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    Re: Belt Graduation on Krav Maga

    I wouldn’t say it is a worry, just a curiosity… that’s what this forum is all about right?


    Re: Belt Graduation on Krav Maga

    Guys, i still don’t know how i am going to be tested to find out in which level i will be practicing when i get in the US. Is there a krav maga instructor, or anyone that would know the answer?


    Re: Belt Graduation on Krav Maga

    Too many questions hehehe I lived in Sao Paulo for four months, now i live in a city close to it, if you need any extra help, contact me on the msn: [email protected]

    Concerning your questions:
    There is a minimum time to spend in every level, but you get tested by your skills, normally the students spend more time on each level than the minimum, sometimes they spend twice as much as the minimum time required…
    The Brazillian association is actually the south american one. It owes the brend “KRAV MAGA” in Brazil, and no one can use that name, or teach it without it’s permission.
    Most of the activities in the white belt are done “solo” but from time to time we practice with each other, it’s more common to see students practicing with one another in the yellow belt, which is the second level ( usually a guy takes 8 months to get into the second level )
    Since i don’t have any idea of how Krav Maga works in the US, i am not able to say how krav maga’s academies in Brazil deal with this kind of “transference”
    I’ve chosen Krav Maga because it’s not a dance, it’s not a martial art, and it’s not a sport. It teaches how to fight on the street, and that’s what i wanted to learn.
    There are 1 hour classes from monday to thursday in my academy, and a 2 hours class on saturday. I could go to all those classes, but they are divided by:
    Class 1: Monday and Wednesday
    Class 2: Tuesday and Thursday
    Class 3: Saturday
    I go on mondays and wednesdays…
    I study Krav Maga in a GYM, there are several martial arts in there…

    Can you answer me the same questions, but related to the US?


    Re: Drinking & Krav

    quote Cearball:

    The whole thing seemed longer than it was, incident probably only lasted about 1 or 2 minutes.
    So bouncers got involved pretty sharpish.

    To be honest, this situation happened to me two times already… ( I drink a lot )
    In the first one, I hitted the guy in the neck and punched him in the sholder.. The fight ended right there…
    But i really felt the alchohol in the other one, cause the guy which i was fighting with was a fighter of brazillian jiu-jitsu, and very graduated. I have 6 months of krav maga, still in the white belt. Well, he punched me in the face, my teeth made some damage on my mouth, i started bleeding, and that was it. But again, i wasn’t drunk, i was completly wasted, drank everything you could imagine that night. He had two other friends, i wasn’t paying attention on him when he hitted me…
    Maybe when i get into the green belt or something, i will be able to fight being drunk… don’t advice you to do it though…Actually, i hope it will never happend to me again…

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