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    I’m interested in learning krav maga, but I do not want to learn the “watered” down version that is for civilians. I’ve heard that both the military and law enforcement editions are superior to the ones marketed towards civilians. Is there any instructors that are willing to non police/non military the techniques that are normally taught to the military or police?

    I’d be willing to pay more for the courses, but I don’t know if the instructors are willing to change their policies for money.


    Re: Military or Police Krav Maga for civilians?

    It’s not about “watered down” or “superior techniques/editions” – it’s about different curricula, goals/intentions, and rules of engagement. I have not seen anything “watered down” for civilians in KMWW.


    Re: Military or Police Krav Maga for civilians?

    A “civilian” may be in a situation where the rules of engagement are different than what goes on in a normal functioning society. Not everyone spends their whole life in the United States,some people travel to high risk areas of the world for business. If something goes down civilian firearm training and civilian hand to hand combat training is going to be less effective than what you can learn in the courses that are usually military restricted.


    Re: Military or Police Krav Maga for civilians?

    Are you talking about working in security as a contractor? I believe there are specific classes catered to those in the security sector and third party protection. You should call your local Krav Maga center and ask if they offer classes like that for you.


    Re: Military or Police Krav Maga for civilians?

    quote aj90:

    A “civilian” may be in a situation where the rules of engagement are different than what goes on in a normal functioning society.

    Why are you quoting civilian? You misunderstand what ROE are. What are some examples of an ABnormal functioning society?

    Not everyone spends their whole life in the United States,some people travel to high risk areas of the world for business.

    Exactly what “business”? You don’t think there are “high risk” areas here in the US? To where are you planning to travel and exactly what kinds of things are going on over there that have never happened here in the US?

    If something goes down

    Exactly what do you mean by or what kinds of situations are you referring to when you say “goes down”?

    civilian firearm training and civilian hand to hand combat training is going to be less effective than what you can learn in the courses that are usually military restricted.

    In your experience, exactly what or which military/LEO firearms and hand to hand combat courses have YOU taken side by side or one after another with the civilian courses that prove your statement?

    OR, who is telling you these things?

    AND, why are you under the assumption that there is this “huge gap” in training methodology or effectiveness between civilian and military/LE training presented by Krav Maga World Wide in particular?

    AND/OR, please elaborate on exactly what is “superior” about Krav Maga World Wide military/LE Krav Maga training as compared to Krav Maga World Wide civilian Krav Maga training.


    Re: Military or Police Krav Maga for civilians?

    quote KMyoshi:

    Are you talking about working in security as a contractor? I believe there are specific classes catered to those in the security sector and third party protection. You should call your local Krav Maga center and ask if they offer classes like that for you.

    Good job Yoshi, you just let the cat out of the bag. Now he knows – he’s gonna skip right past civilian and military/LE and request the KMWW secret Blackwater Super High Intensity Training curriculum.


    Re: Military or Police Krav Maga for civilians?

    If your in a country where there is a high risk of an uprising or revolution that could break out, it seems like krav maga situated for the ROE that those bring out is better.

    I just heard from people that the military versions of martial arts is better than the civilian style ones. I’ve only taken taekwondo and karate and they both seemed so watered down and designed for kids than adults that need a hand to hand self defense training program.


    Re: Military or Police Krav Maga for civilians?

    quote aj90:

    If your in a country where there is a high risk of an uprising or revolution that could break out, it seems like krav maga situated for the ROE that those bring out is better.

    1. What would the ROEs be for an “uprising” or “revolution”?
    2. Last time I checked, KM does NOT have defense against an “uprising” or “revolution” anywhere in the curriculum – civilian OR military/LE – and I don’t know of ANY martial arts or self-defense system/school that Does.

    I just heard from people that the military versions of martial arts is better than the civilian style ones. I’ve only taken taekwondo and karate and they both seemed so watered down and designed for kids than adults that need a hand to hand self defense training program.

    Well, I think YMMV with that. Depending on style/school, some of it might be true, some of it might be hype/marketing, some of it might be just rumors.

    I would recommend sitting down and writing out exactly what you’re looking for in a martial art or self-defense system, what you’re hoping it will do for you and/or what tools you want it to provide you with, what your goals in training are, etc.

    Some KM schools may offer a free trial class or time period (other non-KM schools may also offer that too) and I say go and try it out (even if it’s “only” the civilian classes) to see how it feels and whether or not it fits your wish list. With KMWW, you may be pleasantly surprised at what the civilian side offers.

    Also, just because the military or LE uses “it” or trains “it” doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the “best” and/or would be a good fit or practical for all non-military/LE people…


    Re: Military or Police Krav Maga for civilians?

    quote Don:

    Good job Yoshi, you just let the cat out of the bag. Now he knows – he’s gonna skip right past civilian and military/LE and request the KMWW secret Blackwater Super High Intensity Training curriculum.

    :tantrum: my apologies!


    Re: Military or Police Krav Maga for civilians?

    quote Don:

    Good job Yoshi, you just let the cat out of the bag. Now he knows – he’s gonna skip right past civilian and military/LE and request the KMWW secret Blackwater Super High Intensity Training curriculum.

    Christ does this mean I have to write another manual?


    Re: Military or Police Krav Maga for civilians?

    As it was explained to me the “civilian” version of Krav Maga takes into account that 1) you are probably not wearing body armor so you do not face as much restrictions in movement, 2) you are probably not able to call for backup, 3) you probably do not have to detain the attacker for arrest, and 4) you might be able to run away. None of this suggest it is “watered down” or inferior to the Krav Maga that is taught to LE or Military. I’ve had former Spec Ops from the US Navy and US Army take my “civilian” version of Krav Maga and be impressed. I’ve had LE Krav Maga instructors join my “civilian” class to brush up and improve techniques. If you are looking for some Super-Secret Ninja club of Krav Maga you are going to be sorely disappointed.


    Re: Military or Police Krav Maga for civilians?

    I *think* what aj90 is saying is that he wants training geared towards staying and ending with a dead assailant. My thinking is based on these deductions:
    1. “Civilian” KM is centered on conflict avoidance, deterrence and survival-not staying and slugging it out.
    2. “LE” KM is approached as combination team and individual training designed around individual survival and assailant apprehension.
    3. “Military” KM is approached as combination team and individual training designing around individual survival and the death, or apprehension of the assailant; with artillery, mortars and IEDs going off while possibly operating in a CBRN environment.

    Military training is great, but it isn’t always applicable to “teh streetz”. Tailor your training to the environment you expect to be in, and your ability to use it there. If you’re working in an aid station, chances are that most people there aren’t able to defend themselves or have a moral aversion to doing so-so employing anything but a SERE mindset might get you captured or killed.


    Re: Military or Police Krav Maga for civilians?

    quote CJs Dad:

    Christ does this mean I have to write another manual?

    Only if you promise to include your flying monkey kick (and all the other secret techniques you’ve been keeping secret) in it…


    Re: Military or Police Krav Maga for civilians?

    quote KMKY:

    If you are looking for some Super-Secret Ninja club of Krav Maga you are going to be sorely disappointed.

    Oh man, here we go again… the first rule of super secret ninja club Is what??! :confused:
    Hint: it’s the same as the second rule…


    Re: Military or Police Krav Maga for civilians?

    See? Now you guys have got me doing it – I shouldn’t have said anything about any flying monkey kicks…

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