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    Re: How to get a REAL Krav maga instruction?

    Women ruin everything with their boobs and their menstruation and stuff. Seriously…I dont know why any one would want to train with them as you could be in the middle of a focus mitt drill or choke defense and all of a sudden they have a baby. It just ruins the whole hardcore training vibe I try to manifest.


    Re: How to get a REAL Krav maga instruction?

    quote KevinMack:

    Women ruin everything with their boobs and their menstruation and stuff. Seriously…I dont know why any one would want to train with them as you could be in the middle of a focus mitt drill or choke defense and all of a sudden they have a baby. It just ruins the whole hardcore training vibe I try to manifest.

    Hey, I heard in your advanced classes you teach how to use the umbilical cord as a garrote! bow1


    Re: How to get a REAL Krav maga instruction?

    Wow, sounds kind of ignorant to me. I’m a registered nurse and am usually the only man in the unit. I work with a bunch of women that also train in Krav Maga and would take issue with some of “friendly”‘s comments and thoughts on training with women


    Re: How to get a REAL Krav maga instruction?

    Yes, I know some of the things I brought up were controversial, I do not mean any harm I’m just trying to justify my reasoning for noting that it would hinder training progress if I was required to train with some of ‘lower end’ partners.


    Re: How to get a REAL Krav maga instruction?

    quote Friendly:

    I’m just trying to justify my reasoning for noting that it would hinder training progress if I was required to train with some of ‘lower end’ partners.

    One thing I like to do in classes is to throw in the ‘newbies’ into stress drills and scenarios just to see what they come up with. Some of the more experienced practitioners have had some nasty surprises.

    There may be some truth in the adage about ‘dangerous amateurs’.

    The more experienced people tend to do what you would expect. That is to say that, whilst the specific tactics/techniques may be unpredictable they draw from a pool of ‘good’ skills.

    The newbies may often do something that we might regard as too risky or tactically unsound and would never even conceive of doing; but who knows what level of training your real world attacker might have had.

    [This is of particular relevance to me as I was once doing a multiple attacker drill against two Royal Marines and a 15 year old girl. Guess which one put me in surgery?]


    Re: How to get a REAL Krav maga instruction?

    quote Friendly:

    Yes, I know some of the things I brought up were controversial, I do not mean any harm I’m just trying to justify my reasoning for noting that it would hinder training progress if I was required to train with some of ‘lower end’ partners.

    How much experience do you have in Krav? I’m not sure we’ve established that yet.


    Re: How to get a REAL Krav maga instruction?

    quote TacticalTimmy:

    How much experience do you have in Krav? I’m not sure we’ve established that yet.

    0 years training with the Krav Maga system but have been training over 10 years with other combat systems, I descided to put this one on the list of things I should entertain when I have free time. My reason for this is that most of my co-workers have much if the same training and skills, I thought Krav Maga would be good for me because it apparently fits in nicely in any situation despite the other persons training. This would set me aside from my co-workers.


    Re: How to get a REAL Krav maga instruction?

    quote wiccaman:

    One thing I like to do in classes is to throw in the ‘newbies’ into stress drills and scenarios just to see what they come up with. Some of the more experienced practitioners have had some nasty surprises.

    There may be some truth in the adage about ‘dangerous amateurs’.

    The more experienced people tend to do what you would expect. That is to say that, whilst the specific tactics/techniques may be unpredictable they draw from a pool of ‘good’ skills.

    The newbies may often do something that we might regard as too risky or tactically unsound and would never even conceive of doing; but who knows what level of training your real world attacker might have had.

    [This is of particular relevance to me as I was once doing a multiple attacker drill against two Royal Marines and a 15 year old girl. Guess which one put me in surgery?]

    I can honestly say I have never thought of it that way, ill take it into account, thanks.

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