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  • #50514


    I am not sure what to make of your rant!?????? You want to see John pick me up? Sumo references? What the hell are you talking about? Lol…..

    You are quite a character! 😆 Perhaps I just don’t understand your sense of humor? Lol….


    Rant??? 😯 😕 It wasn’t supposed to be a \”rant\”. It was just a joke, a humorous way to illustrate your point, after you had just addressed John about his advise for me to do the machine gun takedown in that situation. I guess your point was that the guy would have been to big for me to lift and I had just seen Butterbean, who is close to 400 pounds, in Pride and so I just used it as an example, all in good fun.

    So, let’s try this again: You lifting me would be like John lifting the little midget guy from \”Jackass\”. Something else that’ll be fun to watch… 8)


    Yes, it’s like the guy using his forearm as a stabilizer. It would probably be more likely that he would use it for a target further away, but strange things can happen.

    I just noticed that if I put the barrel on my smaller arm, parts of it are still sticking out behind my arm, so it may still be possible to grab it from underneath. However, if the barrel is shorter, or the guy has big forearms, I may only be able to grab his wrist or hand.

    If he is about the same size as I am, I may still be able to redirect and punch over his arm, but if he is taller and his arm very high, it becomes hard to reach, unless I’m able to push his forearm towards his body as I am coming in.

    To just push both his arms up would be possible for a redirection, but there may be little control of the gun afterwards and I don’t carry a knife (maybe I should start to 😉 ). Although, if I could draw a knife, I could probably also use my hand to attempt to do a gun takeaway.

    That \”letter opener\” cut sounds pretty gruesome and pretty effective!




    Oh I get it now! That was humor. Thank you for clearing that up for me! I was up all night thinking about this. Now I can catch up on my sleep. Thanks again! 😆


    Just making sure, seems like on occasion I’m being sadly misunderstood… 😉


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