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  • #85968

    Re: Welcome -cmon Introduce Yourself

    Hello all, new to the forum. I have been for many years interested in Krav Maga but have never studied or taken an actual class as they seem had to find here in Maine. Some background on my physical history; I was a successful high school wrestler with what I consider an interesting career and continued into college until an injury (and increasing studies) prompted my “retirement” from it. I can say I have missed it ever since. I eventually graduated from WNEC in Springfield Mass with my BSME and after several moves finally landed at my current position as a Sr. Process Quality Engineer here in Maine. I am divorced, on good standing with my ex and my kids are the most important things in my life (1 boy 1 girl).

    This may sound like an excuse but the combination of having kids and unstable work has directed my focus away from fitness and training.

    I miss training while I wrestled, the fluidness of the techniques and the feeling I got from learning and competing. I wish to regrain some of that so much. Krav Maga strikes me as something I could become passionate about.

    Eventhough I lack the facilities, I am going to attempt (may be stupid) to at least learn the “basics” (physical and philosophical) through my own studies.

    Hence what brings me here. Am I setting myself up for failure?

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