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    Turns out that class tonight for me was all knife defense.

    Strikes coming in front the right hand only and defending with outside defense at the 5 and 6 blocking positions.

    You should see the bruises on my right wrist and forearm.

    My training partner has a karate background and he has forearms and wrist that are made of steel.

    Anyway, sticking with the rubber blade for a while.

    Take care.


    Pricey, but I like these. They have the same charcteristics of the kives I tend to carry.


    Saw those a few minutes ago.

    Also looking at the Benchmade and Spyderco knives.

    Looks like Cops has some good prices.



    [quote:1cc31cbec5=\”garddawg\”]Pricey, but I like these. They have the same charcteristics of the kives I tend to carry.[/quote:1cc31cbec5]

    Funny Jeff, we were actually using the Karambit trainer 🙂

    On the trainers I file smooth the wave hook because it is uncomfortable on your partner when doing traps (the waves got little groves in it that bite)


    I use a variety of different trainers depending on what kind of training I’m doing. When working by myself or doing slower drills with a partner (we work on one called contact flow that looks like dirty clinch work with eye gouging, hacks to the kidneys, headbutts etc, and sometimes we’ll have trainers in our pockets to start). One is a cheap liner lock trainer, and one is a Benchmade balisong trainer. When doing knife sparring with fencing masks and kempo gloves, I use either a rubber trainer or a Cold Steel style trainer made of PVC, insulation and tape (it doesn’t really resemble a knife too much, but they are the best for working with high intensity with low danger). In this type of sparring, a metal trainer can cause damage, so its best to go with something softer. Often times the rubber trainers \”whip\” the flesh and it stings, but really the correct cutting technique shouldn’t do that too much. Recently I’ve thought about having my sparring partner use a metal trainer so I can get used to it for the next Dog Brothers gathering. I think a wooden tanto may be a good compromise.


    No Lie Blades

    I use No Lie Blades they are metal training knives that have a felt edge which allows the trainees to put lipstick on the blade, thus allowing it to \”mark\” a knife wound on yourself. Very realistic. The trainees wear old white t-shirts while using these for best effects. They are a bit pricey, but well worth it. Why use lipstick on a training blade? As the manufacturers state – lipstick is cheap and can found most anywhere in the world, even at late night drugstores for those afterhours training sessions.
    The U.S. Marines and several other govt. entites use the No Lie Blades as well in their training programs. The No Lie Blades website shows Marines training with these knives.

    No Lie Blades currently has 2 different training knives available. The first resembles a folding pocket knife and the other knife they have available is a large belt type knife which also comes with a sheath for training from the drawstroke. Both knives also come with an injury chart which shows the lethality of knife wounds on the human body.


    We’ve used lipstick before on our regular plastic knives, which worked fine. The only thing is that that stuff is impossible to wash out afterwards. I still got my lipstick marks on some T-shirts years later. So, bring an old one, maybe of lighter color, so one can see the markings better.



    white chalkboard chalk works fine and will wash out.


    And may look less suspicious to the wife… 🙂



    Folding training knife

    CJ Kirk found one for me at

    Product number 51301 for $19.95

    In case anyone is still interested.

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