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    Not what you want to hear, but freedom of speech works both ways. Let them live in their world, enjoy yours.


    Deleted by original poster.


    There is much evil in the world. While they have their freedom of expression I for one appreciate the awareness.



    Thanks for the heads up. Ill definately be passing on this one to my instructor.

    I agree with other people here that (as much as I hate it) they have their right to be racist.

    This is what I thought about when I read the first post:

    I have a friend who is big into gun shows. He always has a booth and sells guns to people because he believes in protecting their second amendment rights. However, if a gang-banger walks up to his table, or someone who is obviously an ex-con, or someone he gets a bad feeling about in general, he will not sell to them. Why? Because even though he believes they have a right to a firearm, he also does not want to be the one to put a gun in the hand of someone that will use it for evil.

    I see this situation being very similar to that.


    Freedom of speech is fine, but white power websites can be a real problem. They can inspire someone to kill a bunch of people, but they take no legal responsibility for the actions.

    However, although most of us have the idea that they only want to learn these things to go fight people, I believe that many really are interested in it only for self defense- even if it is based on an irrational fear of different people.


    Having to say you have to be aware about being attacked is implied by being involved in self-protection. It’s obvious, and self-evident. Tell me, what does that change. You still don’t know who these people are, and there is nothing that says they are out for you. Their entitled to SP also.

    This isn’t Jim Crow South anymore. Though it’s improbable, not impossible for violent anti-Semitic crimes to happen, hate groups are generally relegated to burning crosses, wearing linen on their head and running off so their not found out. Their are more pressing matters for people to worry about by actual gangs, who’s life is synonymous with violence. Gangs who’s initiation is walking up to any individual, and punching them in the face.


    Re: Ku Klux Klan at Krav Maga classes

    Rich, stormfront.com is a stupid message board who’s members are commonly bored teens with more time than sense.

    Don’t let it bend you out of shape.


    Rich, I understand what you are trying to do, but I tend to agree with what the others have said. Reading that site really doesn’t make anyone any more prepared. We already know that people like that exist. Should we know more about them? Maybe we should, but like Andre, I think there are more prevalent and more dangerous groups out there.


    Hate groups are going to exist no matter what we do. If they take Krav more power to them. Hopefully their association with an art like Krav Maga and their fellow students may teach them a thing or two about tolerance. Krav is a diverse organization that will teach many lessons.

    The only thing you can do is serve to be a positive example to everyone who takes the classes and hope that they come to a revelation that hatred is wrong.


    in my experience, people that have joined Krav for some alterior reasons, never tend to stick around. we’ve had TMA guys who wanted to learn Krav and teach it in their schools, wackos who train in their basement in \”killing\” techniques and people with major personality issues. The fact is-just like with any physical skill-you don’t become proficient overnight. It takes dedication ,ability to deal with different trainining partners and ability to tolerate pain and discomfort among other characteristics.

    dedicating time to training takes away time from all the Klan meetings. So after a while it becomes a priority issue.

    So, is it possible that some loser takes Krav for a couple of months and learns how to make a fist? Yes. Is it likely that they will stick around long enough to learn anything significant? Doubtful. Besides, it’s not an individual skinhead that’s trouble, it’s a gang of \”drunk ‘n high\” thugs with bats and chains that worrisome. and those guys don’t need Krav to be dangerous…


    I was actually surprised that they had nothing but positive things to say about Krav Maga. Kind of made me wonder if they even know that this is a Jewish fighting system. ‘Cause you would think if anyone would bash Krav Maga it would be the stormfront boys.

    In don’t think we should worry too much about Nazis taking Krav Maga classes and then using it for evil. I can’t even imagine a very devoted Klansman or Nazi wanting to take a Krav Maga class, he might just go on to another system. Many of those posters on that forum might just be a bunch of confused teens and KravRon is right, maybe, if they do show up for class, they might meet a variety of different students from different ethnic backgrounds and end up discovering that blacks or Jews or anyone else they thought were the enemy are really not that bad after all.




    Okay, what do you suggest we do. Take up arms against all biggots, and become the very thing that they used to be? You can’t take everything everyone says to heart, and be upset. Your examples also aren’t congruent.


    rich, I think you’re taking the whole thing a bit too seriously. I can’t imagine this being a very widespread problem and really, what are we supposed to do? Be suspicious of every blond and blue-eyed person or every bald guy that comes into class, wondering if he might be an undercover skinhead? Of all the people taking Krav Maga classes here in the US or anywhere in the world, how many are likely to be Nazis? I don’t think it’s a lot and even if there are some that hold anti semetic views that might not mean that they would necessarily turn violent.

    Of course, we would want to avoid teaching someone, who might use his Krav Maga skills to hurt another person rather than for self-defense, but any person could be a problem in that regard, not just a rascist. Could be we’re teaching a guy, who later turns into a serial killer. Or a guy, who uses his newly found Krav skills on his wife and little kids. So, anyone could potentially be problematic and the only thing a teacher could do is to try and watch for any violent tendencies that person may have, but then again it wouldn’t be easy for a teacher to make that kind of judgement.

    So, I guess it’s just a risk we have to take, not much that can be done about it and I really don’t think it’s a huge problem. So far, I can’t remember having heard of a devout Krav Maga student having turned violent and hurting innocent people.

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