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    Let me know what you think of those CD’s when you get them… Thanks for the hookup.


    It is truly a GOOD pain though!


    Another good cardio exercise to do is to throw as many punches, kicks and combinations, as hard as you can during a certain amount of time without a break. You can start with doing this for only a few minutes at a time, then work your way up to doing more.

    About once a week I go for ca 40 minutes without a break. I try to throw every punch, kick or combination as hard as I can with little rest in between. When I’m not punching, I’m moving around the bag and sometimes I even grab the bag and \”wrestle\” with it for a bit, then go right back to punching and kicking. I also sprawl sometimes, then come back up and punch. Sometimes I throw only left punches for a period of time, then only right and so fourth. Other times I throw continuous kicks for about a minute, then go right back to punching. I try to look up at chest level the whole time and keep my hands up and also move after each punch or punch combination.

    I find this to be a very good exercise to improve your cardio. Also, if you know you will not take a break during all of that time, it makes it psychologically tough, because you might feel a bit tired after just a couple of minutes, glance at the clock and realize there are still 30 minutes or more to go and then you just have to fight through it (as you might have to in a real fight, where you don’t get a break either if you are tired). Doing this exercise just once a week (in addition to all of the other Krav and fighting classes I take) has improved my conditioning a lot.


    You’re an animal Giant!

    I don’t know if anyone has done this one either in fight class, a warm-up drill or fatigue drill but you need a partner, boxing gloves and focus mitts. One partner holds focus mitts while other wears the mitts and does just jab for 30 sec to 1 min (however long you want) then cross, hook with left hand, hook with right, upper with left, upper with right, then jab/cross/hook/combo. Man what a workout. It’s one of my favorite drills.


    Thanks, I’ll take that as a compliment!! 😉

    By the way, I usually do this exercise after I have already taken another class. And there is no air conditioning in the room where I do this, so it can get really hot. The other day it must have been at least 80 degrees and it was really sticky, so I felt kind of loopy afterwards, but thankfully I recovered! 😀


    Your very welcome Giant! 😉

    What level are you?


    I’ve been training for eight years…..

    Oh, I just thought of another thing: I haven’t actually done this, but someone told me that some fighters actually train in the sauna, with the heat turned all the way up. He said to be very cautious when attempting that, because it could lead to possible heat stroke or the like, but supposedly, if you don’t die, it’s a very good exercise… 😉


    Sounds pretty dangerous to me. I am no where near fit enough to justify training in the sauna. There are about a million other things I can work on that don’t run the same risk. Thanks though 🙂

    Tried the Bas Rutten 3 minute boxing round tape. 23 minutes in all. And my back is SORE today. Muscles that I didn’t know I had back there. I usually just do pull ups and seated rows for back and apparantly that neglects a few muscles back there. I just did the shadow boxing since my heavy bag is on my back porch and I don’t want to wake the neighbors but it was still a good routine. Thumbs up in my book. Probably nothing special compared to Krav workout but it is a good intro for me.


    OK it’s official, I signed up for the free class and I will be taking it this Friday! I am pretty pumped for it. I really hope I don’t puke though 😯


    congrats! Good Luck! And welcome new brother to the super secret Krav Members club 😆


    Congrats and welcome.

    You sound like you’re a lot more prepped for your first class than I was. I doubt you will puke….



    First class is over.

    It went well. I was actually surprised, it wasn’t as hard as I was expecting. The kicks had me sucking wind, other than that I did pretty well. All in all it was good.

    It was different than I expected. Less formal I guess. We started out with a good warmup/stretch. Then we did some focus bag work, combo’s mainly (right, left, right….. left, right, left) Followed by some groin kicks. All of that went well, I didn’t feel to uncoordinated. Then we did a hammer fist / palm strike combo on 2 opponents. That made me feel goofy. It was tough to get used too, I was thinking too hard about it. It did start to feel better once I slowed it down into 2 seperate movements. Finally we did some choke defense.

    Is it not taught to ever try \”plucking\” the hand of the choker? We did the left arm up, spin, drop the elbow, control the chokers hands, and strike. Is that pretty much the only defense against a choke that is taught?

    I need to talk over the finances with my wife before I sign up though. 60 per month if you sign up for a year and then you only get 1 day a week. 94mo for a year for 2 days a week. Probably try 6mo at 2 days per week to start.

    Just thought I would fill you in……


    I just recently changed schools and will note that the focus of each can vary quite a bit between schools as of course can the pricing.

    The twisting defense to a choke is slightly more advanced than the pluck. The pluck uses your natural tendency to grab the chokerís hands. I like the one you learned better but it takes a little more practice to put it into muscle memory so it can be used without thinking in the real world. (It is also pretty effective against Joe bully grabbing you by the shirt in the barÖ) You will learn all of them as you advance through level one.

    I have seen some KM places focus more on the workout others more on technique. I like the technique classes better but that is me. 60/month for one day a week seems a bit high to me but it all depends on the area. I would recommend at LEAST the two day a week version, but make sure it allows you to pick the two. For around 120 here, I can attend as many classes as are offered for my level and below. Now, in reality, that still means I will probably make three days a week, so limiting it to two a week wouldnít be that bad a deal if that is what you were able to make anyway.



    Yeah, I work 12 hour days (nights actually) so 2 a week will be hard enough to work into my schedule. But Wed and Fri nights should be good.

    Thanks for your insight on the choke defense also.


    Actuallly, the turning defense that you described is done against a choke when the attack is pushing you, either from the front or the back. The key is leverage by keeping your shoulder/bicept against your jaw/ear and turning sharply.

    The pluck is done when the attack chooses not to push but grabs roughly maybe to crush windpipe. Then the pluck is used, aggressively, either with both hands and a kick or with one hand and a heal palm.

    Because of the need to catch one’s self from hitting the ground during a pushing choke, the pluck just isn’t effective enough.


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