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    Re: As a student which do you prefer ñ

    Bank robbery drill? When did that take place? Sounds pretty cool.



    Re: As a student which do you prefer ñ

    quote Giant Killer:

    Bank robbery drill? When did that take place? Sounds pretty cool.


    CJ’s Dad (Sean) and Jeremy Stafford put us through that drill out in Simi Valley last week. That drill rocks! thumbsup


    Re: As a student which do you prefer ñ

    That was all Sean….He told me I coddle all of you too much. I need to up the intensity, no more Mr. Nice guy……


    Re: As a student which do you prefer ñ

    quote Jeremy Stafford:

    You are an evil evil man, I like it lets do it!……

    A room full of 30 excited students, how could we NOT do a big drill.


    Re: As a student which do you prefer ñ

    I like DFL and GK’s posts. What I really like is that your taking a poll to get a feel for what the students are looking for out of the training. There has been much discussion here on the preception and direction of KMAA. But what I like the most is the lean toward the reality Base of the system and not the aerobic stuff. Its not the what in martial systems, its the how. You have a good how, but sometimes gets overlooked or mispercieved

    To me scenario training and the psycho drills are what is different about krav.

    Just a side thing or a reminder. I’ve watched 3 fights about to start in the last month or so. None of them broke out. One party backed off in each case and the other didn’t push it. In every scenario at least one person armed himself. Food for thought and scenario evolutions. In one of the multiple on one encounters, the multiples all armed themselves. The one was the agressor.

    Sorry Sean shouldn’t reall participate in a student poll, but we’ve had the preception convo. people who watched the Human Weapon episode were impressed by those aspects of the system


    Re: As a student which do you prefer ñ

    Cool, let’s do more drills like that, right here, not just in Simi Valley. thumbsup

    unstpabl, I think it’s cool if you participate in a poll, you are a prospective student, so you can say what you would expect from KM training (or what would entice you to take classes). All good info.

    One more thing I thought of, when doing combative drills, working on improving vision and footwork can also be beneficial, or maybe doing drills where one person punches at his partner (instead of the pad) and the partner defends. Gives you a feeling for what it’s like to actually hit a real person and it can improve the vision of the defender. Also, discussing strategy, such as which punch (or combo) to do in a fight, how the opponent is likely to react to it, then which follow-up punch to use etc. Also having one person attack, the other defend, so the defender can learn to see the punches and the attacker can learn to see openings. All things that can give you a better idea of how to move in a fight.



    Re: As a student which do you prefer ñ

    Q: Longer cardio intensive warm ups or short and straight into drills

    A: Short and straight, my cardio is my problem not my instructors.

    Q: Lots of pad based drills (punch/knee/kick combos)

    A: Some, not lots…I am more into technique and it’s proper application. I can kick\punch a bag on my own time.

    Q: Unique “game style” drills IE shoulder tag

    A: No

    Q: Psycho drills like running the gauntlet or man in the middle (ring of fire)

    A: No

    Q: 2 on 1 drills aka multiple attackers

    A: Yes

    Q: Real life scenario drills (like bank robbery or bar room brawl)

    A: Yes as long as they are realistic and attacks spontaneous, not rehearsed or scripted.

    Q: Longer full gear sparring at end of class

    A: On certain days..

    Q: More curriculum/technique review

    A: Yes as long as the previous techniques are done properly

    Additional Comments:

    I do not like classes where you spend 15 minutes on a technique, then 45 minutes on cardio. My being in shape is my problem. I should be able to keep myself in shape on my own. It all depends on class length though. If it’s one hour, then a five minute warmup is fine with me. Chances are, I already was there warming up 15 minutes before class anyway.


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