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    Re: Fight Quest ñ Grove Multi Attacker Scene

    Hey everyone,

    I thaught we finished talking about this topic in the “Fight Quest Krav Maga Episode” thread, but whatever, here goes:

    They were totally out to prove something.
    They were out to prove that they are the sh*t and that Doug is not!

    Very simple. It’s an Israeli thing… come into any KM gym there and you would probably feel that all eyes are on you… everyone sizes you up… it’s a mentality where you have to prove something to be worth any respect. This applies to both Doug and the guys in the grove. Please notice how in the final fight they all congratulated him and hugged him… obviously – he earned his colors. The attackers at the grove gave him a beating to show him that each of them is, individually, a worthy adversary, fully skilled in the art of destroying people… lol.

    Also, you must add to the equation that Doug is foreign to them and came to learn about their KM. Think about yourselves… a friend asks you about KM, what would you say? That it’s an Ok system? Or would you pitch them with the meaning of KM and how good a system it is? Same exact thing happened on this show.

    And of course, the military KM guys had way less to prove to Jimmy… and so they gave him far better training. But when it came to fighting him – they pounded on his thighs over and over again… just to prove a point.

    Like I said on the other thread: I’ve done the same on several occasions – sparred with an American that came over to learn Krav with us and we made sure we destroyed his thighs… and made him aware who we are.

    Silly – yes.
    Wrong? I dunno.

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