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  • #49551


    I have good experience.
    My experience is green belt in goju ryu
    from the Sensei Marvin Labatte at
    Central New York Karate School in East Syracuse
    New York and Green Belt in Shotokan from
    Sensei Shujiro Sugiyama, JKA, Chicago , Illinois.
    I practice Krav Maga with Master Pena, Skokie , Illinois
    but am still unranked in this new system.
    I also work as a Statement Adjustment Counselor
    with the Chicago Police, Area #3.

    When someone pointed a gun at me, one time,
    my adrenaline went WAY up, unintentionally
    I hit he guy hard with a hard
    goju ryu side kick to his kneecap.
    I used a side arm shotokan block simulataneously,
    with power beyond what I ever dreamt I could do.
    With good training, you may be able to protect yourself,
    but I think the best disarm technique, is to
    avoid people who act like they want to pull out their guns.
    I do not know how I did it to this day.

    quote \”Anonymous\:

    I think that is actually interesting for civilians, too. Could be that you do a Krav Maga defense, disarm the gunman, pull the gun back, but he’s quick and tries to jump in and get it back before you are able to retreat. Then YOU might actually be holding the gun during the struggle and could use a gun retention technique.

    Or you might draw your own gun on a burglar or so and he surprises you, gets a hold of the gun etc. Would be cool if we could work on these techniques sometime. 😀

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