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    Yesterday was my 3rd class of KM and by the way what a class. I really enjoy class so far but the last two times after class I have been having the hardest time going to sleep. Now class is from 8-9 and it takes me about 35 mins or so to get home so by the time I shower and eat I usually get to bed around 10:30. But outside of the 1st night of class I just can’t sleep. My body is drained and I am exhausted but can’t sleep. I have a friend that joined KM with me and last night was his 2nd class and he said he had the same problem with sleeping last night! I probably got 3 hrs of sleep and he said he got about 4 hrs. I have mentioned before that I take BJJ as well and one night a week the class runs late and I don’t get home until 9:00 and by the time I shower and eat I usually lay down to sleep around the same time BUT have never had any issues sleeping. I know some of you may laugh at this but I am serious and I’m curious has anyone out there ever experienced anything close to this or is it just that my friend and I are loosing our minds?!?!?


    Re: Can’t sleep after KM classes…

    I had a similar problem when I first started. I think it was a combination of the endorphin rush and just mental going over what happened in class that kept me up. It only lasted for a few weeks… 6-8 classes.


    Re: Can’t sleep after KM classes…

    Thanks! I just found it really weird that I have never had this issue after BJJ class but that last 2 nights despite being totally exhausted all I did was look at the ceiling for hours. Pretty frustating after a hard workout to not be able to go to sleep.


    Re: Can’t sleep after KM classes…

    It usually takes me about an hour or so to come down after class. My God! I could eat horse afterwards, though.


    Re: Can’t sleep after KM classes…

    I do think it helps to actually stay up a bit after class and let your brain work things out. Maybe read a bit or watch some tv to get your mind off of class. Otherwise, for me at least, I kept replaying the class over and over and that’s what kept me up.

    Like Nickolas I’m usually starved too. I have to limit the amount and type of food that’s in my house ’cause if there’s junky food I’ll eat all of it. I still have not figured out the proper amount to eat, don’t want to eat too little, because I’ll lose muscle, but if I eat too much after 9pm I’ll get fat(ter).


    Re: Can’t sleep after KM classes…

    Oh I’m starving as well but I normally eat after 9:00 because I try to eat with my wife who is a pharmacist and she doesn’t get off until 9:00. But I have to do something about my diet as well because I have posted on other threads that after just a couple of classes I am losing a lot of muscle ton. My shirts are basically hanging on me where as they were fitting tighter say 2 months ago. I have class againon Thrus so I might try to shower, eat and then watch TV in bed with hopes that maybe the TV will put some strain on my eyes to help me sleep. I don’t know if I can take another day of 3 hrs of sleep! It sucks!!!!!!!


    Re: Can’t sleep after KM classes…

    Late night snack: peanut butter on whole wheat or grain bread, 2% milk, lowfat cottage cheese, fruits, veggies, broiled chicken breast, grain cereals with 2% milk or dry, lowfat/low sugar yogurts. Lots of water. I also use any of these before workouts, say an hour or so before Krav and C.T., just to keep my energy levels up. I also found that a cup of coffee before a workout really helps make the workout smoother for me.


    Re: Can’t sleep after KM classes…

    Ahh…the great debate over whether exercising within 3 hours of your bedtime disrupts sleep and whether eating late (either within so many hours of bedtime, or after a certain time at night) contributes to weight gain.

    As for the slight insomnia, IMHO and from what I’ve read, it seems that it basically depends on the individual. If exercising late at night disrupts your sleep, it is a good idea to do something that relaxes you physically and mentally such as take a hot bath, read, watch t.v., have a nice glass of (sugar free) hot cocoa or Pinot Noir, etc., etc. However, you probably already know the sage advice: don’t read, watch t.v., needlepoint, paint (or smoke – ha ha ha) in bed. You don’t want to associate mentally stimulating activities with being in bed. Bed is for 2 things only: sleeping and … . Well, you get the idea.

    As for weight gain, again, only my 2 cents, but the key is to know that gaining weight doesn’t happen more at specific times of the day. Calories are calories, regardless of what time they go into your body. (But also note that some foods are broken down and stored as fat by the body more quickly than others, such as simple carbohydrates.) Weight gain occurs when more calories are consumed than are burned over periods of time – days, weeks, months. I beleive the hard number is one pound of fat is gained/stored for every extra 3,500 calories that are consumed and not burned off. And remember that your metabolism keeps burning when you’re sleeping, too, so you’re still burning calories. Hence, late night “light” eating (like those healthy snacks that Nikolas suggested) probably won’t add weight…unless you’ve already racked up thousands of calories from the cheesecake and diet coke you had before you went to Krav. rofl2

    **Disclaimer: I hold no degree in exercise physiology or nutrition. I just pipe in to offer advice in an effort to be of help if and whenever possible. thumbsup


    Re: Can’t sleep after KM classes…

    i have a similar problem, after class i am so tired i have a hard time getting to the car to go home, at home i sit down and think to myself why do i torture my self, then BAM the adrenilin(sp?) kick’s in and i’m up till midnight(thank god for adult swim on cartoon network and my ps2thumbsup) but im not sure if it’s adrenilin or my metabolism has sped up, as a whole i’ve found that i have more energy. it is easier now(to fall asleep) than when i started in november, but still not as easy to go to sleep as before i started krav

    good luck and don’t fall asleep at work



    Re: Can’t sleep after KM classes…

    Too late for that! LOL! I closed my office door right after my second post for a power nap! 🙂


    Re: Can’t sleep after KM classes…

    i’m the same way. i don’t usually get home till about 2200 and after my shower i feel physically exhausted but my mind is racing. my dogs have gotten use to me going outside to play with them at about 0200 b/c i have woken up. i think my body is just getting used to have less sleep. That or it has gotten use to making up for it on the weekends when i become a hibernating bear.


    Re: Can’t sleep after KM classes…

    I have to say that I’m glad to see that other people are experiencing this. I was literally laying on the couch last night (went to the couch so I wouldn’t keep my wife up with all the tossing and turning) like what the hell is wrong with me?!?! I wanted to sleep in the worst way but couldn’t. And then after talking with my friend this morning and he said he had the same problem last night – I was really messed up! LOL! Hopefully in the next couple of weeks it will get easier and I can start sleeping again. Don’t know how many times “closing the office door” is going to work


    Re: Can’t sleep after KM classes…

    Had the same problem here, been going for a year now and the post-class buzz hasn’t subsided.

    A couple of other things you might try – Melatonin and/or Tryptophan supplements. (Which I usually chase with 1/2 an Ambien just for good measure!)


    Re: Can’t sleep after KM classes…

    Then there are the dreams.

    When I first started taking KM I had some weird dreams where attackers would come at me and I would do the techniques on them in the dream. They’ve pretty much left me alone now, it has be more than a year and half since any of them have dared stick themselves into my dream space.

    I also would find my self drifting of to sleep and jerk awake with little punching/kicking like twitches in my arms & legs (nothing large enough to hurt any one but enough to wake me). Those subsided after a couple of months.


    Re: Can’t sleep after KM classes…

    I haven’t gotten to the dreams and hopefully I won’t. I co-worker of mine just gave me a tea which she says helps her husband sleep. Her husband is some type of special ops policemen and due to some of the things he sees on a daily basis he has a real hard time sleeping. But she found this tea for him and within an hour of drinking the tea she says he is sound asleep. I have class Thurs night so we’ll see what happens…

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