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  • #39936

    \”Those guys don’t even know what a dumbell is, but they’re all ripped…coz they’re climbing trees to get to coconuts, chasing down monkeys for a mid-day snack, and carrying pails of water from the stream a half-mile away.\”

    Yes, they’re ripped, but not bulky or massive, and I guarantee they’re strong where it matters, because their \”training\” is functional. Everything that they are doing replicates something in their real life. It’s all about goals. If you want combat functional strength, then you need to train that way.


    I hardly ever post to the board unless it is on a thread about how to be more fit to fight or work in a KM class. The threads concerning technique are always handled by other instructors like Ryan or Emil so well that it leaves me little to contribute.
    This is the best thread yet in my opinion about how to be in better shape for what we are concerned with here, Krav Maga/self defense/fighting. The last few posts are dead on. If you train a muscle in isolation it will fail to work properly in conjunction with the rest of the body. Take a group of basketball players and have one group on a regimen of leg curls and leg extensions and the other on a program that emphasizes cleans and squats. Which groups jump would you expect to increase more. Isolation movements may make you look big and strong, but I would rather be stronger than I look than look stronger than I am.

    Ryan’s statement is dead on and beautiful in its simplicity. \”If you want combat functional strength, then you need to train that way.\” Isolation movements may make you look good, but they do little to promote what we are trying to achieve here. I’ll take cleans over curls any day. Squats, and deadlifts over leg extensions and leg press. Push press, handstand push ups over dumbell lateral flys. Pull ups, kipping or strict over pull downs. Multi jointed movements over Isolation movements, and everything boiled down to a single variable, time. How fast can I get it done.

    Again, I think it would be really beneficial to post what we are doing and see everyones progress. I’ll post again tonight.


    hehehehe, OK, well here was last nights workout:

    Ice on back for 15 minutes, ice off back for 15 minutes – 3 sets. This was a result of last weekend’s workout. Here are pictures of my last workout that I did Saturday-Monday by myself.

    I think a shovel and a few tons of rock and dirt are a great example of a full body realistic workout eh? 😛 Dead-lifted a few 15 ft trees 😛 (for anyone who is curious, I am putting in a brick path. You can see the pallets of pavers in the driveway in the second picture)

    I did loose 4 pounds over the weekend though.

    In all seriousness, the last time I worked out it went like this:

    2 hour Krav session – 30 minutes mixed heavy bag and calastenics, 60 minutes self defense drills, 30 minutes sparring
    30 minute drive home to rest
    Super-sets 3x of each:
    Pilates ball incline pushups with squats
    Standing dumbell curls with side leg lifts (10# ankle weights)
    Chair tricept lifts with incline sit-ups
    Pilates ball decline pushups with lower back lifts (like a reverse crunch)
    Bent row with dumbells and oblique crunches
    10 minutes cooldown leg stretches to help my sad hamstrings get some more flexability

    There are a few more super-set combo’s that I do but can’t think of them right now. Many times when I am working out I will take mental inventory of what is sore on my body. If there is a muscle group that doesn’t hurt Ill just make up a super-set combo on the spot to make sure it gets worked.

    Some days I will only do 1 hour of Krav and push myself more at home. Some days they kill us at Krav and I come home and just do some pushups and stretch.

    That pretty much details my workout.



    Ahh, the ol’ bend, advance, lift, retract, turn, and dump shovel contents routine. I know it well. 😆


    Bet you didn’t do 8-12 shovels and then rest a minute did you. Oh horror I read that you did the same thing 3 days in a row. You’ll never get anywhere working the same muscle group without a three day rest in between.
    Thanks for posting your Workout. I think this will be useful the more who play along the better.


    Nope, was more like:

    3 shovels of dirt
    1 drink of beer
    3 shovels of dirt
    stand in shade for 30 seconds
    1 drink of beer
    3 shovels of dirt
    talk to the neighbor
    1 drink of beer
    another drink of beer
    open new bottle of beer
    1 drink of beer
    3 shovels of dirt

    I guess by my own definition I was doing super-sets all weekend!!!)


    I kinda liked the \”before\” one better…. 😉

    Oh, and someone asked something I’ve been wondering about myself: Is it really true that bigger people are naturally slower than smaller ones? Even if they are lean and very much in shape? I’m small, have never been big, so I don’t know what that’s like. But I’m just thinking, would a 260 pound 6 Foot 5 guy, who is muscular, but very lean and in shape (there is a guy like that at the NTC) be generally a lot slower than let’s say a 5 Foot 100 pound guy of a similar body shape? Of course the bigger guy has more weight to carry around, but he also has bigger bones and muscles, so why would he be slower? I guess it’s true though, when you watch boxing fights you can see how fast the flyweights are compared to the heavyweights. But I wonder if that’s just ’cause big guys are lazy or is there an actual physical reason for it? 😉 Anyway, flyweights rule!!! 😀


    Well I for one don’t want to sift through and read everyone’s daily report on their activities and workouts. (Thanks all the same) Then have to go back ten pages to see how much progress they had from the last time they wrote. This seems useless and counterproductive. Individuals should keep track themselves and that’s it. Why would this interest people? I think garddawg has a good workout routine but I certainly don’t want to hear it every day and clap him on his shoulder every time he goes one more. I think it is enough to put down here what you do and how often for the week and then maybe say how you add ten reps a week etc… but to hear this every day from countless others that have routines that not only are not good routines or workouts but wasted space. MY2CENTS.


    Thanks for all of the great input!!!! I’m trying to put something together that will work for me ( if it was easy to be an above knee amputee, everone would do it ) so that , when in class, I get the most out of it and not stairing down at the mat trying not to puke. KM is the most fun and intense thing that I have do in a long time. The school that let me tey out a few classes is great and the instructor is more than wwilling to work with me.
    I think that for me cardio is going to be a big thing as well as speed, reflexes and miscle developement/ tone. Most of what I saw in clas is based on pure muscle memory and then the power/speed. It is a real case of \” first you get good then you get fast \”
    just my 2 cents.


    You are probably right. Anyone that wants to workout like I do can go to They publish a workout every day on the front page of their website for free. There are other functional fitness sites on the web if you want to take the time to find them.
    I love Krav Maga and have been teaching it for five years. I thought that maybe seeing the workouts a 46 year old was doing might help some of the people who keep asking, ìAm I to old to do this?î ìAm I too old to get in shape again?î But youíre right, it probably would be boring to the rest of the community.
    There are six threads on the front page of this forum that ask questions about working out. I read the advice given and know, from experience that most of the advice wonít help much in a Krav Maga class. I know that in my gym, the students who follow my workout advice perform far better in the Krav Maga class than the students who follow typical routines often described in these threads. Some advice, be it about techniques or working out, is better than other advice.
    Anyway, Iíll drop it for now until the next thread on working out comes up. Besides, I have to get ready for the fitness seminar being held at our gym this weekend. The officer in charge of BUD/s phase 2 training will be there as well other special ops guys and LEOís in charge of fitness training for their departments. The Pit master, John Hackelman will be there as well.

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