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    Now im asking realisticly not how you handle it if your in a jean claude van-damme movie.

    scenario 1) Your with your girl at a movie and some d$ck starts throwing popcorn at you from behind , or shinign one of those laser pointers at you

    scenario 2) you are walking on the street and someone just comes up and stands right in front of you blocking your path, you move to the right and he does the same, and then to the left.


    1. Ask him to stop throwing pop corn. If they continue, try to ignore it and enjoy the movie. Lastly, if he persists, go tell the manager what is happening. If the manager does nothing to stop the situation, demand your money back for the film which around here is almost $10.00. If the situation escalates and the individual attacks me or is about to attack me, then deploy Krav as needed. You can’t break someones wrist for assault and battery with pop-corn. I’ll be the one in jail. So this is a tough scenario if you don’t play it cool yet assertively. Remember your interests- you safe, watching the film, and the pop-corn throwing to cease.

    2. Ask the person to get out of my way. If the person doesn’t move, continue on my journey and if he attacks me or is about to attack me, again, deploy Krav as needed. I would be more cautious and wary than in the \”pop-corn\” scenario as the pop-corn guy just seems like a jerk and the \”blocker\” seems like a real potential threat.


    Scenario 1. Get up and walk to the popcorn thrower. Tell him that if he throws one more piece of popcorn you will grab him by his throat and slam him to the floor. If he does it again, walk up to him and punch him in the neck.

    Scenario 2. Just punch him in the neck.


    I always carry my Surefire 9p to the theater with the \”extra bright bulb\” (91?)…



    Yeah, I don’t know what I was thinking…

    1. Pop-corn thrower: snap out my Benchmade knife and throw it at him. Retrieve it from his eye and wipe the blood on his companions shirt. Eat his pop-corn. Enjoy rest of movie. Have friend fill me in on parts I missed.

    2. Blocker: take out my Glock 36 45 caliber and aim at his center mass. Turn him into Swiss cheese. Pick-up the casings(they do it on tv). Smash his face in with my boot heel. Take his teeth and toss them. Cut off his hands and feed them to a passing dog. Continue on journey.

    If the cops show up in either case, claim self defense. Hmmm…maybe my first response is better upon further review.




    1. Start eating the popcorn and thank them for it. If a laser pointer, laugh at how funny their joke is. A laser pointer! How clever. In either case, they most likely want to harass someone that’ll get really pissed off, not someone who likes it. If they persist, go to Lazio’s plan.

    2. Be wary of the guy’s friend that’s trying to pick your pocket while you’re distracted. My first thought- fake left, then quickly slip past to the right. Ancient basketball technique. Then run past. If desired, do a conservative endzone dance after a margin of safety is achieved. Seriously- I’ve used this one before downtown.

    Or, punch them in the neck, then while they’re stunned, nuke the guy from orbit- its the only way to be sure.


    I highly agree with Lazlo here, one other step that I find helpful with people in public that are not being directly aggressive is to use direct verbal confrontation. This works well for the jerks that really donít want to get physical.
    Also being in a theatre will add an amount of pressure for him to settle down from other viewers. In this case you have just been singled out by a jerk. If he or she wants to then attack you, now time find out how well your knees and elbows work.

    In the second case, this person is directly stepped in front of you as you are walking down the sidewalk, he is already being confrontational, so the verbal route is already out the window, try to move around him if he moves to stop you he has already made up his mind this is going to get physical. Go straight to combatives and get the hell out of there.


    Most popcorn throwers are kids,not adults.I’d get the manager & let him deal with it.It’s just not worth jail-time.

    In the street scenario,the first time he moved in front of me,I’d say,\”Pardon me\” & try to walk around.If he again blocked my path (and if no witnesses were there),I’d try to flatten him,then run from the immediate area.

    I’d then call the police & tell them I was a victim of an attempted mugging and that he tried to swing at me(even if he didn’t) to cover myself legally.


    Popcorn guy: This has actually happened to me and it is easily resolved with a trip to the managers office. Managers hate little assholes who do things like this. The laser pointer thing is a bit annoying and where I’m from the implicatin is much more serious. So to that I would say you directly confront the little bastard and ask him not to do that. Or you can do what my boy did when this happened at a sporting event. He walked up to the person and said \”I’ve got one too\”. He then showed the guy (incidentally he was an adult) his Glock equiped with laser sights.

    Street guy:

    If I try to get around a person and they deliberately stand in front of me again, they are going to get some chin music. Period. You do not confront a person in that way with good intentions.


    1) If it’s an \”adult\” using that term loosely if he is throwing popcorn like a juvenile. I would immediately go directly to the individual(s) and inform them to take that baby bullshit someplace else. This actually happened to me once and that was all it took. They apologized and said they thought I was someone else (right).

    2) I agree with skylab and psyops, if the person is blocking you off he’s already showing aggression. I would first take a step back and check the surroundings to see if he has a buddy standing by. I then say in a loud voice \”why are you blocking my way? leave me alone!! I would then attempt to walk around him, if he blocked me off again, I would again say \”get away from me\” as I shoved him away and continued to walk, if he came at you at that point you are more than justified to do what is necessary to stop him. Not only that but any possible witness heard you asking him to leave you alone and get away from you. That will come in handy when the police take your statement.


    For #2, I wonder if you could try to turn around and walk back the way you came to avoid a confrontation. Of course, you would need to watch your back, in case he is coming after you.


    some things to remeber though, as most of you probably know, with the second guy, the law in some if not most states will cover you for self defense if you use the force necesary to assure your on or a third party’s safety. so i probably wouldn’t go all out on the guy. remember you don’t want to be in court trying to explain to a judge that you broke the guy’s jaw and three of his ribs in self defense, although sometimes that’s what it takes.


    Re: How do you handle these situations?(law enforcment perso

    For #1, just rent a DVD and don’t be there in the first place.


    From my LE perspective:

    [scenario 1) Your with your girl at a movie and some d$ck starts throwing popcorn at you from behind , or shinign one of those laser pointers at you]

    Go tell the movie staff. Yeah it’s less many but should this silly situation get out of hand, it’s far less manly to be \”bent over\” in the jail cell taken one \”for the team\” if you know what I mean. Tempers flair and you never know what may happen… people have died over less.

    Now the second is a little different and not much of a stretch. We will always ask was the level of force used \”reasonable’ given the situation.

    [scenario 2) you are walking on the street and someone just comes up and stands right in front of you blocking your path, you move to the right and he does the same, and then to the left.]

    When using force just remember three things: Intent, Means, and Opportunity.

    INTENT: The threat demonstrates their intent to inflict physical injury through body language and or verbalization.

    MEANS: The threat has the physical capabilities to carry out the articulated aggression.

    OPPORTUNITY: The threat must have access to you or another and or the object/weapon to carry out the articulated or perceived aggression.

    I think that these three things are very applicable to to the every day citizen. And remember, the totality of the circumstances are very relavant. Meaning, influential circumstances like the threats proximity to a weapon, your injury or exhaustion (fighting or injuried), they are a skilled fighter (yes that applies to us too), terrain, sudden attack, etc.

    These are all LE guidelines, but I really do think that they apply to everyone. I hope this helps a little without being to \”legal\”.


    Articulate those

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