years, and I can’t think of a single instance where he’s been out of control. Aggressive, and brutally strong, yes…. out of control, no. At a recent knife seminar here, led by John W., my partner missed a bit on the same defense and I ended up hitting the top of his skull with the practice knife we were using. Thankfully it was just wooden, but it still gave him a decent sized mouse. I left with a slightly cut cheek, and a bit of a black eye… sometimes it just comes with training really hard.


    This wasn’t a real knife, but as close as you can get without it being real. The handle is wooden, but the blade is metal, heavy, pretty long and strong, just not sharp around the edges as a real knife would be.

    I was actually wondering what would have happened if it had been a real knife. Could it have penetrated the skull or maybe gotten stuck in it? If not, the wound may not have been more severe, since the knife would have been sharper, but also thinner.

    I’d still like to train with real knives. This was the kind of drill you probably wouldn’t do with real knives, though, one fast attack after the other, not knowing which attack is coming… If you are using the real knives, you’d probably want to ease into it, make sure you do the defense well with the fake knife first, then start out slowly with the real one.

    By the way, I’ve done this type of fast drill many times before and have never have gotten cut. I guess it was just my time….

    \”Didn’t Ryan try to crush La Revancha’s skull a while back? – maybe that wasn’t a mistake…\”

    I don’t think so either. Sounds like an assassination attempt to me….



    Did you see a Doctor? Stitches?? Sounds like it was either a big wound (which would need stitches) or you hit a vein (which wouldn’t mind stitches either…). 😯

    Aaand, just to let you guys know (without meaning to sound like a know-it-all): even a hit with a small target like this knife can give you a concussion…so better be careful afterwards and take it easy (even if they probably had to force you from the mat, I guess!! 😉 )

    Anyway, get well soon and congrats to your 1000+ posts!! 😀



    quote \”JT\:

    \”How did you even know that I was GK?\”

    Finally, Kirian, accidents happen. Even the best students make mistakes (Didn’t Ryan try to crush La Revancha’s skull a while back? – maybe that wasn’t a mistake…) , and this one sounds like it could have either been GK’s or Mark’s. I wouldn’t be so quick to link it to Mark, sounds to me like he was doing a kind thing here by following up. Plus, I’ve been fortunate enough to train with him for years, and I can’t think of a single instance where he’s been out of control. Aggressive, and brutally strong, yes…. out of control, no. At a recent knife seminar here, led by John W., my partner missed a bit on the same defense and I ended up hitting the top of his skull with the practice knife we were using. Thankfully it was just wooden, but it still gave him a decent sized mouse. I left with a slightly cut cheek, and a bit of a black eye… sometimes it just comes with training really hard.

    I agree wholeheartedly, accidents do happen in training and \”Contact\” is the name of the game. I tell my students to apologize to their partners before we begin a drill for whats ABOUT to happen, saves time ;).

    My point and my comment was more about the…. \”I get told I’m not committed enough, by my instructors at the NTC, then I commit and I’m damed if I do and I’m damned if I dont.\” …..

    The post (IMHO) sounded more like a reason/validation of why he lacked control when GK got hurt vs. a simple apology for the lack of control.

    This of course, was simply my opinion based on the original post. Since GK has explained the scenario, it seems as if it wasnt as bad as the original poster made it sound. Which is good for everybody :).



    Hey Jeff,

    Thanks for the kind words!


    Sorry to disappoint but everyone knows who you are. Since youíre asking, what I believe happened is when I tried to make a ìrealî downward ice pick stabbing attack, your 360 / 90 degree block was really weak. You didnít have your weight into the block, you didnít attack my knife holding wrist with your wrist, and your arm caved into the weight of my attack. You also didnít have your defending arm out far enough, so the long blunt metal knife hit the top of your head.

    I honestly felt bad about it afterwards since Iím a guest at your school. I tried to justify it to myself by thinking that it was level 5 and s**t happens.


    hmmm…still trying to figure out who is GK at the NTC… 😀


    Easy one. 😉 Read GK’s posts, find the facts (size, level, classes attended) and gone is the anonymity. Gosh, it’s really tough nowadays…can’t run…can’t hide….Big Brother is watching you!! 😉

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