Home Forums Krav Maga Worldwide Forums General KM Related Topics Very interested and I have a few questions

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    This is my first post on the boards and I have to say that this is a pretty good one. It is nice to see that the members seem to be pretty mature and responsible. I’ve seen some other boards that actually kind of turn me off to MA just because of the mindset of the people on the boards.

    OK, about me. I am 28 and live in Portland OR. I am a former Marine and the only fighting experience I have is the training I received while I was in. I am intrigued by the practical nature of Krav Maga and in a way it reminds me of the LINE training that I learned. Plus the benefits of the workouts that you get.

    So for my questions.
    1. On average, how much should I expect to pay per month for training? I found a class close by but I have not gotten in touch with them. I plan on trying for 2 times per week.

    2. Is crossfit type exercise the type of training I should be doing to prepare myself? I am in fairly decent shape now, but nowhere near the shape I should be in to complete most of those crossfit workouts.

    3. Any reading that you might reccomend I do before I start the classes?

    Thanks in advance, I will most likely have more questions later (So long as I don’t get flamed off the board on my first post)



    1. I pay $100/ month here in DC but could attend some 25 classes a week at that rate IF my free time and body would allow it. The price seems to vary quite a bit from lcation to location and some places allow you to pay less for fewer classes. In contrast I was paying 25/ month at an Aikido club before starting Krav. Is Krav worth the extra money? There is not a doubt in my mind it is!

    2. As a 28 year old former Marine, you really don’t \”have\” to do anyting before you start. I would recomend not going full out on your first workout. Yeah, it is a brutal workout but, your body adjusts well. That said, I still do heavy iron a few times a week and a lot of others on this post have secondary workouts they do.

    3. There are a few books out there, just do a search on Amazon. Often the talk of some books cause a firestorm on this post so I will not start that again. (See, I do learn.)

    One more thing, this post has a LOT of older posts on it, if you go through them you will find a lot of information on just about anything krav/SD related.

    Good luck and enjoy.



    Hey Karl, I love the ‘Big L’ username 😆

    1. I paid for a year contract and it was $108/month, I’ve seen some posters say they pay anywhere from 75-100+ so anywhere in that range is fair.

    2. As long as you are doing some form of exercise you will be alright. Krav will humble you on your first few nights, but after 2 weeks you should have a good feel for what you need to work on, just pace yourself is my best advice.

    3. I don’t have any suggestions for reading, but it’s not necessary IMO.

    And welcome to the board BTW


    Thanks for the speedy replies. I was hoping that I could join with my wife but damn…. 200.00 per month would put a serious dent in my wallet. Any idea if discounts are at all a common thing for Spouses?


    Some places do offer that and some don’t. At the very least, it gives you someone to go home to and say, \”Choke me baby, I wanna show you what I learned today!\”

    definition of true love; A woman that will let you practice Krav techniques with her………. Just wait till you hand her a training pistol and ask her to shoot you. I am not sure, but mine might have been a bit to enthusiastic about that one. Good thing it is just a red gun.



    Welcome Karl,

    It would still be worth your contacting your school to find out what they are charging for classes. Our school in San Antonio charges $65 per month with a year contract or $75 with a six month. Our club doesn’t offer discounts for spouses unfortunately but judging from some of the other prices I’ve seen I don’t have anything to complain about.

    As far as exercise goes, I’ve found my weakest link to be cardio. I was running 4 miles a day prior to starting and my first class had me sucking wind a lot worse than I expected.

    If you sign up, I’m sure you will find it to be a total blast!


    LOL! Unfortunately, I think my wife might be eager for that also 🙂 Guess I am lucky we don’t keep any real firearms around, so she doesn’t confuse them \”on accident\”

    BTW- Nice to see someone recognize the Lebowski refrence so quickly. I am usually on a forum for months before someone mentions it.


    Knuckles- I have emailed the school but I haven’t received a response yet. I work nights so it is tough for me to contact businesses during my work week. I will give them a call on my weekend.

    And the cardio is going to be my nemesis also. Not looking forward to that reality 🙂

    Thanks again for all the replies.


    I think pricing varies depending on the school and location. My school charges $60 per month for a year contract and I can attend up to 4-5 classes a week locally. And special classes (like fight night) with our partner school in another city with no cost except gas. Is it worth it? Yes!

    As far as fitness..what everyone here has told you is pretty much true. The training itself will whip you into shape pretty fast without anything else, but self workouts will help you achieve more high end results.

    Books? Reading materials? Marines are taught to read? (kidding) I never used any and it hasnt made any difference in the training at all. I know there are a few of em out there. If your dead set on take home stuff try the video’s available on the krav maga main website.


    Most schools should give a discount, but you might have to make a year commitment.

    gawd, I hate the cardio part too….BUT am planning to take the fit fitness class this summer after my normal KM training….gotta kick the habit, if ya know what I mean–wish me luck….


    Got a response from my local class. Looks like classes begin at $60. I will schedule my trial class for next week or perhaps the week after. That would allow me a bit more time to get in shape. I really don’t want to be wrecked for a week following the class.

    Thanks again for all the responses. Really enjoying the board.


    The only way not to be wrecked for a week after your first Krav Class, is to find another Krav school, take a class there, then head back and take yuor \”first class.\”

    I say that somewhat tongue in cheek, but you will use muscles you didn’t know you even had. I will say, go to the gym, and do some light workouts on a heavy bag to start getting your knuckles and wrists up to speed and your punches straight. At least when you first start, I would reccomend wraps. They will help with your knuckles and your wrists.

    Enjoy the class, 60 sounds like a great deal to me.



    Tomorrow I plan on putting my heavy bag stand together. Haven’t hit the bag in a few years, no time like the present. Anyone have any links to any decent heavy bag routines that I can do on my own? I am basically going to do jab jab for a minute, short rest, jab hook 1min, short rest, hook hook 1 min, short rest….. etc. Sound reasonable? Any other tips?



    Jab cross hook cross hook -bob and weave- and repeat 😉


    My instructor recommended using the Bas Rutten MMA workout cds. (google his website). As soon as I get mine in the mail I would be willing to get you hooked up with one.

    They are 3 minute rounds with breaks, where he calls out various strike combinations and exercises depending on which cd you listen to. To help with your stamina you should be ready to do 30 second bursts of energy and power and not rely so much on going for longer periods of exertion. At least in our classes thats what our instructor tries to teach us, going all out for short periods of time, acting like ‘an animal just released from it’s cage’.

    The Big Lebowski is my alltime favorite movie BTW. 8)

    MARK IT ZERO! This is not Vietnam Donny, there are rules.

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