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  • #39643

    Driving away from the situation would be the best defense, but the problem was, when the driver left the car, he probably took the keys with him. I’m not sure why the driver and the other passenger of the car left her alone with those vultures. It seems that if they cared about her at all, they would have driven away once the mob started gathering around the car.


    Real Nasty!!!! Real sad….. 🙁

    oakland, CA 😈

    My Take, The driver just didn’t know how to handle it, typical foggy brain due to panic. May not have even realized she was a narc, just knew abunch of Gansters and tuffs had mobed his car and where dancing on it. When I was younger I experienced this myself, when you realize that you are in the wrong place, with the wrong people, and the only cop that will ever see you is the one that finds your corpse. Unless you play it cool enough to get out alive…..

    The Girl that got beat just hoped for mercy and got none! 😕

    A can of pepper spray and some track shoes was all that could save her!!

    Survival points: I don’t wanna ever watch it again if its real, once was enough!! Notice how more and more people get bold and begin participating. First a few looking in and threateneing with the hands, then the jumping on the roof of the car. The driver even gets them to get down. But it escalates, the rear window is broken.

    You gotta get yourself out these things early. ( if you are a Narc well, your on your own there)

    Distruction of proterty is the first hurdle for the mob. No consequences, so they go further. Alot of the punches and kicks in the begining are real false and weak, but it is not staged, its just the mob stretching its boundrys. I saw this too when I was growing up, people going in and taking a pluck like vultures amoung lions.

    Once she getts pulled out of the car all hell breaks lose!!

    If its true she got shot in the end, it sounds like a real Gangster hard core came in for the finishing move. A few of the people are prob real gangsters, the rest are just wannabes trying to build credit or something.

    Predators feed on fear. she should have run like hell the minute some punks got on the roof…..cell phone? Witness protection program? i dont know about people any more….

    About the cops…..please, cops drive away from mobs like that, they will roll a police crusier and torch it in a heart beat!!!! Seen that too once. They wait it out or come in with many many fellows in force and with shields and helmets(seen that too, but I grew up in Riverside 😀 ). If you roll in the wolf pack, you are own your own.


    A regular off-the-street person would generally panic and just beg for mercy as was described. I’m not even going to look at the video. I’ve been in hostile mobs five times since Memorial Day and plenty more to look forward to in the months ahead. The panic is the killer.

    First of course you want to save your life. And you may never see the end coming or may be in denial as it does. But if I could, if I think I’m going down, find SOMETHING ANYTHING to cut with. Slash arms, hands, because you might hit arteries and cause a bleedout…you have nothing to lose. The belt buckle of a purse. You can also try and shove something in their mouth to make them choke, or grab stuffing from the seat to throw in your eyes that stuff can be real nasty. Take the strap of your purse and try and secure the door so its harder for them to open.

    It doesn’t sound like she had time but she might have tried to climb into the front seat and get to the glove compartment. Tried to open the trunk or hood to make you look bigger, or temporarily distract the crowd (and hope they don’t grab the tire iron that’s in there…) lean on the horn with all your might with one hand, or your chest, while slashing out with the others. Grab hair, clothing, jewely from your attackers. Get some of their blood on you and some of yours on them.

    None of which I would think of in that situation.

    Arrest the driver of the car, charge him with murder, offer to take the death penalty off the table WHEN he identifies the perps and they are convicted.


    You’ve been in hostile mobs five times since Memorial day???? How on Earth did THAT happen????

    Hmmm.. having to drive through a hostile crowd, who might even be shooting at you. Shows how important that \”driving under fire\” paint gun exercise really is. 😉

    Yeah, maybe she could have still used some of those broken glass pebbles to cut those guys. Honk the horn to get people’s attention. Maybe signaling SOS with it. Probably wouldn’t have done any good though.

    I wonder, if she had been able to drive the car and the crowd was extremely large, if it could have happened that those people would have piled up at or underneath her car as she was running through them, thus making it harder if nor impossible to get away (unless she was driving a Hummer or something). So, if it’s a large crowd, maybe one would need to drive forward, then backward again, create some space, then go.


    Well what would be nice, if nothing else, is to do something that leaves evidence (on them or you) so they can be caught. Thank goodness for DNA.

    Secondary to that, is cause them enough injury so they have to have medical treatment so they can be caught and identified that way. So the slashing works both ways. Yes, driving the car and slamming a few people might break some legs so they’ll need a hospital.

    Mobs, oh that’s me…mobsRus. That’s what I do.

    I hope Krav Maga comes up with third-party VIP protection. I looked online for that first and couldn’t find anything. Somebody gives the courses, 2000 a pop and limited to 12 per class. Sorry didn’t mean to hijack the thread.


    Mobs, that’s you? Still not sure what that means, but sounds unpleasant. 😕 😯 😉

    We do have third part protection in Krav Maga. We practice it sometimes in higher levels. I don’t know if there are any special seminars out there for that sort of thing.

    As for the girl and the mob, for that type of situation it would be a good thing to know how to hot wire a car. That way she could have started the engine without a key and possibly driven to safety.

    I always carry a \”Club\” in the car (that anti theft device). That might make a good weapon also, although against thirty people, it might not have made much of a difference either.

    Yes, creating DNA evidence would be a last resort. Smile at them from heaven while they are getting strapped to the electric chair!


    something like this, but jsut a WEE tad closer to home.


    Weird. It’s an Israeli website that’s in English with German sound….


    Gotta love how stories get twisted on the intar-w3b.

    Not that it changes how you should defend yourself, but it does show the viciousness of a mob. According to this story, a guy outside a club made a comment about her, she said something back, and the riot ensued. She was not a snitch, and if her story is true, that means the mob had no reason to beat her down except pure mob mentality.

    Freakin sick….


    At least now we know she survived. Looks like deescalation tactics could have been useful here. If she hadn’t \”disrespected\” that one guy and instead just ignored him, maybe this whole incident wouldn’t have happened. Then again it’s hard to say, they might have attacked her anyway.



    With the added info about the clip, the dude driving gained serious pussy points for just leaving her there to that mob.

    I hope those savages tore his car to pieces.


    the woman in question later stepped forward to authorities.

    she explains that a pimp tried to recruit her.

    she said no.

    his attack dogs went after her.

    she and her friends went to a bar near by- this trouble started after they left.

    i’ve seen behavior like this before in high school.

    somebody gets mad then dares a fool in the group to go and attack the victim.

    it makes sense to avoid dangerous areas filled with dangerous fools.

    remember in mob mentality- the entire group IQ drops so it becomes easy to manipulate them if you have previously condition then to follow your orders. todays groups have evolved into the gang mentality (the possie)

    the leader is the daddy figure, any attack would have met with a fierce retailation from the entire group instead of more active members.

    an earlier post was right, nothing short of intense fire-power or a show of force would had put an immediate end to this unprovoked assult.

    the young ladies in the car miss read the situation and it nearly cost their lives.

    on the positive side, we can all learn something from this awful situation.
    learn to read body language, gangs colors, hang-outs, and learn to perceive trouble spots and people. then avoid them!

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