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    But why did they just close without being able to tell anyone earlier (or maybe look for another facility)? Too bad for the students. Well, maybe something else will be opening up soon.


    I’m not really sure why this happened so suddenly. From what I could see, they definitely had strong attendance at this location. As I mentioned earlier, if anyone from the NTC is checking out this message. I am quite confident that another school in Philly, or one in South Jersey would do well. Last night I tried out a class in Newtown PA. I didn’t hit any traffic and got their in 45 minutes… not too bad. The school is run by Alan Feldman (who a few of the students and the instructor, were quick to point out was trained directly by Imi), I thoroughly enjoyed the class and am planning on signing up. So as far as my training goes, it appears that I’m all set, hopefully my former classmates and instructors in S. Philly will find other schools to continue their training.


    New School

    Nanook…..glad you enjoyed the class…..45 minutes is a good amount of time to just change gears from work to being in a Krav state of mind..its about the same distance to Gastonia from Charlotte…put on some Thug type CD and picture yourself taking a wrong turn and winding up in Bloods or Crips territory while wearing the wrong colors…..and on the way home from Krav state of mind to unwinding…..and if you hit traffic on the way may give you that extra frustration you need to punch kick and elbow your way to a better workout……dont know why my previous post didnt get put up…..hopefully this one will…..got sparring stuff except headgear last nite although we havent used it yet…..and did the class outside in the heat….was fun but sweaty……


    Just to clarify, in my opinion, the Philly school has been going downhill for almost a year now. This is not the first time that students have been locked out of the school, it also happened in the winter around the holidays. For a long time I have seen resources ebbing from the Philly location without any being poured back into it. So much so that I haven’t been there in five months and am not surprised to hear this is happening now. I also know of at least one other student who stopped attending for the very same reason and assume there are many more.

    I do not write to disparage anyone. I just think it is a crime that there is now no access to Krav in Philly. Especially considering the high dedication of the students and even more so of the instructors. LaRavencha and others speak of the \”glory days\” of Krav Philly when they (including NTC instructors) would come to the Mummers Museum and even the school itself for seminars. What closed in early May in Philly was no longer the same school, just whispers of what once was.

    BTW, the letter from Krav administration was nice, but really did not compensate the students who did not get out earlier. Driving to the Pennsylvania burbs or attending Balance Studios that, according to the schedule on the website, only has BJJ (mostly with gi), Yoga and Women’s only self-defense does not make up for money spent on what was supposed to be Krav training. I’m glad I got out when I did; I just wish someone else would open a Krav school as dedicated to its students and instructors as they are to it.

    Missing Krav, and still searching for something else.


    PA area schools…

    Hey all, just joined the board to throw my two cents in….

    Unfortunately, what you are seeing at the Philly school seems typical of Krav PA’s ownership (without naming names….). I (as well as a large group of dedicated students) started at the Penn Oaks school in West Chester 3+ years ago. We showed up one night and found the school had been closed and we had no prior warning of this. We were told to go to Kennett, which we did, though it was very inconvenient for the lot of us. Kennett randomly had classes cancelled with no notice, which was very troublesome for those of us driving long distances to the school. Then that school closed as well, and moved to another location, also in Kennett. Again, random class cancellations, NO communication with the PAYING CUSTOMERS. Also (and this is a minor gripe, but a valid one nonetheless) – we, as customers, were never reimbursed in any fashion for those random cancellations or whenever they decided to go on holiday (the next month’s billing should at least have changed to accomodate for lost time).

    Even though I was frustrated, I tried to stick with it because I liked the system so much, as well as most of the instructors and students. Then, the new \”Premier\” school opened up in Glen Mills, and most of the upper level/long-time instructors from the area went there. While that was opening, I had been out due to medical issues, but continued to be charged, even after asking them to hold off on the billing. They said they’d honor the 2 months that they owed me, but I was told to leave the Premier school when I tried training there, since that had a different pricing structure (a disturbingly expensive pricing structure, no less… far higher than the other rate, and not worth it to me for the amount of available instructional time). That was almost comical, since the original contract with Krav said I could train at any school for the price. So finally, I just had to give up, as this was just too much BS for a hobby, even one that I loved and worked hard at for three years. Many other long-time students are in the same boat, unfortunately.

