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    quote \”dkst\:

    Come on, sales manager, not cocerned with bottom line, you’re fired.

    now that was funny…


    Okay…I know you were being sarcastic, but for me it’s an important distinction.

    I’ve done sales before, and I hated it. Why? Because even if I thought I had the best product or service out there, I wasn’t passionate about what I was giving to the people I was selling to.

    Now, because of having some knowledge about the system, and seeing the effectiveness of it, I can pursue potential students with a lot more sincerity and zeal simply because of the fact that my heart is totally in what I’m selling. Hence, I’m not focused on profit, but I’m focused on making people safer. That sincerity is what makes me better at my job, and what makes it easier, more fun, and more rewarding.


    We need more people like Jeff in the world!!!!


    I was playing around, to truely believe in what you are selling it great. Who wouldn’t want to sell KM, I’m sure your passion closes the sale more then it hurts.


    Well, I mean, I don’t want to make myself sound like this saintly idealist.

    Lots of times not thinking about the profit while doing sales is like \”the game\”:

    Rule#1-Don’t think about the game
    Rule #2- If you think about the game, you have to shout at the top of your lungs \”I lost the game!\” and then return to not thinking about the game.

    But it also forces me to be more thoughtful and careful to find out why the person is interested…which in turn helps me be more interested in their needs/wants, which in turn makes for a better and easier sell (unless of course, whatever they’re looking for simply can’t be fulfilled by Krav)

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