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  • #55240


    quote \”Giant Killer\:

    I wonder if there is any specific hand position that would be preferred during the sprawl? Both hands on his back, both hands in front (against his shoulders), or one on top, one in front?

    GK- Quick clarification please, when you say \”hands on front\”, do you mean on the attacker’s trapezius muscles, or lower? If so, I’d recommend against that placement for a couple of reasons. First, if the attacker is quick enough (BJJ or grappler types) the defender’s hands could get trapped inside. There are plenty of situations where the best sprawl is just part of the defensive technique.

    Second, if the attacker is significantly larger than the defender (ht/wt/both), having the hands inside/front could lead to defender injuring themselves, most likely at the fingers or wrist. Granted, this is slightly less of a concern than having one’s hands trapped inside.

    Of course, hands front gives options separate from those available if hands are on the back.

    For my $.02, I like hands on the attacker’s back so I can drop my weight and maneuver the head (down or cross-face, as you suggest) and get to the attacker’s back.


    My journey to krav was a bit different. I’ve been involved in martial arts (on and off) for 17 years. After completing the tan (first) belt of the US Marine Corps martial arts program, I discovered how much I truly enjoyed training. I joined a kung fu school in my town because they did full contact sparring. Even though I greatly enjoyed the \”art\” of kung fu, it was just that…art. Comparing the USMC training to the kung fu I knew I needed something more. Question was…what?

    Good thing for the internet. I started searching the web for anything related to foreign militaries and combat systems similar to the Marine Corps’. When I read the Israeli Defense Forces pages, I discovered Krav Maga. I loved what I read and knew this is what I would be training in the future. Problem was, no krav near my town. What to do?? I know…relocate!!! So, off I went to Miami because that’s where the instructor is!

    Side note, I actually did have a job in Miami waiting for me when I graduated school and didn’t move down here solely for krav.

    Once here, I learned krav from Rick Blitstein. I continue to train with him to this day. To say I’m hooked is an understatement. Recently, I had the opportunity to train in Israel (thankfully before the war) with Grandmaster Haim Gidon. No words can truly describe the power of the experience. I will do my best tell that story on another day. Put it this way…I’m already planning my schedule to go back next year.

    Great to read about so many positive krav experiences. Train hard!!!

    Cheers to all
    A. J.
    Miami, FL

    p.s. Best thing about learning katas was adding ‘Matrix’ impressions. 😀

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