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    Re: Commando Krav Maga / CKM / Moni Aizik

    quote kylestyle913:

    ENOUGH! I don’t know who you are but Psyops is a very good man from everything I have read and he is very passionate about krav, and he has offered up loads of insight on these forums. Also you might have mistaken his passion for what he does as hostility but I’ll tell you one thing, he is a calmer man than I. Because if you EVER talked about my family like that You had better watch out. So in closing, take your own advice, Act mature and Leave people’s familys out of this.

    quote kylestyle913:

    p.s. **** YOU

    Tell me, where exactly did I say anything negative about anyone’s family?

    “You seem to have a wonderful family in your picture.”
    Definitely not there.

    “I’m sure this is not the example you would want to set for them.”
    Hmm, not there either.

    Did you read my original post? I came here because I did not like what saw and wished to share my opinion. I was basically asking people to consider a “cease fire” so to speak. I gave examples of things that can be said about both parties and how pointless it is to go back and forth. Apparently since I did not just join in the Moni bashing I must be affiliated with him. Right?

    quote :

    This guy is plainly not who he says he is

    In less than one day I have been called a “troll”, told i have “no ethics”, called a coward and have been completely insulted by psyops. Yet you accuse me of being the one came with negativity? Apparently all I’ve done is stir the crap. It was not my intention. I wish someone would have just replied to my original post without the unnecessary hostility. I guess I’ll try my luck else where.


    Re: Commando Krav Maga / CKM / Moni Aizik


    Thatís pretty much the response I figured I would get.

    Listen sly psy, I did not intend to strike a nerve with you, nor am I really interested in your resume. As great a guy as you believe you are, you can’t argue the fact that the posts you’ve made are simply childish. “Stay out of grown folks… business….WTF have you done…sit quietly and keep your mouth shut” and suggesting that I should ask any one of your references about your character? My friend, I was simply stating that neither is better than the other. I was not bashing either one.

    Also, I stated in my opening line that I am new to KM. So your cute little comment about being “new and it shows” is redundant and obviously nothing more than an angry counter attack. However, I am not new to this kind of ordeal which has plagued the MA world in almost every style.
    IE. Karate, Kung-Fu.
    Who taught who? Whose style is the best? He’s a fake! No he is! No you are!

    This is why I thought I could offer an outside opinion. But I should’ve figured that it wouldn’t take long before I too had accusations pointed at me.

    I do not belong to any organization. I am simply a firefighter who lives in Miami, Fl. The intent of my forum name “mikeperezmiami” was to show that I really have nothing to hide. As I stated I have taken some KM and CKM classes. I have a long MA background but don’t feel itís even relevant to post here as it has nothing to do with the intent of my post. If you so desire I can throw diplomas at you or make a sly-psy style resume but I don’t think it’s necessary.

    Again, I just wanted to give an outside opinion. My main point is, why spread more hatred and speculation around the KM world with these kind of threads instead of a coming up with a better alternative. At the end of the day, it’s all a bunch of he said-she said BS that can never bee proven because Imi is no longer with us.

    One more thing sly-psy:
    You seem to have a wonderful family in your picture. I’m sure this is not the example you would want to set for them. I feel that you did absolutely nothing but counter attack everything I said and list your accomplishments so you could feel better about yourself. Show some maturity and respond in a way that I can understand. Since you seem to know all about “grown folk business” it shouldn’t be that hard for you.


    Re: Commando Krav Maga / CKM / Moni Aizik

    Well, I’m relatively new to the KM world and Ive read a lot about the different organizations using the Krav Maga name in the US. I actually have a lot to say so I hope you all can bare with me. I’ve taken some Krav Maga and some CKM. I like both very much and, contrary to what some have said here, i feel that they do complement one another. “take what works, discard the rest…” I know ive heard that somewhere before. By no means am I an expert on this subject but I feel that I can at least bring an outside opinion.First I’d like to say that I am embarrassed to see martial artists go back and forth at each others styles and/or founders. It makes us look like immature children arguing over who is better or who is legitimate who is a liar etc. I’ve seen a few of the posters on this thread (notably psyops) on other forums doing nothing but speaking poorly of Moni and other instructors. Itís this kind of behavior that has made the world see us in a negative light.

    Here’s something I read a while back about KM and the different organizations:
    “…every group hates each other. KMWW and KMF claim that their founder was Lichtenfeldís chosen successor and the recipient of privileged knowledge about Krav Maga. They both also claim that they have kept Lichtenfeldís system intact while expanding upon it. But they tend to suggest their rivals have bastardized the form ó even going so far as to argue that at least some of the others are shysters trying to exploit the Krav Maga boom. CKM and their founder claim that he helped change the system. In the end itís about money and clientele. It’s all about the buisness no matter what any of them say.”

    Pretty sad huh? Not exactly the light I think we should be seen in. Here’s the bottom line:

    On one side I see a guy who:
    1-is accused of lying/exaggerating/fabricating about his military service.
    2is accused of promising his students the moon, with expensive, geographic franchises and BIG bucks. Then not delivering.
    3-removed certain claims from his website supposedly due to the inability to prove them

    On the other side I see a guy who:
    1-has taken legal action against his own friend and teacher because he feels that he should be the only one allowed to use the term “Krav Maga”
    2-is also accused of promising his students the moon, with expensive, geographic franchises and BIG bucks. Then not delivering.
    3-signs Imi’s name on his student’s diplomas
    4-claims his system is about saving lives yet his students make comments like “I walk down dark alleys knowing that even though I may not win, at least ill still hurt the guy.”

    So both have been questionable in their integrity……so what! Theyíre buisness men doing what businessmen do. Trying to ensure the survival of their business. One thing that is NOT questionable is THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THEIR TECHNIQUES! Both systems have excellent techniques that work in a variety of situations. Yet, instead of trying to create a better relationship between each other I see MANY “martial artist” here spend more time HIPOCRITICALLY bashing the founder of an “opposing” organization.

    I will also point out that I have yet to find these kinds of threads on the CKM or IKMF forums. And you all here know as well as I do that there is plenty of Darren bashing that can be done, as I have only listed a few things.

    Please forgive my long post, I am very passionate about training and when I see this childish behavior it makes me sick to my stomach. Letís not focus so much on each otherís founderís business practices and focus more on training and learning from one another.

    KARATE, KUNG-FU, CAPOEIRA, MUAY-THAI all have a generic meaning for a plethora of different styles. Try telling one of them that they shouldnít use their name anymore because it’s not how the style was originally created.

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