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    Re: Fight Quest ñ Grove Multi Attacker Scene

    quote mongo:

    Just out of curiosity, do you think it would have been as easy as you make it sound? Especially given her Krav black belt and Judo expertise? Me, I would have just run…

    Given my Blackbelts ñ possibly, but I never said it was going to be easy. My point actually had nothing to do with her personally I think sheís awesome! I was just saying in a no win situation thinking outside the box might be the only way to come out of it alive. Running is always a good option!


    Re: Fight Quest ñ Grove Multi Attacker Scene

    Lol, I hear you.


    Re: Fight Quest ñ Grove Multi Attacker Scene

    Great topic Sean!thumbsup

    I have to say, after reading this thread, it brings up quite a few things to think about.

    I think if there had been some preview given to KMWW, maybe one would’ve thought twice about having a KMWW commerical running with this episode. I did kinda wonder at first why all the big publicity over the episode when it’s KM how it’s done in Israel vs how the U.S. does it. Its expected they’re probably more agressive there than here since it’s a war torn country.

    The drills given at the end for Doug and Jimmy were closer to what we’d do here. As Sean said, mindless zombies aren’t realistic. If that had been MY first experience in KM, I dunno that I would’ve come back. All one got out of that was an a$$ whooping and embarassment quite frankly:(:.

    We’re taught to defense yourself and get the hell out when you seen an opening. The civilian training in the episode was WAY more brutal than the military one and I really wasn’t sure why. I kinda thought it would’ve been the other way around:dunno:

    With the show being as short as it was, it may have been kinda hard to see where the real KM training was, except where I saw the defenses made with the stick and such.

    “I was in CO when the episode aired, but I got to watch it while there, and I was regretting my decision to run commercials during the show. To me, the instructors and students came off like a bunch of thugs, more interested in “proving” something than educating anyone. I wasn’t impressed”

    Pardon my ignorance Ryan, but wasn’t aware YOU were up in the command chain on that. Now that there’s more and more instructors coming to post (THANKS Y’ALL), except for Darren and John, I’m not really aware of who else is UP there. If YOU were regretting having the commercials, thats says alot.


    Re: Fight Quest ñ Grove Multi Attacker Scene

    MJ, I’m not exactly sure what you mean by being “UP” there. I’m nobody special…just another KM instructor trying to spread the good word.


    Re: Fight Quest ñ Grove Multi Attacker Scene

    I said that since you stated you decided to run the KMWW commercials during the episode. I figured you saying that indicated you were up in KM management along with Darren and John.

    If I misunderstood-sorry for the confusion.:D:


    Re: Fight Quest ñ Grove Multi Attacker Scene

    Oh, well, I was actually referring to running local commercials. As a member of the advisory board, I was involved in the decision to run the KMW commercial during Fight Science.


    Re: Fight Quest ñ Grove Multi Attacker Scene

    Ooooh..ok – that makes more sense nowthumbsup. This is the 2nd time I’ve read there was an advisory board. I know on the San Antonio website, Pete Hardy says he’s on the board too.:D:


    Re: Fight Quest ñ Grove Multi Attacker Scene

    Yes, there are seven of us, including Pete and me.


    Re: Fight Quest ñ Grove Multi Attacker Scene

    So, kinda like The Magnificent Seven, huh? Sorry, had to throw that in since you left yourself openrofl2

    Thanks for the clarification:wav:


    Re: Fight Quest ñ Grove Multi Attacker Scene

    Who else is on the board?



    Re: Fight Quest ñ Grove Multi Attacker Scene

    James Hiromasa (CO), Troy Straith (Canada), Jay Ackerman (AZ), Steve Sohn (NY), Pete Hardy (TX), me (NC)…I had the number wrong (we got smaller last year.)


    Re: Fight Quest ñ Grove Multi Attacker Scene

    I thought Darren would be one of the 7?


    Re: Fight Quest ñ Grove Multi Attacker Scene

    I just listed the licensees that make up the advisory board.


    Re: Fight Quest ñ Grove Multi Attacker Scene

    So, what elso do you guys do? Do you also decide about new training methods and such, or just work on things such as advertising?



    Re: Fight Quest ñ Grove Multi Attacker Scene

    I couldn’t agree more…

    That drill would be all sorts of fun if it were me and a few of my friends screwing around but as far as learning something goes it was useless. I’m a pretty level headed guy and I think I would have beat the hell out of the dude who threw the flying kick to my back.

    Further… I thought the grove scene (and most of the show) was crap. In my opinion they didn’t do much to show that Krav was anything more than a bunch of people jumping other people.

    I don’t know which guy it was who said it but at the end one of the two fighters said something about… Why would I want all that when I can get a taser for $40.

    I know that Krav doesn’t have all of the “pretty” little dances and stuff but the editors on this program really got lazy in their search for demonstrations of Krav technique. The only one I remember was when they showed a headlock defense in the Dead Sea.

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