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  • #66317

    Re: Weird Injury

    Well; that could be anything. I would just try and rest it completely for a couple of days.


    Re: Weird Injury

    Danimonio; When does your shoulder hurt? (all the time or do certain movements tend to aggravate it?)


    Re: Weird Injury

    It definitely sounds like a nerve thing.
    Has it completely gone away?
    A stinger is a traction neuropraxia(nerve stretch) and occurs when the arm is moving one direction and the neck is being stretched the other way. It does not last long and usually only reoccurs when the “nerve” is stretched again.
    Another possibility is a pinched nerve in the neck(ie herniated disc) thes symptoms usually last longer and reoccur without any further “injury”.
    Either way, if the symptoms reoccur a visit to an orthopaedic surgeon or neurosurgeon would be advised.


    Re: Stress Fracture – Maybe

    Sounds more tendonous in nature but you are just going to have to get it looked at.
    If you do have to take some time off, biking(regular or stationary) or swimming will help you to maintain or increase your fitness level.


    Re: Stress Fracture – Maybe

    I’m an orthopaedic surgeon.
    Your symptoms are suggestive of a stress fracture. Also; it could be a Tendonopathy(like a tendonitis).
    How long have you been doing Krav Maga and how active were you prior to starting Krav Maga?
    Age is also a factor.
    Your doctor will definitely need to take an xray and sometimes a bonescan or MRI as an xray can be negative with a stress fracture.
    Good luck!

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