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    I visited a Krav Maga center and visited a Level 1 class on Saturday and was quite impressed. I’m thinking about joining. Can anyone offer any advice/insight? I am a 35 year old female- I’m pretty athletic and I’m a quick learner, but I’m somewhat out of shape after having a baby a year ago and I’m at least 10 pounds over what I should be. Basically I want to learn self-defense (having a baby makes you feel quite vulnerable actually) and get fit in the process. It looks like Krav Maga will work, but I wanted to see what others thought before I sign on for the introductory lesson tomorrow.



    Do it. You will be so glad you did. I’m 41, started when I was 40 and am in better shape now than when I was 28 and teaching step aerobics. There are about 6 women in my class who have kids, and a couple of them started months after giving birth. If you liked your first class, you’ll love it even more when you really start getting proficient!




    Do it! You won’t regret it. I’m getting close to my 1 year mark in Krav and it’s been great. I would highly recommend it to anyone.


    go for it. give yourself a few(3+) months to get used to the intensity of the training. go at your own pace, until you feel comfortable pushing it a little more. i’ve had more and more women join our classes lately. you won’t regret it. just give yourself proper time to get into it. i had a fifty year old guy in my class that was bigtme out of shape. within 6-8 months he lost like 30# and was well on his way to getting into great physical shape. It’s all what you put into it. I guarantee, you’ll be in the best shape of your life, as long as you’re consistant with your training. good luck with your new lifestyle.


    Ditto \”go for it.\” There are five guys at my training center that are in there fifties; the oldest is fifty-six. The Baby Boomers are hanging tough with the Generation X’ers and Y’ers. 😆


    Without a doubt, go for it. It is the best decision I have ever made for my body, my self confidence and my ability to feel safe. 8) It may shock you how intense the first few classes are, but don’t give up. Don’t ever give up. This will change your life forever. Never be a victim….. 😈

    One of my instructors is about your age. She is 5’3, 120 pounds of muscle and a total badass on the mat. I feel sorry for any fool who tries to grab her 😛 Wouldn’t you like to be like her? Confident, strong, agressive, and proud? I’m 5’11 and 204 and I want to be like her. Krav Maga can make that happen.


    thank you

    Thanks for the insight.

    I just set up my introductory session for tomorrow. We’ll see how this goes. I’m prepared to give it my all, and to nurse sore muscles when I get home.

    Yes, I want to be able to protect myself and look great in the process. 😉
    I work hard when I need to.

    Thanks again,

    The day before the CHANGE.


    Welll?? How’d it go??


    My advice – DON’T DO IT! Why would you want to be burdened with being in shape, meeting new people and gaining an overall sense of self-confidence that will infiltrate every aspect of your life?

    Obviously I’m being sarcastic, but I am so pleased you are thinking about joining. No, you’re not in the middle of an info-mercial, it’s just that I have resumed my training after a 5 year lay-off and only now do I realize that learning to fight is only one of many benefits to training. Training indirectly helps y ou work through shyness (I have to pretend to choke a complete stranger!!?? and assertiveness (pound the pad even if it backs your partner into the mirror!)

    Join and stick with it. It is natural to feel awkward, intimidated and in my case, OUT-OF-SHAPE when you first start but your best effort is all that is required. Listen carefully to your instructors, follow their instructions and enforce those instructions with your partner and you will be amazed at what you can do!


    which center did you go to? how was it?


    I went to the center in Columbia, Maryland and I really enjoyed it. I even felt a little \”high\” after the class on Saturday. I guess it was adrenaline. It’s been a while since I’ve had the exercise high.

    The pace is just right (though I will need some time before I can attack all the drills 100% like some in the class) and I think the class was appropriate for beginners like me and people who have been training for a while now (though the center is starting tests for Level 2 so I may not see some of the same faces next week – and some people do look eager to move on to something more advanced). In all, I am very glad I went and I will continue, especially since the soreness is going away. Plus, I want to try the fitness classes.

    In other news, I’m doing the attack to the throat countermove to anyone who will humor me by squeezing my neck with my eyes closed! So far, most have been impressed.



    quote \”dax 1\:

    … Plus, I want to try the fitness classes. …

    The KM fitness went beyond any fitness class I have ever experienced. Its kind of like an aerobics class, … on steroids, and tetra-meth, … with a lot of punching, and practicing various KM movements, over, and over.

    I remember when I first added the KM fitness class this summer I would fall asleep in the evening and I would have these funny slight twitches in my arms and legs as I relaxed went to sleep. After the first time I realised my muscles were \”remembering\” the movements from class. I’ve never had any exercise or physical instruction that affected my muscles at that level.


    Did you do it?

    How did it go? I was in the same position as you, not a baby of course, as I am a man, but just a little out of it and wanting to get back into shape. I found a free online videos series for Krav that was awesome. I used it as a precursor to going to classes to familiarize myself with the techniques and to get into better shape before I started it for real. Check it outt, it was quite useful.


    I thought that wasw ans excellant link. I added it to my favorites. Thanks for posting it.

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