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    Any suggestions or tips to help me complete the challenge?


    Just took mine about a month ago. You are in for a serious challenge, plus a whole lot of fun.

    Eat right, drink tons of water, and pace yourself. I have no idea how long your test will be, but mine was over 3 hours. Know your chokes, be able to do them with out thinking about it. If you screw one of your chokes up, keep going, you wouldn’t stop in the fight, they don’t expect you to stop during the test.

    In my opinion, it was more of a test to see if I could push through pain, if I had the fighting spirit.

    Dont’ worry yo will do great and always have fun.


    I know what I was told – CARB UP the night before. Pasta, potatoes, whatever, you’re GONNA need it. I just hit the Bonanza down the street the night before and pigged out ;).

    You don’t want to eat too heavy the morning of – don’t want to see you barfing now 😆 . On our test, we ran 2 or 3 times, then did about 45 minutes of cardio, did the workshop and then the test. All together it was about 5 hours I think. Honestly, just when you do your test, no matter what DON’T STOP. Even if you think you screwed, up JUST KEEP GOING.

    Bring plenty of water and extra shirt – don’t be surprised if you’re soaked.



    GA-TOR-AIDE Half and half mix with water…and lots of it. Power-bars or a few granola bars. Light breakfast.


    level 1


    you have the training you know the material

    the rest is just gettin’ it done. as said before, DO NOT STOP!

    carb up… water down…. and have some serious fun. When you pass, your gonna love the next level and the one after that!

    Good Luck!


    Thanks everyone, I’ll take all of your advice.
    I find this forum great for posting questions and getting good advice and opinions back from other Kraver’s who’ve been training hard, know the material and know their bodies. They’ve tried and tested things and are willing to share their knowledge. Thanks again.


    I’m going to be testing to move to Level II at the end of Feb… a lot of nice advice here, thanks!


    Mine is Saturday

    I have my level 1 year Saturday! It’s from 8:00AM to 2:00PM with only a short break for lunch, or so I’m told. I have on;ly been training for 4 months but they tell me I’m ready, so who am I to argue?

    I need to practice my choke and inside defenses. I’m not very good at inside defenses, although I handle outside 360 defenses well. I don’t think they expect us to do every defense perfectly. One of the instructors said they are looking for aggression and no quitting, no retreating. So I can push through that.

    But 6 hours? Wow. Wish me luck!


    Good luck. Just don’t quit. Make sure that you incourage your partner in the test, keep them motivated and they should do the same for you. It is not so bad.

    Diet tip would be to make sure that you drink plenty of water in the days before the test, and the 1/2 gatorade 1/2 water mix the day of.



    I have been doing Atkins for some time now. I’m not overweight, or at least not by much. I’m looking to lose 10 or so pounds. I hate to screw up my dies by eating carbs before the test, but I guess passing the test is more important that not blowing the diet for a few days. I jsut don’t want to get sick. I drink water constantly, and I did think to bring some gateoraid.

    Then there is my screwy schedule. I’m usually up till 4:00AM and when I go to an 8:00AM class it’s only for n hour and I survive on no sleep. The test will be different of course. So I need to figure out how to get to sleep early while obsessing on this test.

    Thanks for the tips. I appreciate them!


    Good Luck!

    When I took my Level 1 test last summer my regiment was this:

    Night Before: Pasta, not too much! The carbs really help, I think I also had some rice.

    Morning: One bowl of Raisin Bran
    Lunch: Fruit Smoothy (from one of those smoothy places, it had Energy Booster)
    During The Test: Half Gatorade and Half Water (1 Gallon).

    Before the test I believe I drank two to three liters of water before lunch. YOU will sweat it all out. I believe some of the guys at my test lost 5 to 10 pounds of water weight afterwards.

    After the test I kind of tripped up and ate a Jack in the Box burger. The ONE thing I wish I did afterwards though, was eat a banana or had a multivitamin with potassium. That night I woke up at about 3am and my left calve was cramped up as hard as concrete and I was almost screaming.

    Don’t quit, push through it hard, you’ve trained for it! You’d do great!


    Make sure you know the seven elbow strikes along with the 360 defense- Also practice up on your combatives that follow up after the choke releases, my teacher was looking for fast , smooth, flowing combatives for follow-ups. Personally, I was a nervous wreck to take the test, but the biggest fear was the anticipation. It ended up being a lot of fun and even though I made some minor errors, I passed. Best advice, don’t get all jazzed up- just think of it as a class, relax and have fun, -You will do fine!!! Let us know how you make out – Good luck, Gary


    Thanks everyone!

    Let me ask another question. I saw in other posts references to the test being taken with partners. Do they pair you up with one person for the entire test or do you switch off?


    For Level One, we generally try to get everyone to pair up before the test so that we know if we need to bring in an extra person to get to an even number. Most of the time, people will start recruiting a partner a few weeks before the test so that they have a chance to work with their partner and get a feel for how things will go on the test.


    Okay, I see. The reason I ask is because there is one person I often work with who is about 60+ pounds heavier than me (I’m about 155) and as strong as an ox. There are many women in the class, so I often work with this guy.

    He is a nice guy and all, but even with those pads working with him is a challenge. I can take being beat for a normal class, but if I have to do it for 6 hours I am honestly concerned that I’ll be injured, or at least worn and hurt to the point where I won’t be able to do well.

    Nothing to do but suck it up I guess. I don’t mean to be such a wimp, but he is going to have to do his best, and I want him to. I just want to survive being his partner and pass my test! 😀

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