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    Re: Need some feedback before my first class please.

    quote Don:

    There can be some great MA/MMA training available to you from a variety of sources.

    The reason I mention privates is because, as an instructor, I know that I’m better suited at providing custom tailored training for a particular student than 99.9999% (yes, I’m making that number up) of his/her fellow students, who may not know the material as well, not have the same abilities and control, not be able to teach to a particular person’s wants/needs/learning style/limitations, or not recognize danger signs or safety concerns, etc.

    I can’t remember the last time I injured someone while directly training him/her (knocking on my head). OTOH, I’ve had quite a few injuries occur when students are training with each other. E.g. just yesterday, in a class of 84 bodies, I had one mild concussion, one tweaked back/sciatic, and one strained neck (final assessment still pending). I know for sure that if I had been paired with each of those students, training those drills/techniques with them at the times of occurrence, chances are the injuries would never have happened.

    How much stress will your shoulder be put through and whether or not it will affect you are another couple of YMMV questions. I don’t know what is comfortable or dangerous for your shoulder(s) – what kinds of motions, what kinds of loads/pressures, what kinds of exertions, etc. I don’t know what your particular krav school trains on a regular or nightly basis – are you doing stand up or ground, are you sprawling or doing pushups, are you punching/elbowing, are you doing control holds/joint manipulations, are you grappling, etc.

    As far as baseball goes, you would also be using your shoulders for running, batting, catching, throwing, etc – not only pitching. Someone’s shoulder condition may not allow pitching but other baseball activities. Someone’s shoulder condition may not allow any baseball movements/motions at all…

    “awkward” is a relative term – awkward could be due to for example not having done something before, doing something similar but in a slightly different way, or doing something that bumps up against ones limitations (e.g. strength, flexibility, coordination, etc)

    Hopefully, your instructor will be able to work something out for you, alternative techniques, modified curriculum, allowance of your limitations or recognition of your concerns, pairing with good training partners, etc.

    If you are that concerned that MA/MMA training is too much for your shoulder(s), you may want to reconsider working out in the field (are you light duty or full duty?). As you know, as much as a particular piece of dirt may have it coming, we don’t always have a green light to use deadly force, even if we are working with a bum [insert your particular body part here]…


    Thank you for your response. I understand and agree on the difference of one on one training versus a full class. I’ll definitely start with one on one’s until me and the instructor get a better idea of what “aggravates” my shoulders.

    As of now just in the weight lifting world and every day activities my shoulders only bother me when I bench press to deep ( past 90 degrees). I can do as many push-ups as I want with no pain. A shoulder lateral raise with heavier weights will give me problem if I don’t use perfect form. Basically I make sure all my workouts don’t stretch my shoulders past the 90 degree mark. Now if you were to grab my arm and pull it behind my back with force that would most likely hurt me.

    I have a body blade now that I’ll be using to strengthen all the little ligaments and tendons in the shoulder too.

    I’m not sure what his style of Krav is. But what I’ll do is book him for a one on one even if all we do is talk and decide he doesn’t think it’s a good idea for me. I’d rather have his full attention than to try and ask him before a real class starts.

    Beleive me I really hope I can learn at least some basic stuff! I don’t want to make the news for deadly force! I want to learn how to defend against some strikes and counter to end the threat. I will update you later after I meet with the instructor and see what he has to say.

    Thanks again Don



    Re: Need some feedback before my first class please.

    I appreciate it. I’ll look into private one on one training. I asked the questions I asked just curious on if there was a lot of shoulder stress with awkward stretches and torques.

    If I went on a baseball forum and asked if the sport is stressful on the shoulders most would answer if you plan on being a pitcher. I was just curious if Krav has a lot of awkward shoulder movements.

    Also I’m pretty sure that I wouldn’t be the only student that has ever had orthopedic surgery.

    Anyways hopefully the instructor will understand my situation and teach me modifications that won’t put my shoulders through unnecessary stress.. Otherwise I’ll just rely on my HK.

    Thanks again

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