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  • #63223

    Re: Level Testing?

    quote Ericajow:

    CJ’s Dad called me the other day, a “bag girl” 😉 (i.e. take mostly fitness classes)

    One more quote like that and your going to end up in my signature.

    signed “The Closet Bag Boy”


    Re: Level Testing?

    I hope there will be no objection to me sharing this… but Erica and her partner were nothing short of amazing on the test. So much so that when we were bowing out they were standing up front with the instructors at Junior’s invitation. They began the day with great intensity, held it all the way through and even picked it up during the test.


    Have fun in level 2!!!!


    Re: Level Testing?

    Awwww!!! Thanks, J! 🙂 You just made my day! I had a great time doing the test. The instructors were fantastic. 🙂


    Re: Level Testing?

    Oh … and I’ll pay you for saying all that later. 😉 Lol!!


    Re: Level Testing?

    Hey Sword,
    Just wanted to touch base with you. I am the guy from Michigan. I didn’t want to lose contact before I move down there. Hit me up!


    Re: Level Testing?

    Just a note, and this is not meant disrespectfully or condecending in any way.

    I’ve been doing Krav for 8 months, 2-4 classes a week, on average is 3. I’m level 2 and tested around the 5 month mark. I consider myself athletic and my conditioning is pretty good.

    With that being said, I still feel that some level 1 material is not ingrained into my muscle memory and sometimes when caught by suprise in class I still struggle with a few techniques.

    There really should be no rush to get your levels. When instructors day the basics from level 1 are the foundation for all others principals in the system they really mean it. Sure when I was a new guy and I saw the level 2’s rolling around and doing hooks and defending against 3 opponents I was excited to get a level. However you’re not going to be fully prepared after 1 or 2 months.

    I can’t stress it enough. Learn the basics, Krav will be there for you to advance in. You’re only hurting yourself by rushing past everything. Injuries can results from not knowing proper technique, for you and your partner.

    Good luck to the testers!


    Re: Level Testing?

    quote Nixxon:

    Just a note, and this is not meant disrespectfully or condecending in any way.

    I’ve been doing Krav for 8 months, 2-4 classes a week, on average is 3. I’m level 2 and tested around the 5 month mark. I consider myself athletic and my conditioning is pretty good.

    With that being said, I still feel that some level 1 material is not ingrained into my muscle memory and sometimes when caught by suprise in class I still struggle with a few techniques.

    There really should be no rush to get your levels. When instructors day the basics from level 1 are the foundation for all others principals in the system they really mean it. Sure when I was a new guy and I saw the level 2’s rolling around and doing hooks and defending against 3 opponents I was excited to get a level. However you’re not going to be fully prepared after 1 or 2 months.

    I can’t stress it enough. Learn the basics, Krav will be there for you to advance in. You’re only hurting yourself by rushing past everything. Injuries can results from not knowing proper technique, for you and your partner.

    Good luck to the testers!

    Second that Nixxon! One of the common complaints I hear from our head Instructor is that a lot of the people moving up to L2 and beyond stop going to Basics and L1 classes and lose out on keeping those base skills sharp – which makes for an even bigger issue when they go to test for the next level and can’t do a “lower level” tech properly.

    Krav builds upon itself steadily in my estimation, rushing to get to the next level seems counterintuitive. Though I do drool while watching my fellow L2 peeps learn new stuff that I’m restricted from for another few months. I’m finding that the extra time I’ll get to fine-tune my L1 tech’s and the additional cardio associated with Basics will help more in the long run.

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