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  • #43755

    Nancypants’s account of her decision making process about whether to take each test — especially the second paragraph — exactly describes mine, hence some slight envy at Lor’s ability to maintain a solid grip on individual goals and training purpose.

    An alternative to private lessons is to attend a class that you know will be sparsely attended, say a mid-week, mid-day class. You can get more individualized attention and work with training partners you might not otherwise get to be with and this might present new situations and technique issues that inspire questions and, in turn, address points to fine tune as you approach your test.

    Lor, your initial reaction, or lack thereof, to your husband’s play attack is a powerful example of the importance of the knee-jerk response to attacks. Your surprise at being attacked by someone close to you might come close to the sensation of disbelief and surrealism you might experience when encountering a \”random\” attack \”in the streets and be the cause of the moment of shock and inaction.

    This moment, however, might be your (and my) single best advantage in responding to an attack. Because it is difficult and, at least, unconventional, to attack and defend at the same time, an immediate, and even simultaneous, response to an assault ñ as taught in Krav ñ will take advantage of your attackerís focus on his or her attack. He or she will be not prepared for your response.

    Also, perhaps the location of the play attack had something to do with your freeze response, raising the idea that we should try to, pardon the contradiction in terms, be prepared for the unexpected. The last place you’ll need true self-defense is in the training hall.


    I see an Inspector Clouseau/Cato relationship developing. 😛

    My reaction was terrible, but it was a learning experience. Add to that the fact that he knows I like to go for the groin, so he immediately protected himself, robbing me of the *one* move I can remember.

    I did eventually remember to grab his face, but one finger ended up in his mouth. 😡

    The biggest thing I noticed though is that he wasn’t afraid to be rough with me, whereas I imagine that’s tough for the guys in class. The aggressiveness he displays freaks me out, even though I know he isn’t going to hurt me. Then my mind goes blank. And he’s not a real big guy either (a little over 5’9\”, 186 lbs., I’m 5’7\”, 125), nor does he have any martial arts training. But he can throw me around like a ragdoll. I surprised him once a couple of weeks ago with an elbow to the ribs, but that’s because he wasn’t expecting it. Now he cranks it up a little, and I want to run in the other direciton. 😆

    Honestly, I’ve only been at this for 2.5 months, 1 day a week, so I don’t expect to be able to outmaneuver him at this point. But boy…it was a wake up call.

    Good news: The dog heard the scuffle and came in to rescue me. 😀



    This has been discussed on this and other forums, and the thing I think to remember is the lack of REAL fear which in turn creates no adrenaline output and so on. However the very next time Hubby wants to show you he can still handle his lady… drop a little firm but not lethal knowledge on him.
    i.e. heel strike to the solar plexes (not comfortable but won’t kill him) if you hit him where your trained to hit, it may cause some real damage in a not so real situation.

    My bro-n-law tested my knowledge a yr. or so back and learned the hard way not to test just for the sake of seeing if he can get the punch in. I caught the start of his attempt and had him pissin’ himself with an armbar that was in deep. 😈 Before I let him go, I made him promise not to try my patience with this stuff because to me it’s no joke. And because relatives are relatives they sometimes like to see if they can get away with something, which I think is taking advantage of the relationship we carry with them.



    Just want to point out, we playfight for fun. We’ve been doing that since we met, and now he does it with the kids (they love it). We’re not that unlike a litter of puppies. 🙄 So he isn’t ambushing me to prove he can still handle me or anything.

    I think I prefer to practice with him actually. I asked him if we could practice again tonight. (Which is kind of a weird conversation when you think about it…\”Will you choke me again tomorrow?\”…\”Yeah, sure. After dinner.\” ) 🙂


    Some call it foreplay! 😆




    Malo, malo, malo eres, no se dana a quien se quiere no….

    Man, sounds like you guys got some domestic violence issues going on! 😆 And with the kids, too? \”Sorry, honey, can’t come down to dinner right now, I’m busy choking the toddler…\”. Scary stuff, indeed… 🙁 😉

    On the issue of not just training for the training hall, makes me think of going down to the garage again… I know there is a Krav school where they have one class that is routinely held in a park and people train there with their street clothes on. Sounds kind of cool. Could we ever do that here? 😀


    My father-in-law once found a cartoon of a man and woman brawling on the couch while watching a hockey game. He labeled it with our names, proudly displaying it on the fridge. 😆

    Training outside sounds interesting.


    It certainly does! Let’s do it!! 😀



    no disrespect intended. 😕 Just jokin’ around.


    I knew that, hence the \”twisted\” 😈 and not 👿 .

    Believe me, I can take quite a bit of teasing. A person would have to go pretty far to offend me. 😀


    That person shant be me. My mama and wife say so! 😆


    We have our evening classes outside and I absolutely love it – it’s just a completely different training environment than being in the gym. Of course, we’re really lucky in that we’ve only had five or six class nights that have dropped below 60 degrees this winter! I’m not so sure if I’m still going to love it in July/August when it’s 95 degrees and 100% humidity at 6:00pm. 🙂

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