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    I would like to start a forum for those who place themselves in harms way in the name of journalism and other dangerous but non-combative jobs. We exist in a gray area between civilian and police (and even sometimes military) when it comes to the situations we are exposed to. The press also has the added disadvantage of being saddled with expensive, often cumbersome equipment!

    It is my belief that we could benefit from our own specially tailored training program. I was a press photographer during the G20 in Pittsburgh, PA. and delt with police OC gassing as well as embittered protesters who considered us targets for their anger.

    We were infact attacked by two very angry, very drunk protesters who pinned a partner I was with and began beating him while shouting anti goverenment slogans. It is at that point I realized the press not only needs to protect themselves they need to defend their fellow journalists!
    I hope others in the media see this thread and collectively express their needs! I am also hoping Krav Maga Worldwide sees this and is inspired to create a Krav Press Program.

    Thank you all and safe reporting!

    I have also posted photographes from a few stories I have covered incluiding G20, LA Fitness Homicides, and a fire in Bridgeville, PA. These hopefully illustrate some of the situations the Press faces.



    Re: Press, Media & Journalism

    yes it is very good informative post lovely


    Re: Press, Media & Journalism

    quote MrWright:

    I would like to start a forum for those who place themselves in harms way in the name of journalism and other dangerous but non-combative jobs. We exist in a gray area between civilian and police (and even sometimes military) when it comes to the situations we are exposed to..

    Uhhh… No, I am sorry but there is no grey area. Media are civilians.

    You may often get caught between opposing groups, I agree. Sometimes, especially in war zones, it is deadly. Sometimes you are sought out by an oppositional group looking for media exposure, and sometimes you are targeted. Sometimes gang bangers will target you to steal your equipment.

    I would not go to those areas unarmed as you guys do. You are insane! Lol. Just kidding.

    I do not know you would get that many journalists together to get a special course developed, but I think many instructors can tailor a seminar for your group (mine does).

    But I am a newbie, so what the heck do I know! Lol

    Good luck!


    Re: Press, Media & Journalism

    I hate spam…


    Re: Press, Media & Journalism

    quote MURDR:

    I hate spam…

    I agree, but I don’t think this is spam or a troll.

    I could be wrong.


    Re: Press, Media & Journalism

    I think it’s spam. Look at the second post. It’s a commonly used generic “good post” post (I used to run a website and got lots of them), and also, the links in his sig suggest it’s spam. Just thought I’d let you know.


    Re: Press, Media & Journalism

    I hope you do not concider my post or this thread spam. I wish to use this post at an outlet for press to speak about safety issues while reporting.

    Journalists are in fact civilians and that fact is not a grey area. Let me refrase by saying although we are civilians we are often the target of violence that the average person is not caught up in. I hate to say it but we in some cases purposefully place ourselves in harms way.

    We deserve a special skillset designed for these situations.

    P.s. Those are my pictures taking in or around Pittsburgh. The first one was used as The Almanac’s (a Pittsburgh paper) front page headline pic!


    Re: Press, Media & Journalism

    quote MrWright:

    I hope you do not concider my post or this thread spam. I wish to use this post at an outlet for press to speak about safety issues while reporting.

    Journalists are in fact civilians and that fact is not a grey area. Let me refrase by saying although we are civilians we are often the target of violence that the average person is not caught up in. I hate to say it but we in some cases purposefully place ourselves in harms way.

    We deserve a special skillset designed for these situations.

    P.s. Those are my pictures taking in or around Pittsburgh. The first one was used as The Almanac’s (a Pittsburgh paper) front page headline pic!

    Well, most spammers don’t post again, so yeah, Admin had it right :beer:

    However, just asking, what does this have to do with Krav Maga? I may have just misunderstood, because the OP was worded weird.


    Re: Press, Media & Journalism

    Allow me to translate what I took away from his post.

    “my job causes me to put myself into some seriously dangerous situations, I came to these forums looking for help to protect myself when the sh1t hits the fan.


    Re: Press, Media & Journalism

    quote CJs Dad:

    Allow me to translate what I took away from his post.

    “my job causes me to put myself into some seriously dangerous situations, I came to these forums looking for help to protect myself when the sh1t hits the fan.

    Thanks, lol, I guess my reading comprehension has gone down the sh1tter :(:


    Re: Press, Media & Journalism

    quote MrWright:

    We deserve a special skillset designed for these situations.

    Just wondering if you could explain Why you would need something more “special” than a standard civilian Krav Maga curriculum (and What you would need that’s different)…


    Re: Press, Media & Journalism

    I was wondering that myself. Last I checked, media weren’t active participants in offensive or defensive engagements.


    Re: Press, Media & Journalism

    Who do you work for? The first step should be talking to your employer? This is out of my expertise but the way it was described to me by a guy at the CBC back in the day is that they get mandatory training before going to any dangerous region, or if they are covering particular types of news that could involved danger ie.-protests, etc. This includes everything from situational awareness, to understanding and respecting the laws of foreign states. Basic self defense, how to talk to people, etc.

    The CBC did an interview with a CBS Journalist a few months ago. Laura Hogan. Cannot find the link, but I”m sure a quick google search would turn it up..but she was sexually assaulted in a mob of Egyptians when they were rioting for democracy. They discuss some associations for journalists out there that do have training courses, and programs that give you the tools to minimize your exposure in tough and unsafe situations.

    As a journalist, your probably more familiar with the organziations and profressional associations out there, and that might also be a good place to start too. If your contracted out, and on your own perhaps get a hold of your association to get some initial training and understanding before jumping into anything.


    Re: Press, Media & Journalism

    Thank You all For Replying!

    I have been very busy so I have not had the time to post.

    I have worked for various papers in Pittsburgh such as The Almanac/Observer Reporter. In Honduras I covered day to day life as a photo essay. I am also contracted by Allegheny County to document engineering and parks projects.

    What I have come to realize is that when I am covering a story I run into problems with 3 unique situations:

    1. Some people do not want the Press around and think if they destroy their equipment they will go away.

    2. I am carrying expensive, cumbersome equipment which restricts my movement that can not be removed easily (nor will I let them steal it if I can help it).

    3. If my self-defense actions, though justified seem to aggressive I might inadvertently insight violence toward other Journalists.

    I hope to find suggestions here on how to defend myself and my equipment so as not to escalate any situation. The police have enough on there hands and must deal with their own situation rather than mine.

    Most of what I deal with are threats from people who don’t want their friend or family member’s face and name showing up in the news the next day. I feel bad for them but its my job and I know that at any time they could through a punch or try to slap the camera from my hand.

    I hope to here back from you all. Thank You!


    Re: Press, Media & Journalism

    Each situation you encounter is going to be different – there aren’t any cookie cutter answers or procedures for you. That being said, I think if you use common sense, discretion, a bigger lens, and remember the golden rule, you will probably be ok.

    insisting on your “rights” to film or report to the point of possibly receiving injury or having something else negative happen to you is probably not a good idea

    being a pain the ass during a highly charged or emotional/tragic time is not likely to win you friends either

    staying out of the way, maintaining greater distance, being unobtrusive is going to reduce your chances of becoming a target

    if you were someone else involved in a situation, would you want someone like you doing what you are doing or thinking of doing?

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