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    Re: Workouts & Krav

    Sorry, I will explain better…

    You do all of the 8 reps in a row, and then move on quickly to the next exercise on the list with no break. Once you get to the end of the deadlifts, take a 60 second break and pat yourself for completing round 1. Get ready, because you have 4 more rounds to go and you will be drenched at the end of it and digging deep to finish. I will be posting video highlights of this class on Bas’ forum, I will make sure to put it up here too.

    The Japanese warm-up is a series of exercises that Bas learned in Japan and has included in his Big Book of Combat. It is very difficult at first, but stay with it and after several weeks, you will be doing great! I will get video of this also… but basically it is forward rolls, backward rolls, judo rolls, handstands, walking on your hands, kip-ups, et cetera.

    I hope that helps. I will try to get video on this Thursday and hopefully up on Friday before I head to Sherman Oaks… Let me know if you have anymore questions.


    Re: Workouts & Krav

    Functional movement performed at high intensity.


    Re: Workouts & Krav

    You need a recovery agent, Comes with age.
    Start taking L-Glutamine twice a day.
    Fix you right up.

    I am only 38 but I have a messed up heart so the meds make my muscle very sore. With out L-Glut I could only workout 3 times a week.

    Also cut back on the weight if you are doing any. Increase the cardo.

    Running my 215lb butt for 2 miles is enough weight lifting.


    Re: Workouts & Krav

    Before taking supplements you should clean up your diet. Once that is taken care of L Glutamine and other supplements might be appropriate. For a person without medical issues the advice regarding weights and cardio is actually opposite of what most people should do to be fit and support the activities in their life.


    Re: Workouts & Krav

    I am %100 with you on that.

    Did cleases for two weeks and only eat organic foods and make everything from stratch.

    Made a big difference.

    quote garddawg:

    Before taking supplements you should clean up your diet. Once that is taken care of L Glutamine and other supplements might be appropriate. For a person without medical issues the advice regarding weights and cardio is actually opposite of what most people should do to be fit and support the activities in their life.

    Re: Workouts & Krav

    quote GSchretter:

    IDid cleases for two weeks

    Sounds like a Crappy 2 weeks:razz:


    Re: Workouts & Krav

    quote garddawg:

    Before taking supplements you should clean up your diet. Once that is taken care of L Glutamine and other supplements might be appropriate. For a person without medical issues the advice regarding weights and cardio is actually opposite of what most people should do to be fit and support the activities in their life.

    That all depends on the activities in your life.



    Re: Workouts & Krav

    Oh it was my friend.
    Going out to eat was NOT an option. :OhMy:

    quote unstpabl1:

    Sounds like a Crappy 2 weeks:razz:

    Re: Workouts & Krav

    Name an activity besides running that would be enhanced more from traditional aerobic activity (long distance running, rowing etc.) rather than anaerobic pursuits (sprints, o lifting, power lifting, gymnastics).


    Re: Workouts & Krav

    I’d like to echo unstpabl1 and others about the YRG workout from Dallas Page. I’m 45 and the Krav workouts (3-4 per week) left me sore all the time.

    It can be modified depending on how sore you are. If I’m getting plenty of work from other areas I just do the poses and stretching and ease up on the “iso”. If I need more work I crank up the “iso”.

    It’s great for recouperating from other activities.

    Impt: Get and use the heart monitor and know your “fat burining” vs “cardio workout” ranges. This applies to all workouts you do.


    unstpabl1 — Good to see another WT brother here……


    Re: Workouts & Krav

    Thanks for that link. Was just looking for it.

    So I’m kind of a caveman about training and diet, my point of view is probably unpopular, but again I’ve been training people for 30 years with a some success. People recommend all kinds of supplements. The supplement industry makes tons of money from people who want a quick fix. Pop this pill you’ll lose weight, take this one you’ll be stronger etc. Most of it is wasted because their diets suck. People would be way better off ignoring all of the hype and cleaning up their diet. Once that’s done look at supplements. I have clients who are stalled in the weight loss department, swear to me that their diet is clean and under control. When I buy them a journal and have them write down EVERYTHING they eat, surprisingly the weight starts dropping off. We find the hidden sugar, bad carbs right there in the book and then get rid of it.

    The same goes for working out. People want a quick and easy fix, but they would be way better off sprinting to the end of their street and lifting something heavy, sprinting back and squatting. Really strength, and fitness takes hard work. It’s uncomfortable. It’s not found in the latest gimmick workout regimen or the latest gadgets. It’s found in intensity, and intensity is directly related to discomfort. Intensity is also quantifiable and measurable. It’s found in the amount of work done in a given timeframe. The more work done in a given timeframe, the more intense the workout.


    Re: Workouts & Krav

    Everyone listen to garddawg… I was doing traditional bodybuilding exercises (curls, press downs, iso movements) then discovered crossfit from a post that he was giving info in.. I started doing more compound movements.. sprinting 400m, then drop to do pushups/pull ups/squat.. run again, repeat over and over. I’ve been at a crossfit gym now for the past 6-7 months and my strength/conditioning has never been better. We’ll run 2 miles at the gym.. 1 mile, 100 pull ups, 200 push ups, 300 squats, 1 mile. aka, “murph” 🙂


    Re: Workouts & Krav

    quote CaptnCornerBanger:



    unstpabl1 — Good to see another WT brother here……

    Hey Welcome to the jungle:wav:


    Re: Workouts & Krav

    quote garddawg:

    Thanks for that link. Was just looking for it.

    The same goes for working out. People want a quick and easy fix, but they would be way better off sprinting to the end of their street and lifting something heavy, sprinting back and squatting. Really strength, and fitness takes hard work. It’s uncomfortable. It’s not found in the latest gimmick workout regimen or the latest gadgets. It’s found in intensity, and intensity is directly related to discomfort. Intensity is also quantifiable and measurable. It’s found in the amount of work done in a given timeframe. The more work done in a given timeframe, the more intense the workout.

    GD, How are you brother? Like the new look on your forum.

    I think YRG fits the discomfort part of your post. I’ve only used the 20 minute program from the book so can only speak of that. DDP might disagree its Power Yoga with things like slow 10 count push ups. Isometric stuff. Oddly enough I find it a mind and body w/o but not in the sense of some new age oogga booga bullcrap. Though I’m not in shape, I find it challanging. I find myself drenched in sweat and gasping for air in a different way than say Seans fight class. It’s full belly breathing on each move and forces you to use all your lung capacity. It engages the whole physical human apparatus and forces you to pay attention to the present moment, pretty much because your focused on each full breath.

    Watching the video transformation of Arthur on the site is just an inspiration to the possibilities of what can be achieved by taking control of your life. Doesn’t matter if its xfit,YRG or whatever

    Most of the hardercore guys from the Dog Brothers forum and WT where I originally heard of YRG feel its a good suppliment program for them, but not a total replacement for Warrior Training. Remember that the Brazilians have used yoga as a supplement to their BJJ for a long time

    I think yoga is another piece of the puzzle. I liked YRG’s presentation of it because in spite of Diamond Dallas Page being a “Pro’ wrestler, he’s simplified it and made it straight male accessablerofl2If your a guy that would never be caught dead in a yoga class, challenge yourself to a good Power Yoga class sometime. Their usually free on the first class. Worse comes to worse the scenery is usually pretty good. Or check out YRG. See if it aids recovery

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