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  • #75167

    Re: Why the hate on Krav by MMA people?

    Krav was recommended to me by a friend who’s also a MMA fighter. I don’t think its the MMA community that has issues with Krav, its the individuals that have ego issues.


    Re: Finding Balance

    I don’t think its fair to ask your partner to go easy, they need the practice and need to go hard. I mean no offense and think its great that you are out there working hard. I think the better option is for your partner to junp in with someone else when its thier turn to kick.


    Re: What do you ride??

    2008 Street Glide


    Re: Krav Test Saturday

    I tested 3 weeks ago. I would plan on 2 – 3 hours, imagine the toughest class you’ve had as a warm up and then getting into the test. I think the philosophy is to have you as fatigued as possible and then perform on the test.

    As for carb loading, I’ve always been a fan of complex carbs (whole wheat pasta, etc). Maybe some oatmeal in the morning and take a protein bar and a lot of water/gator aid for the breaks.

    Go hard and never stop and you’ll do fine. Good Luck!


    Re: KMWW Website

    The location finder seems a little off, I’m in NC and it keeps coming up with sites in MD. I’ve tried both zip code and city name searches…..


    Re: Fight Music/Workout Music

    Rage Against The Machine, Pearl Jam, AC/DC.


    Re: What are your Warm-ups like?

    Our warm ups vary day to day in intensity and content (usually depending on the content of class). We usually start with some type of circuit including some combination of high knees in place, push ups, sit ups, various types of jumping jacks, etc in a 10x10x10 fashion (ex. 10 jumping jacks, 10 push ups, 10 sit ups for 10 sets). From there we go into floor movements; jogging while throwing pushes, moving across the floor in a fighting stance, bear crawls, plyometric jumping, etc. We then go into various stretching moves….arms, hips, necks, etc.

    Warm up generally lasts 15 – 20 mins, enough to work up a good sweat and get in some stretching….


    Re: Bike Trainer Advice?

    I’m not a trainer expert by any means but I have used a Cyclops Magneto trainer for a couple years. Personally I think you can get a good workout on a trainer that costs less than 300 new. There are a lot of bells and whistles you can go for but I like a basic trainer. I use a pretty basic bike computer to keep up with cadence, speed and distance and a heart rate monitor to work on zone training. I would recommend buying a new tire when the outdoor season starts, the trainer will flat spot your tires after a while.

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