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  • #83508

    Re: Level 1 Test

    quote Charlie1:

    Really just a 4 hour test with the other 4.5 hours of review. I heard our level 2 test is about the same amount of time. I’m glad I can rest easy for a while and just enjoy the classes, as that test is probably at least 6-months away.

    8.5 hour test?!

    I never understand why these marathon tests are given. I understand having to showcase your mental toughness, but students who train 2-3 days a week are risking serious injury at a certain point. I understand that 4 hours of it is workshop, but we all know students go harder than they should in these workshops.

    Someone please explain the logic behind subjecting a Level 1 student to a test that’s 8.5 hours long.


    Re: Level 1 Test

    My L1 test was 5Hours @ %100. 8.5 does seem overboard even conserving energy. I always take over a week off before testing (have to force myself not to go) and just stay up on cardio while pushing as many carbs the two days before.

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