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    Re: How do you explain your injuries to your Doctor?

    I know a woman who used to compete in a kyokushin karate offshoot in Japan (like daido juku- karate and judo mix). She would constantly be in the hospital for all sorts of things, and had black eyes and bruises regularly. Japanese Protective Services would always ask her why she was so beat up and if she needed help.


    Re: How do you explain your injuries to your Doctor?

    Well, most doctors take a peak at my last name, ask if it’s Irish, I say yea, and they just assume its related to some sort of fight or somethign, its really convenient.


    Re: How do you explain your injuries to your Doctor?

    I said boxing when I went in to check on my hand a couple of months ago


    Re: How do you explain your injuries to your Doctor?

    I have encountered docs who are suspicious of senior abuse (I just turned 70, and bruise easily). I tell them about Krav Maga, and suggest they take an orientation class. On occasion, I am offered a referral to a mental health practitioner. Hah!


    Re: How do you explain your injuries to your Doctor?

    I am fortunate that my wife is a physician. She has stitched me up in the backyard on more than one occasion. I have been lucky enough to avoid many of those conversations with doctors….

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