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  • #39805


    Just my 2 cents.

    We’re not there so we can second guess what he did. Anyone who’s sparred or been in a fight, you do what you can. You’re not thinking, \”Well if he puts his right hand on my chest I’ll clear and give him 3 elbow smashes and get up and get my pistol and shoot him\”.

    No… its repetition after repitition do we \”learn\” to do this. We can’t second guess what he did. The main point is the baddy ain’t so bad no mo’.


    Group Hug…. 🙄


    Glad it went well, it sounded like it was going to be a blast.

    Back to the Bas tapes for now…..


    So did anyone train with Uri or Avi today? If so, how did you like it?


    Glad we’re staying on topic here. 🙄

    In any matter, I hope some of you take the opportunity to go train with Major Avi Nardia this Sunday. His studio is in the L.A. area. I guarantee you won’t regret it. He’s a great guy and a very knowledgable mentor.[/quote]


    Thanks for clarifying.

    However, may I ask why Taekwondo, Kuk Sool Won, Jujitsu and others haven’t had the same done to them?

    I understand your argument totally, but lets compare apples with apples now.



    How do you think Krav gained its popularity? It didn’t have anything to do with the ATA did it?

    Just a thought…..


    I see there is a few Systema places here in Colorado. I’m going to go check one out. I’d rather suspend judgement until I have a few classes under my belt. I’ll let you all know then.



    I have the same sentiments about Mr. Nardia. I think that he is a great teacher/instructor. Everyone I talked to after his seminar said the same thing and were very impressed with his teaching and skills. Not to mention that he is a very humble man.

    What I particularly enjoyed was his gun disarms. They flow naturally and feel second nature to do. He thinks outside the box and is constantly trying to improve, and that is what I like about him most.

    Again, thanks for the post.


    To Giantkiller and others….

    My original posting was directed towards anyone who has trained with Major Avi Nardia. Major Nardia teaches Kapap, Lotar and Krav Maga and there were some comments on the deleted post about his credibility.

    Those comments were directly addressed by Joe. The post was then deleted.

    So I agree with you all, Yes… lets not make this into a political discussion. I wanted to know from people who have directly trained with Major Avi Nardia and what their opinion of the training was.

    Giantkiller, if you would like to know more, please get me your e-mail address and I will discuss the details with you privately.


    By the way, Joe did bring up some interesting points in the deleted thread. I’m glad I saved a copy of it when I did.


    I looked at the combatsurvival website when I first came on this forum.

    After taking Krav for awhile and then taking a few classes from Avi Nardia, I do see some similarities to Kapap.

    This is part of the reason I asked in the first place. I’m not going to be closed-minded on this.


    A mind is a terrible thing to waste. 😕


    Let’s get one thing clear, officer safety is paramount. Was this a threat? Hardly. Looks like a routine traffic stop. Was she being rude, absolutely. Did it require being tasered? I doubt it.

    Tasering can be an easy way out for a cop to do their job, as in this case. It should be a tool to be used w/ caution, not abused. I think it sets a dangerous standard when you can be electrocuted (in some cases executed) for an officers ignorance or inability to think. I know of someone who was tasered because he went into a diabetic fit and the cop thought he was doped up. Was that funny? Hardly.

    I suppose it’s funny when they zap people in hospital beds for urine samples, unruly children, and pregnant women too? So for all of you people who are saying \”Do it again, Do it again…\” just think about what you’re saying. They can count bullet holes but they can’t count how many times they shock you with 50,000 volts. That is borderline torture. I don’t care who you are, I guarantee that if you’ve been zapped you won’t want it happening to you again.

    Do it again? Whatever…

    I’m not a police-state boot licker. I despise officers using their \”stormtrooper\” status to bully people. They are not above the law, as some may think they are. Everyone should be held accountable for their actions, regardless of title/rank. No accountability (and lowering standards)breeds corruption.

    Policemen have a hard job and that is why not everyone can be an officer. I resent the scum who abuse their power in the name of \”protecting and serving\” my community. It gives a black eye to all of the good officers that are doing their damn job right.

    Maybe I should just be quiet. I mean the brownshirt mentality worked 60 years ago, why not now?

    Just do as they say. That’s right, Resistance is futile.



    This is probably what you are looking for…

    The guy that does it is in Denver, contact him and see
    if there is something in the area where you live. Mike is a
    great guy and would love to help, I’m sure.

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