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    Re: Can’t sleep after KM classes…

    Read for as long as it takes you to enjoy a couple of drams of Scotch.


    Re: Can’t sleep after KM classes…

    Similar problem when I exercise at night.
    I try to avoid prescription sleeping pills like ambien or roserin if at all possible.
    Melatonin (bought at vitamin stores) is pretty safe.one 3 mg tab doesn’t work for me.I take 2.This seems to work as good as a prescription pill


    Re: Can’t sleep after KM classes…

    Hey Big,
    do you have problems only the nights that you have trained KM?
    Do you sleep well the other nights?


    Re: Can’t sleep after KM classes…

    I’m a very light sleeper so I never sleep straight thru the night. I will sleep for 3-4 hours straight but then I look at the clock to check the time or just for no reason for like 10 mins and then back to sleep. The night I have KM I just lay in bed looking at the ceiling until like 3:00 am though I’ve been in bed since 10:30 or so


    Re: Can’t sleep after KM classes…

    I have the same problem. When I first started taking classes it happened just about every night. I got pretty used to not sleeping. Now it only happens a couple of nights a week. So now, I’ve decided that sleep is over-rated.


    Re: Can’t sleep after KM classes…

    I was afraid I was the only one who was just crazy enough about Krav (this is my 5th week) that it kept me up nights after class! I find myself going over what we did in class in my head and it’s hard to sleep. And then of course there’s the middle of the night air-kicking and punching. I’m glad to see there are others with this problem as well.

    It does help to take a hot bath and read. (Glass of wine is good too!) And I keep reading until my eyes are just too tired to read any more.


    Re: Can’t sleep after KM classes…

    Gene, I had the same symptoms in the beginning before body became used to the physical load and stress. It still happens occasionally after an exceptionally strenuous workout. There were many good advices about relaxation/calming down by kravists above. My $0.02 is try not to eat too much even if you are ravenous. Make sure you are hydrated enough during and after the workout. You can try some of those recovery drinks – they are filling and restore muscle nutrients lost during exertion and/or an energy bar (I like CliffBar). In any event, don’t stuff yourself – it is not conducive to falling asleep at night (I speak for myself here).


    Re: Can’t sleep after KM classes…

    I personally have had a hard time with sleep for most of my life. Intense exercise to close to bedtime aggravates this.

    My recipe for sleeping does include using melatonin, however that is not all. I have found that if I have a routine before bed it helps me. This routine is about 1 hour long and thankfully I am married to the best wife in the entire freaking world so its easy… I sit on my butt and get a back rub for about 15 min or so watching something stupid and brainless on tv, just entertaining enough to keep my attention but not so interesting that i really care about it… When I find myself drifting off then its time to go to bed. If I try to go sooner, I will end up staring at the ceiling and wont go to sleep.

    If I get to bed and find Im not falling asleep right away, I dont stay there. If I am not falling asleep I will get up and go read a book until I find myself falling asleep, then go back to bed again.

    Sometimes I will try things like simply counting my breaths – breath in breath out 1, breath in breath out 2, etc… up to 99 then back down. This is designed to take my brain away from thinking about whatever workout I was doing or from racing through work stuff…

    More also – basic things can also prevent us from sleeping – injuries, even minor ones nagging at us can prevent us from falling asleep, so take care of them, ice, wrap up strains, stuff like that. Being to hungry or to full – so if you are starving, have a light snack, not pure sugar, but not pure fat/protien either. Dehydration is a killer for me – I need to make sure I have been hydrating properly all the time, if I am thirsty when I go to bed I will not sleep well if at all….

    Sleep is not overrated – fat guys like me need lots of it when we are trying to loose the fat, it helps our bodies recover after exercise, keeps our brains sharp (heh not that I make any claims on that front….), and I am just plain in a better mood when I do get good sleep.


    Re: Can’t sleep after KM classes…

    I had class last night and again by the time I was done showering it was a little after 10 but instead of eating a regular dinner when I got home. I had a protein shake and a bowl of fruit (since some people have suggested that maybe eating a big meal has something to do with it). I also watched the NBA Finals for about an hour or so and this time once I laid down I was sleep in about a half hour. I going to try the same thing on Monday to see if I found the “cure” for my sleep issue. Also my wife does not give the back rubs! 🙁


    Re: Can’t sleep after KM classes…


    my girlfriend and roommate experience the same thing. They say that they cannot sleep after krav no matter what. They are so juiced that their body and mind are saying no to sleep. I’m different were sleep comes quick after krav and a hot shower. Don’t know if you would consider it, but try to catch yourself if you are thinking alot when lying down. I used to really have a hard time sleeping period, but I learned to really slow down my breathing and not think about much. Or try reading while listening to classical music.

    Good luck


    Re: Can’t sleep after KM classes…

    ..”If I get to bed and find Im not falling asleep right away, I dont stay there. If I am not falling asleep I will get up and go read a book until I find myself falling asleep, then go back to bed again…”

    The problem with that for me is the books I pick to read are really good page-turners.The kind that you start,then look at the clock & see two hours went by


    Re: Can’t sleep after KM classes…

    I must be one of the weird ones. If I don’t go to class, I don’t fall asleep right away at bedtime A good workout has me sleeping like a rock.:dunno:


    Re: Can’t sleep after KM classes…

    I usually watch some TV after coming home from class and eat dinner. Then I go to bed and sleep like a baby…


    Re: Can’t sleep after KM classes…

    quote jjbklb:

    The problem with that for me is the books I pick to read are really good page-turners.The kind that you start,then look at the clock & see two hours went by

    I always have something that is “of interest” but not really that important to me around to read. Again – same concept as watching TV for me at least – good enough to interest me in it, but not so good that I have to know whats going on…

    These are simply suggestions take what you want and leave the rest.


    Re: Can’t sleep after KM classes…

    You might want to do some carbo in the morning and/or at lunch

    This way at night you do not get such a rush/high from class.

    I had the same problem when lifting weights 3 hours every night at the gym.
    It took me hours to fall to sleep.
    Doctor told me I had high blood pressure. Take meds now workout twice a day and try to go to Krav class as much as possible at night.

    Sleep like a baby!!!!

    Also could be the rush of something new that is really cool.

    Good luck and have a awsome Krav Maga day.

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