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  • #80871

    Re: KM Near Bentonville, AR?

    Thanks for the link to the map, but I already knew about that. The map doesn’t have any locations near Bentonville


    Re: Nervous New Krav Student

    I go to my first KM class tonight, and I’m a bit apprehensive too, but mostly excited. I am 53, a weakling, with no martial arts background (other than kicking the you-know-what out of a mugger in Paris once).

    I think a little nervousness is normal for all of us. From reading your post though, it sounds like you are placing a lot of focus on everyone else and less on you. Forget about the Marine who looks like the Terminator. You’re not at KM for him…you’re there for you. Look at it this way…just think how much pressure the Marine is under. He’s a trained professional. Any mistake he makes him look like a goof. You’re just beginning and you’re supposed to make mistakes. Try to enjoy KM while you learn. It can be fun as well as rewarding on multiple levels.

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