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    What have you found to be a good (fairly quick) muscle recovery method between training?


    Sleep. I read a study that claimed muscle recovers faster during deep (is that called rem?) sleep obtained in the 6-8 hour range; unfortunately, I forget where I read it. Personally, I get a great workout the day after a good night’s rest, so it makes sense to me.


    Working off memory here so may be off on a few things…

    Your muscles will recover about 50% within a few seconds of an exercise (it’s that last 50% that can take forever sometimes). What I have always been advised is to do some light movements just to keep a steady flow of blood into the muscles (walking stretching, etc). Last thing you want to do is sit or lay down for long periods of time after a hard workout as that will usually bring on the soreness.


    Both are correct. You don’t want to be completely inactive for the first few hours after an intense workout, let your muscles \”slow down\” before they stop. It’s kinda like when you finish a run and you’re supposed to walk to cool down before you completely stop, better for your heart that way. Aside from that, one of the best ways to recover is eat lots of carbs and protein, and get plenty of rest in between workouts.


    I go for a swim.
    An easy swim for about half an hour does miracles.


    Re: Muscle recovery

    quote \”brotherobin\:

    What have you found to be a good (fairly quick) muscle recovery method between training?

    There is no quick solution to muscle recovery. What I have read in Muscle Fitness magazines and even in Men’s Health is that (1) you MUST have 8-10 hours of sleep each night. (2) You should take in protein before, and after your workouts… (3) ensure you taking enough BCAA’s, Arginine, and Glutamine.

    I am not a doctor… just someone who lives in the weight room 5 days per week…. and I don’t have a problem with muscle recovery….

    Just a thought…


    Go to your local GNC/Walmart (Yes they have it too) and pick up some stuff called Glucocimine. You can get it in powder/pill form however you would like to take it.

    Its not an end all cure all, but it will aid your muscles in healing faster. Other than that hot baths and lots of sleep always work for me when I am sore.


    If you’re talking about soreness from working out rather than injury, I find the worst thing for me is to just rest, the best thing is to move, go exercise.


    Are you looking for info on soreness, or how to recover enough so you can go hard again.


    \”…how to recover enough so you can go hard again.\”
    I’m trying to keep enough strength and flexibility to be able to work out just as hard on wednesday as i did on monday as i did on saturday…etc.
    I keep a steady flow of vitamins, minerals, aminos, proteins and other supplements in my blood stream… i’ve been soaking in the tub, resting, stretching, using tiger balm and i always make sure to feed my body within my prime post workout window… but i’m still sore for 2-3 days… if possible, i’d like to cut that down to 1 day.


    You need to be careful you don’t over do it. I moved to a protein diet just last week. For two reasons, one to lose some weight and also to help my muscles re-coop (I have super bad shoulders/tears).

    The second day of my protein diet I felt tired, thinking it was the fact that I just tested on Sunday, I didn’t think much of it. The third day, I felt the same and going to classes I had no energy and my body felt messed up. Realizing that I’ve started something new and sometimes it takes the body a little time to get use to it, I kept taking one scoop for about 4 days. On the fifht day, I woke up feeling really messed up and at one point for about an hour my vision starting getting a funky on me. I stopped taking the protein and all of my problems went away.

    Moral of the story, make sure you aren’t over doing your intake, you could be making things worse. I found out that my body was getting or making too much amino acids. At least that is what a couple people told me that had simular experiences.

    If it isn’t an injury, push through it, your body will get stronger and the soreness will go away. Remember the first couple of weeks of Km, I thought my body was never going to feel good again, now my body misses it if I don’t work out.



    How intense are your workouts? How old are you? I dunno man, if you’re in that much world of hurt post-workout, perhaps you should tune it down a notch or two.


    Good questions. Most people look at the workouts we do at our gym and can’t concieve of doing them. I tell my people working out with the intensity we do is like building callousous. If you go at building them slowly you will do fine. If you start right off with sander on your hand trying to build them your probably going to destroy yourself.
    What are you doing for your workouts? If you are following the bodybuilding model you could do better. Bodybuilders are fairly non functional animals. KM is all about functionality.


    I was doing the velocity diet last summer while doing Krav, and I passed out in calss from lack of energy. I found that if I’m doing just protein shakes and fish oil, I need an extra kick for class, so I eat a regular snickers and drink a gatorade before/during class, and I’m good to go. It’s enough calories and especially sugar calories that you wanna burn right away to keep me going in class, and small enough taht I don’t get cramps while working out. I also wanna try drinking a Surge during a Krav workout like I would for lifting and see if it gives me that immediate energy. It’s definitely better for you than a Snickers!


    Thanks for all the info… i’m 30, i don’t do any free weight training anymore, mainly strength conditioning (bodyweight) and endurance training. I think i just needed to take a break. I feel much better after 4 days off, a big pot roast dinner last night and a light jog this morning. Thanks again for the insight.

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