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    The search function doesn’t appear to be working right now so I’ll just ask. A buddy of mine and I were talking about Krav and BJJ (I take Krav and he does BJJ). He asked if I knew of any videos that showed Krav being used. He’s talking more of a UFC type video where Krav practitioners are using their skills to fight someone. I know there are some great training videos out there but does such a \”krav in action\” video exist anywhere? Thanks.



    Hey Walt,

    I have wondered the same thing. I believe there might be such a video, or a KM person fighting in UFC for example. I think this because of the type of traing we do. We train to defend ourselves and take out the person with as much force and devastation as possible. Now, with that being said, I am sure a KM person could fight in UFC, but they would probably have to train differently for that type of fighting…


    You don’t train Krav Maga for MMA. This has been covered many times here, but just in case…

    There have been numerous KM instructors who have done sport fights, but they STOP training KM to train for those fights. The goals are different, the delivery systems are different, the philosophies are different, and the priorities of training are different.

    You may be able to find a video of someone who has trained in KM doing a sport fight, but you won’t \”see\” KM in the fight.


    You want a good way to show your BJJ buddy Krav in Action? You and him go out to the sleezyist scummiest biker bar you can find. Pick the hottest girl there with the biggest boyfriend and see which of you two (You or your BJJ bud) makes it out of the bar in one piece. 😆


    Ron, while I get the joke and appreciate the sentiment, even this is not valid. Someone who truly understands self protection would avoid situations such as this like the plague.


    Ryan…SHHHH! 😈 I want to see if he will actually do it.

    Comon..you never let me pick on the new guys 😆


    Sorry… 😳

    Navy, what Ron said. 😉


    I’m with ya. I’ve already mention to him that he’s not going to find anything of the sort, but I thought I’d double check to make sure. I figured the closest thing will probably be video coverage of an expo or training session.

    As for the Sleezy biker bar comment:
    1) I’ve already got the hottest wife around
    2) While I’m new to Krav, I’m not new to the concept of self defense, I’d never be in an environment such as this.
    3) I appreciate your enthusiam in helping out the newbies! 😉


    …. He asked if I knew of any videos that showed Krav being used. ….

    try these;


    http://www.kravmaga.nu/videos/[email protected]



    quote \”Ryan\:

    You don’t train Krav Maga for MMA. This has been covered many times here, but just in case…

    There have been numerous KM instructors who have done sport fights, but they STOP training KM to train for those fights. The goals are different, the delivery systems are different, the philosophies are different, and the priorities of training are different.

    You may be able to find a video of someone who has trained in KM doing a sport fight, but you won’t \”see\” KM in the fight.

    Our school hosted a fight night once at a bar where we watched videos of ourselves fighting each other. Very instructive…and embarrasing 😳 .

    Anyway, during that night they showed a fight of an LA instructor, I’m pretty sure it was John Whitman but I don’t want to say it definitively b/c my memory is poor. Now I agree, Ryan, that he wasn’t specifically using Krav. However, as I recall, he did break his arm while fighting and continued the fight, even punching with the broken arm…now that is definitely Krav mentality if not technique 😉 . Great video, I’m glad I finally got to see it after hearing about it for so long.


    You left out the most important part….He won.



    quote \”garddawg\:

    You left out the most important part….He won.

    That is important, garddawg…but I think the most impressive part is he continued a ring fight with a broken arm. I mean there’s a ref and the ability to bail out; but no, he continues to fight as if he were on the street, even using the broken arm 😈 . Now that’s good television.


    Yes, but it was a Thai boxing fight. The KM training mindset may be important to this end in a competitive fight, but you won’t \”see\” KM, and it actually may be detrimental to a degree (too aggressive, not willing to quit even though you are in injured, etc.)

    I’ve seen the fight as well, and John’s fortitude (as well as his skill) is very impressive, but if you sent that video to someone as \”Krav Maga in Action\”, they’d tell you it was Thai boxing.


    I know, Ryan. I was just teasing, hence the 😉 (wink). I have to learn that you can’t convey tongue in cheek through the internet, regardless of what emoticons you use. It was a shameless abuse of an opportunity to reference the fight itself.


    I’ve never seen the video, but would like to. John, how about a screening? 😀 Great fighting spirit, but from what I know it turned out to be a pretty serious break. I wonder how much damage was done after the initial break when John kept on fighting. How many rounds were left at that point? How many times did that already broken arm get hit? 🙁 Was it worth the victory?

    As for KM \”in action\” videos, how about surveillance tape of somebody using KM to defend themselves? Do such videos exist?


    You couldn’t possibly have the hottest wife around. I thought that honor went to KravMDjeff….

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