    So again, I am not surprised at all at what has happened in Philly, and I really hope the customers there do get reimbursed. I noticed that the place looked deserted when I was there for the Italian Market Festival, and I know it had some great instructors and students, so hopefully you’ll all be able to find a suitable replacement!

    Sorry for the long first post and thank you for reading. This looks to be a great board. Good luck everyone with your training!


    New School

    Nanook…..glad you enjoyed the class…..45 minutes is a good amount of time to just change gears from work to being in a Krav state of mind..its about the same distance to Gastonia from Charlotte…put on some Thug type CD and picture yourself taking a wrong turn and winding up in Bloods or Crips territory while wearing the wrong colors…..and on the way home from Krav state of mind to unwinding…..and if you hit traffic on the way may give you that extra frustration you need to punch kick and elbow your way to a better workout……dont know why my previous post didnt get put up…..hopefully this one will…..got sparring stuff except headgear last nite although we havent used it yet…..and did the class outside in the heat….was fun but sweaty……


    Philly school

    My name is Adam Scholl and I was the Manager of the Philly school. I just wanted to say to all of our students that I’m sorry for the school closing and I wish we could all still train. I enjoyed having all of you in my class and I can speak for Dennis and Jamie who feel the same way. It is an unfortunate situation that we had to close so abruptly and I hope all of you find somewhere to continue your training. I will be going back to training Jiujitsu and MMA and will be fighting in a sumbission grappeling cage match on Wednesday July 12 at Cavanaughs on the river deck ( on Delaware ave) if anyone is interested in coming out. Keep in touch and I wish you all well.

    [email protected]


    Nanook, Alan Feldman was one of the original instructors trained to teach KM in the United States (along with Darren Levine and others), so he should be a good substitute. Good luck with your training!


    Nanook…….sounds like you have a good school althogh a little bit of a schlep…….continue the wieght loss regimen 40 lbs is impressive ( I actually got rid of 190 lbs of unwanted wieght in the last six months – although ex wife was 150 of that total), keep at the Krav and Im sure you will get used to the commute…..
    all we need to do is get our sister that lives closest to the training center involved and we would be one bad ass set of siblings….
    Our class is thinking of supplimenting Krav with some grappling or BJJ….has anyone cross trained with those two disciplins….it seems like you have the best of both worlds…striking and avoiding the ground but if you are on the ground you would feel comfortable…..but perhaps the contradictory styles would make instinctual movements harder…..it was impressive however to see Royce Gracie in his prime take on guys that weighed 50% more than him and have him get them to tap out when either on top or bottom of a ground fight…. personally I would prefer to land something and high tail it out of there…or drop someone like a bag of dirt and call it a night and go home but realize that alot of fights wind up on the ground…..any thoughts


    Adam, I definitely enjoyed training with you, Jamie and Dennis. The three of you kept classes fun, challenging and exciting. Best of luck in your upcoming fight, at your new school and in all of your future endeavors. I don’t know if you read my last post, but I found a new school in Newtown and plan on continuing my Krav training. While the Krav universe appears to be expanding, I sense that it is still small enough that our paths may cross again. So, until then fare thee well.


    new school

    Just to clarify…i’m not at a new school…i’m training jiujitsu at my old school the Renzo Gracie acadamy where I have been training for several years. As far as Krav goes it appears that I’m at the end of that road. I don’t have a school to teach at and it doesnt look like I will anytime soon. Good luck with the Newtown school… I have never trained with Allen but I have heard good things.



    I bet if you sent out an e-mail to your former Krav class about where you are teaching that you might get some folks to start training at your school. Best of luck.



    I appreciate that but I am not teaching anywhere now. I am training at the school I use to train at.. Renzo Gracie acadamy in Hatfield PA… but i’m not teaching anywhere right now. In addition I no longer have access to all of the former students informtaion.


    Alright then… best of luck with your training!


    Krav in Philly

    You can still train in Krav in/near Philly. Go to DeStolfo’s Tae Kwan Do in Conshohocken. http://www.kravmagainpa.com

    The more the merrier……hope to see you there!!!!

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