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    Re: Strength and stamina workouts for krav maga.

    Since you’re short on space and equipment check out Ross Enamait’s Never Gymless: http://www.rosstraining.com/nevergymless.html. The man know his stuff and he does not overcharge. You’ll get your money’s worth. I have his Infinite Intensity and Full Throttle Conditioning and couldn’t be more impressed with them.


    Re: Strength and stamina workouts for krav maga.

    quote Snake Eyes 88 USMC:

    Living room full of people, Equipment costs money and it’s short in this day and age, I live in the country 15 or so miles out of town, nearest gym is far away and costs to much of the precious afforementioned money to join.

    That I can do, plenty of room outside to run and such.
    Push ups take no space, I can do pull ups off the trees in my yard.

    What kind of variety of push ups would make a good all round workout to alternate in between, I know thier is more than just the standard 1234 Marine Corps Push Up.

    What kind of Reps and how many would be recommended.
    A certain number of sets to failure, Pyramid Reps, I want to make sure I build up but not just burn out.


    Snake it sounds like your making excuses to not work out. You have a yard, awesome. Thats a perfect place to workout.

    Go buy 3 burlap bags and layer them onto each other and then fill it with sand. Run with it. Throw it. Lift it (deadlift style). Bench Press It. Put it on your back and pushup with it.

    Jumping jacks.
    Find a big tractor tire (You can get em for free most time because people don’t want to pay disposal costs). Flip it over, jump into it, jump out, flip it again. Repeat.

    Tie a rope to your tire, tie the other end around your waist. Sprint.
    Tie a rope to your tire, stand at the end of the rope, pull the tire to you.

    Flutter kicks, crunches, mountain climbers.
    Buy a kettlebell and do swings, clean jerks, and presses.
    Jump rope.

    I even posted a HUGE list about a month ago that had workouts you can do in a hotel room. Search hotel room workout.


    Re: Strength and stamina workouts for krav maga.

    quote Nixxon:

    Snake it sounds like your making excuses to not work out. You have a yard, awesome. Thats a perfect place to workout..

    Not really I am actually a pretty physicaly active person I am however really probing for info, I lurk this place alot and see alot of great help and info.
    The generic Get Bas or Crossfit doesnt always work for everyone, I know there is some knowledgable people around here…share the info…share the wealth.

    I would really like to not only have, but understand a good work out, just pushing for knowledge not canned goods.

    Thanks to the responses for those that helped.

    Links and responses provided were helpfull.


    Re: Strength and stamina workouts for krav maga.

    I’m not meaning to offend, but I don’t understand how the “generic Get Bas or Crossfit” doesn’t work for everyone?

    You can apply the principals of each of those programs to pretty much any situation. There are tons of workouts listed on CrossFit, and with a little imagination you can modify any of them to pretty much any situation without the need of any equipment.

    You were asking for workouts, not why the workouts work. Thats an entirely different animal which you need to be specific about.


    Re: Strength and stamina workouts for krav maga.

    I also strongly recommend you check out Ross Enamait stuff. His stuff is very applicable to any combat sports, and needs minimal equipment. It’s also easier to perform than crossfit. He has a whole book called “never gymless”


    Re: Strength and stamina workouts for krav maga.

    quote sfolk:

    Since you’re short on space and equipment check out Ross Enamait’s Never Gymless: http://www.rosstraining.com/nevergymless.html. The man know his stuff and he does not overcharge. You’ll get your money’s worth. I have his Infinite Intensity and Full Throttle Conditioning and couldn’t be more impressed with them.
    quote Emil:

    I also strongly recommend you check out Ross Enamait stuff. His stuff is very applicable to any combat sports, and needs minimal equipment. It’s also easier to perform than crossfit. He has a whole book called “never gymless”

    I have heard nothing but positive responses from the people whou did the workouts on http://www.rosstraining.com He seems to hit all that you would need for working out anywhere. A lot of the Muay Thai fighters and trainers from http://www.Mymuaythai.com have written blurbs about it.

    I haven’t tried it myself yet… So let me know if you give it a shot.


    Re: Strength and stamina workouts for krav maga.

    The book that I was trying to remember the name for is “Power Factor Training” by Peter Sisco and John Little from McGraw-Hill publishers. I don’t reccomend everything in the book neccessarily because a lot of it is simply aimed at body building. What I do appreciate about the book is that it very clearly breaks down for you what a muscle is actually doing during an exercise. Then they also explain very clear methods for measuring increases in muscle capabilities. Another thing and I guess the most important for me is the emphasis they have on getting away from the “Oh, he did 50 pushups and the other guy did 40 so the first is stronger” mentality that fails to take so much else into account. Their methods of keeping track of exercises force you to not only focus on repetitions, but intensity, duration of a set (ie. time factor), weight lifted, etc… which in my mind ends up giving a much better idea of what’s going on. They also focus a lot on completely exhausting the muscle in order to insure the maximum increase possible in the shortest amount of time.

    I’ll insert a plug for http://www.google.com here. If you’ve never used http://www.froogle.com for finding martial arts gear or http://www.books.google.com to find information actually contained within various books, then you’re missing a valuable resource. 😛


    Re: Strength and stamina workouts for krav maga.

    For strength, buy Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe & go on the program he outlines. It is based on squat, deadlift, press, bench press, and power cleans. It’s 3x a week for about 1-1.5 hours and you will get strong.


    Re: Strength and stamina workouts for krav maga.

    Rip’s the man when it comes to Strength. Mike Burgener, Pan am games O lifting coach, Tony Blauer, Mark Rippetoe, Brian Mckenzie, Ultra endurance athlete.



    Re: Strength and stamina workouts for krav maga.

    T nation is often like a traditional martial arts system, there is some good stuff there if your willing to wade through the crap. Here is a nugget of the good stuff:


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