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  • #28242

    For people over 50 yrs old. I would like to hear your workout regiment. I train in Krav Maga 3 times a week and play full court basketball 3 times a week. I have also been doing some curls. I take b-complex vitamin and drink 100% whey protein before and after training. I enjoy both Krav Maga and basketball. I cannot imagine giving up either one, but would like to have more energy. I am completely drained a short time after both. Any ideas?


    Post 50 exercise

    With my 55th birhday in the rear-view mirror,I find that I often have to use tylenol before going to class & the morning after.

    Oh well,no pain…….yada,yada,yada

    6 days a week,I start my day with 1/2 hour of stretching,pushups,& situps.
    This is to reduce the number of back strains that I’m prone

    M,W,F 1 hour weight sessions
    M,W running sessions of 5 to 6 miles.
    S or Sun run for 10 to 18 miles

    T 15 minutes of off/on jump-rope ( not good enough to go non-stop
    without catching my feet. Then 10 to 15 minutes putting the big
    whoop on Century-Bob

    T,Th Krav class

    Th am I may do an hour on the elliptical cross-trainer


    ah yes. I did forget the pain. I take at least 600 mg. of ibuprofen a day. And I also ice at least one body part and take a hot bath everyday


    At 63, I try to stay as active as possible with my work and single parent schedule (still have three adult kids living with me). I attend level-2 Krav classes on Monday/Thursday – occasionally attending both the level-1 and level-2. I try to make a Saturday class when I can. I try to maintain a workout schedule at home on Tuesday/Wednesday when possible. I work out on my heavy bag to the tune of the Bas tapes then do some weight trianing, push-ups and abs. Then stretch. Sometimes I’ll get on the treadmill or attempt to jump rope. I do have difficulty with push-ups and certain weight training routines since I injured my shoulder (Type-2 A-C seperation).

    I usually try to suffer the pain if I can without medication (tylonel/ibuphrofin). I’m already quite the pill head as it is. Vitimen C, E, B-complex, one-a-day asperin, garlic tablet, ginsing & ginko. Then there’s them old age pills – Previcid, Zorcor, Zyrtec and Bextra.
    (Anybody got any water – it’s time for another pill 😥 )


    I have not hit 50 yet, but one thing I have found true as I entered early old age is it is not the overtraining that gets me, but the under recuperation.


    \”as I entered early old age\”
    uh oh. When does this start


    I am 51 and have been doing KM for over two years. I train 3X per week and lift weights 2 to 3 times per week. I’ll also throw in some Bas on non KM days. Just a few rounds to work up a sweat. This is coming off of a relatively sedentary lifestyle which included over eating and smoking. No more. I also found that obviously stopping smoking helped, but eating a clean, well balanced diet helps with training and recovery. Pain, yeah, I’m always nicked up, but I take aspirin and move on. I’m in the best shape of my life, and delight in the fact that I can outwalk, outrun, and naturally out fight most of the people in my age bracket.


    I had to eliminate the daily aspirin since I started taking Krav.The bruises & \”eggs\”(lumps) that I’d get on my arms have diminished since I substituted tylenol for aspirin.
    I know that i gave up the clot-prevention aspirin benefit by doing this.


    I used to take Tyelnol for pain, but my doctor told me to stop taking it. Something to do with possible reactions due to other medication I take. Also, I can’t eat grapefruit (which I used to love) or drink grapefruit juice due to taking Zorcor.


    Regarding the grapefruit juice problem .I just read the product insert for VYTORIN,the new dual-action anticholesterol drug.

    To interfere with the drug safety-wise,it says that you would need to drink
    >1 quart of grapefruit juice a day.For most people,it is a non-issue.


    Asprin use

    I am a cardiology physician assistant (and a Krav Manic). We believe asprin (ASA) should be in the water. If you find it is giving you too much bruising try a smaller dose- 81 mg a day, or take it everyother day. You’ll get some proctection from clots still, but less side effects.


    You should be drained, if you’re giving your all. young, or old alike. I’m 48, and after a strenuous Krav workout, or Bas, or whatever workout i’m doing, i feel it. you can tell if you’re dogging it. there are many before and after drinks you can try that can help reduce the effects of training. too many to mention here.a google search for them will help point you in the right direction. as one poster has recommended, overtraining and little recoup time is not your friend. you need good sleep, good hydration(before and after your workout), try taking a good sports multivitamin as well. lots of the really good drink mixes are quite expensive, just so you know. good luck with your training. at 50, you’re doing more than what 3/4 of the population is doing. i find my stamina is the first thing to go if i slack off for any length of time, and when things break, they don’t heal as quickly as they did when i was in my 20’s and 30’s. other that, life is all good. keep up the good work.

    BTW, I train in Krav about 3-4 days a week, plus some supplemental bas rutten cd’s and running.


    I take low dose asperin every day, along with other vitimans. I also just recently started taking a juice called Mona Vie. I think it has really helped with the arthritis in my hips and lower back pain.



    I don’t know much about mona. I do know that keeping moving is the best thing you can do for arthritis.
    I lived in Kissimmee several years in the 70’s. Went back for a funeral 2 years ago, wow had it changed down there! I live in Jax now, I know you are cooking like we are- hot as can be!



    quote \”BradM\:

    I also just recently started taking a juice called Mona Vie. I think it has really helped with the arthritis in my hips and lower back pain.

    I tried a bottle of it (as per the multi level marketing instructions to \”share\” it has the sellers do) and experienced absolutely nothing remarkable to make me want to ante-up the $60 it would cost me to get another bottle. At least that’s how much the guy who was trying to do me a favor by offering me the \”opportunity\” to become an authorized distributor was selling it for…


    What you’re getting in Mona Vie is fruit juice… 19 or 20 different juices. Some common, some not so common. The important berry being marketed here however, is the acai berry. The list of health benefits associated with this berry is quite impressive.

    But save yourself the money and just buy 100% pure acai juice at kroger or health food stores for about $3-4. The health benefits found in all fruit juices and \”healthy\” foods also perform just as amazing tricks such as fighting cancer, anti-inflammatory properties, cardiovascular benefits, gaining energy, improving cholesterol numbers… etc etc etc. Maybe the reason I didn’t \”feel it\” when I tried the Mona Vie was because I was already eating with a purpose and drinking something just as healthy although maybe not quite as \”packed\” with the same anti-oxidants etc: pomegranate juice. So I drink a little more and get the same benefits.

    The danger I see with relying so heavily on one product like mona vie (other than spending more than you need to), is the tendency people have to stop looking for other sources. The best bet is to get your anti-oxidants, flavinoids, proteins, omega-3’s, vitamin K1’s (important for assisting in calcium absorption in bones and found in dark leafy greens like collard greens), and all the other nutrients from a wide variety of sources. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket, nor all your berries in one bottle.

    I don’t think people know just how healthy some of the most common foods we have are. Sometimes the health benefits seem more possible if the berries come from some dark Amazonian jungle. The \”secret\” to the success of Mona Vie isn’t some obscure elixir… it’s the act of intentionally ingesting something healthy for you on a regular basis. It works with eating right too, and is much more beneficial in the long run.

    Read thru some descriptions from the list of the \”Worlds Healthiest Foods\”, and I think you’ll be as amazed as I was. In particular, click on a food, then scroll down a little bit til you see \”Health Benefits\”:

    I’m really not anti-acai… just anti multi level marketing. 😀

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