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  • #28844

    Well, not even sure what to say about this one…

    News story –

    Video –

    Foul language in the video, NSFW.


    If you ever want to feel kind of what a mob attack is like, go to the most hardcore mosh pit you can find.
    That situation would be so scary while in the car. I wouldn’t know whether to try to stick it out in the car or try to run (up until all the windows were gone, then it was no protection anyway.) If she had a handgun, she could probably have held out in the car through the whole thing. The next best thing would be a sharp knife to attack any limb as soon as it enters the car, but that would only work until someone came at you with a weapon (and with that many violent people there would be at least one). For a moment I though that maybe she could have put one of the guys in her guard to block one of the entrances so that she could focus more on fighting just one side’s punches and kicks (Ideally with a weapon like a knife, pepper spray, the aptly named Club, or a yawara). But this would most likely lead to the gang pulling you out by grabbing your legs, or by pulling out the guy in your guard.



    It be interesting to see what came of that. There didn’t seem to be any good samaritans in the crowd. Would n’t surprise me if you wound up dead.


    Another site that had this video posted a comment that the girl ended up dying, someone eventually fired 2-3 shots into the car.


    Wow! What did she do to deserve all that? 😕


    Does any site post this video in Quicktime format?

    So she was inside the car and a mob of people surrounded her and tried to pull her out? Could she have driven through the crowd? Were those people angry at her for any reason or was it just a sudden random attack?


    Someone go to GK’s house and get him hooked up with all the good internet video software!!!

    The car appears to be in a parking lot. Guy and girl in front seat, another girl in backseat. Car is parked. Mob surrounding the car. Someone in the mob confirms that the girl in the backseat is a snitch that ratted out some gang members. The guy in the drivers seat gets out and tells people to get off his car, but does not engage the mob. Finally he backs off, and the girl in the front seat gets out. The girl in the back is left alone, and slowly the mob breaks windows, opens doors, punches, kicks and attacks her. Eventually they tear her from the car and give her a mob beat down in the parking lot.

    Normally my comment to a car-jacking, mob car assult type thing would be to just hit the gas and run the bastards down. However, she was stuck in the backseat and her \”friend\” driving the car leaves her to the mob.


    I don’t know if the newest software would help. I don’t have DSL and I use a Mac. Some of those videos might only play on a Windows player?

    How many people were in the mob? That sounds like about the worst thing that could happen. I wonder if she could have said something to try and calm them down in some way. Those friends who just left her in the car are really to blame, too. If nothing else, they could have at least called the cops, maybe they would have been able to get there before she was badly hurt or even killed.

    If there is no way to talk your way out of a situation like that, I guess all you could do is try to stay in the car as long as possible (if it is completely surrounded), hoping for help to arrive, or maybe hoping that they’ll lose interest and leave before they get to you. Once they break windows, maybe one could use a piece of the broken glass as a weapon. Cut anyone, who tries to reach into the car and try to really make them bleed (cutting arteries, also tendons, whatever you can). If they pull you out or you try to get out on your own, probably try to cut if you can, kick, bite, anything, trying to break free and somehow get away. But it would be very hard.


    Even her \”friend\” deserted her.

    Tough luck!


    I’m also operating from a mac, and all the videos work fine. You just need Windows Media Player, which you can find for mac, and you have to download it instead of letting it stream. I think its free, but I could be wrong as it was already on my computer- I didn’t have to find it online. But if you get a really big file, it may run so slow that its pointless. The dial up is probably the main issue- I just switched to DSL about a month ago- definitely the way to go.

    I doubt that you could use the broken glass as a weapon. Most car windows are made out of safety glass which breaks into small square pieces (to prevent it from cutting the passengers in an accident). Also, tinting can make it all hold together. Otherwise, you could scoop up the little pieces and throw them into the eyes.

    Once it went to the ground, again I would advocate rolling around and kicking type groundfighting- the kind found in Attack Proof.
    (That might not play right). This type of groundfighting is considered pure crap by lots of BJJ guys from Bullshido- and they have a point because it relies on things that you can’t practice with full resistance (eye gouging and groin crushing) and they say that its stupid to roll around on the ground like that wiht multiple opponents. Anyway, its obvious that he is on the ground to demonstrate their style of groundfighting principles, but in real life he would be trying to get up whenever he could. I can verify that if you try this stuff sans dirty tactics (which are important), you won’t be able to free yourself from a good ground grappler, but conversely, conventional groundfighting would fail in the mob situation whereas kicking the groin and knees of standing opponents while trying to roll away from harm would work better.


