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    Re: Reacting to Insult

    I was once involved in a incident of road rage where he guy exited his vehicle and starting hurling insults, racial slurs etc. to get a rise out of me. I just stayed in the car and laughed off his attempts to get me to exit the car. He finally left, frustrated that he wasn’t getting the best of me.


    Re: Reacting to Insult

    I totally agree with you Krav MD Jeff.

    In the other hand Madogmean, if you are involved in a car indicent, I think it’s normal to get out of your car at least to see if the other driver in injured or to clarify the situation.

    I think I would also have been really pissed of if I had a bang and the other guy just stayed in his car laughing the hell out of me :p


    Re: Reacting to Insult

    Gregg, hear in the US road rage is more often than not a situation that did
    not involve an actual car accident or collision. Driving too fast, too slow, cutting someone off etc. Can set people off. I think he did the right thing.

    Getting out of your car while someone is waiting you’re in a position of disadvantage. Opening the car door is the most dangerous part as your adversary can kick the door once you leg is on the ground or your partially out
    causing damage to your leg, arm etc. If you decide to exit, you may want to consider using the passenger door so that the car is
    between the two of you.

    If he’s real close to the door you may be able to actually hit him with it, but be prepared to exit quickly or get back in and take off. Don’t forget your keys,
    they may be your only weapon.

    Best choice, was as he stated, stay in your car, flip open your cell phone and let the raging pot stop boiling.


    Re: Reacting to Insult

    quote Gregg:

    I totally agree with you Krav MD Jeff.

    In the other hand Madogmean, if you are involved in a car indicent, I think it’s normal to get out of your car at least to see if the other driver in injured or to clarify the situation.

    I think I would also have been really pissed of if I had a bang and the other guy just stayed in his car laughing the hell out of me :p

    Actually, it wasn’t an accident. If that was the case I would have responded appropriately. I was pulling out into the main lane of traffic in a parking lot and this guy was speeding through in his very nice Jaguar. He came to an abrupt stop a couple of feet from my car and leaned on his horn. He pulled around in front of my car and stopped. He got out and started with the insults. So no car was actually damaged. He was looking to get a rise out of me and I wasn’t playing along.


    Re: Reacting to Insult

    Ok allright then! I thought a road rage was a bang. Sorry for my english mates 😉

    Considering the fact of exiting the car while the guy is waiting you outside, it could indead be very dangerous. Talking about weapons, if you have no choice than to get out of the car and start the slapings dont forget to take your fire instinguisher with you 😉


    Re: Reacting to Insult

    I am new here but figured I would chime in with my 2 cents.

    If at all possible be a real man and ignore those who are posers.

    Having said that, sometimes a person won’t just go away. And sometimes he is indeed LOOKING for a fight. In this case you need to know his intentions so you can act appropiately.

    As far as the law goes, here in Louisiana, a person need only to feel threatened to react physically(threatened by what? anothers closing in of space? anothers language(by the way if someone says “i am going to kick your ass” that is a threat in the eyes of the law, as long as they are standing in person) threatened by a sudden move?). The tricky part comes in at proving the threat.

    So how can you determine the threat and prove the threat?

    By LOUDLY stating–“You are making me feel threatened!! I feel like you are going to hurt me!!” or something along those lines. The point is say it loudly, calling the attention of others standing around. That will accomplish 2 things,

    1. If he is just looking for a rise and is really a chicken$%^* he will back down with alll the attention.

    2. If he then decides you are weak and he cn proceed with touching and/or pushing you, now you have witnesses who can verify you were acting in fear of your well being, and you were RESPONDING not INITIATING the encounter.

    If you pursue this course and he jumps up and pushes you or attempts to hit you, I recommend a punch to throat. even a “muscleman” has a reatively soft throat.


    Re: Reacting to Insult

    why would any sane person react when walking away is perfectly viable option? you never put yourself in dangerous situations willingly. even when poele challenge me to fight i am ususally able to walk away. i don’t fight unless it’s some sort of defense situation.


    Re: Reacting to Insult

    If you read carefully, the first thing I recommended was walking away. But there are situations where walking away is not an option, or where you are not sure if it is an option. Turning your back to a potential opponent is a very bad idea, people today have no problems with hitting someone while their back is turned(the “good ole days” of people fighting with honor are gone). So if you can’t turn your back, and verbal attempts to “cool down” the situation are not working, what else is there? Only one option left, start trying to back out of the “arena” while making sure none of his buddies are lurking behind you, but more than likely if your attempts at “cooling down” the situation didn’t work he is going to follow you, not allowing you to “escape”. Now you no longer have an option, but you can make sure the situation goes in such a way that you are not only victorious in the “battle” but also in the legal battle that will surely follow.

    I made the original reply and this one because we live in a society(USA and probably most other civilized countries) where if someone assaults you, and you prevail, they and any witnesses they have wiill surely lie to the authorities and claim YOU started the fight. The days are gone where 2 men could have a “clean” fight, and the loser just walk away and accept his loss. So those of us who are prepared for the physical confrontation should also be prepared for the legal one too, and just a few easy to follow precautions can set the scene in your favor both physically and legally.

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