    Is this real

    If this is a real situation, I am not sure there was any way out for her.
    Maybe if she happened to have a submachine gun. Other weapons may have changed the nature of the beat down, but I have a feeling the crowd could have escalated with some weapons too. It appears the car was not mobile enough to be used as a weapon. She did a good job of fighting to stay in the car, but outnumbered as she was, there is no way she can fight through that. It was like 30:1. I have yet to see that drill in Krav. Also, I don’t think she could engage the mob because it seems like this was quite calculated revenge – they even brought a cameraman.

    But I do have a question about its veracity for a few reasons. Perhaps I am just overly optimistic that a can of thirty can’t conduct a lynching in a public area which takes quite a bit of time to develop. We don’t see the how she got in this situation or how it ends. And whether videotaping themselves committing this and spreading it around discourages snitches enough to compensate for the legal risk seems doubtful.

    Here are things that bother me about it:

    1. There does not appear to be any attempt by any of the three people in the car to call for help. None of them own a cell phone?
    2. The people she is with give her up, even though they are not being very violently attacked themselves.
    3. The situation seems to be loud and take a long time to culminate, people are jumping on cars etc. Despite all this, police are unaware that a crime has been committed.
    4. Oakland police say they haven’t been able to identify the crime/perpetrators or presumably the victim. However, the video indicates she was attacked for snitching to \”local authorities\”. Seems like this shouldn’t be that hard to solve. Circulate the video to all local law enforcement. Somebody should recognize her as someone that gave information to them. See who she \”snitched on\”. Compare their associates to people on the video. So far the police say they have nothing.

    Also, it isn’t clear how the narrator (who does not sound like a gang member) knows she snitched on five or six members of the gang.

    Despite what a appears to be a brutal attack, at no point do we see any blood or hair pulled out. She appears to whether the blows OK. You don’t see her killed (though if it is really that is not an unlikely result). Someone said that someone fired bullets in the car – you wouldn’t need to do that to kill her. She was out of the car at the end.

    Of course as entertainment this would take a lot of effort to set up, but then so would really doing it.

    I could be totally wrong here though. What do you think?


    Towards the end of the video, right before she is pulled from the car, there are 2 big chunks of hair ripped out. Not that that should be much of a concern at this point, but it was posted that we didn’t see any pulled out and I disagree.

    My defense against that would be to stay the hell away. Man, what a shameful sight. I don’t know why the car was stopped, but I would be trying like hell to get to the front seat and drive out of there. I could care less if I ran anyone over.

    She should have been carrying a knife or something. Especially if you snitch on a gang……. you better be armed and paranoid. Keep the doors locked, and cut anything that comes into the car. If the driver is bailing on you, cut them and do not let them take the keys or open the door.


    FOM, I have a hard time believing this was staged. She doesn’t seem to be faking it, nor does the mob. Her \”friends\” don’t seem to be targeted at all and they don’t stick around, maybe she was set up by these so-called friends. As far as the police not showing up, I don’t have an answer, but check out this article about a shooting in my city that occured this summer. The area described is a \”main\” street in my city that is well traveled. The parking lot in question is in plain view from the street and is not very large. Original reports said that there were some 200 people present, but this article says about 100. In any event, the same question arises: why was there no police patrol in this area to notice such a large gathering? The police department is less than 5 miles away. My point is, if something like this can happen in a small city (about 100,000), then it doesn’t suprise me that it can happen in Oakland.


    Yeah, well I could be wrong too

    Didn’t spot the hair chunks – it’s kind of grainy.


    I can’t think of a more difficult situation. Trapped in a small area, outnumbered and (I assume) smaller and less physically powerful than most of the attackers.

    If the driver really cared about her, he should have turned on the engine and put the car in reverse.

    We actually had a KM student attacked by a mob a few years ago. He did the right thing. He got to his car. When they surrounded it, he hit the gas and drove through them. He never looked back to see who he’d hit or how badly.

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