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    atakrav- you can’t switch??


    I must be dense here – is it that you’ve got your membership such that it can’t be cancelled before a certain time frame or something? I think with my center you’ve got to give 30 days notice (San Antonio people tell me if I’m wrong here). It is your money, so I’m unsure why you’re not allowed to go somewhere else.


    Yes its a contract, i have to dig through my records to see when it ends though.

    The reason why they won’t let me switch is that my location (Red Mill) is not doing good training wise, and alot of people wanted to go to the good location which is (Princess Anne) and if that happened, there would be no one at Red Mill so they are not letting anyone switch over. But they don’t let anyone switch over regardless of the reason, that just happened to the reason this one time…



    I see what you’re saying and yes, it does make sense in a way. However, why go through the review even when you should have been practicing all along so you can go to the review AND do the test. All instructors are different. You’re right, my tests have never been 4 hours, they are usually 4 hours plus! But it was well worth it in the end.


    You mean John Whitman? His email is on page one of this thread. 😉 So hit that back button!!

    That really sucks not being able to switch. Did you sign a contract with that school? I’m no legal expert, but it kind of seems to me that if your reason for wanting to switch is that there is no certified instructor at the school you are at, but there is one at the other school, that they should let you switch. They are not supposed to let someone teach, who isn’t certified. So if they do it seems to me that they are breaking their contract with you. You signed up for Krav Maga classes and if you get taekwondo instead, you are really not getting what you paid for and they should either refund your money or let you switch. That’s just my opinion, don’t know if it would have any legal basis, but maybe you can ask someone more knowledgable on the subject than me (a lawyer) and see if you can force them to release you from your contract. Or maybe John can help.

    Welcome back by the way. Just when we thought we were safe!!! 🙄


    At the NTC I think you can take the workshop separatly, at least it used to be that way. If you wanted to take the test you had to take the workshop, too, but if you just wanted a bit of review, you could just take the workshop and not the test.


    Thats actually a really good point, I will see what they say.

    They are talking about certifing one of the instructors at my school, but I think they are just bull$hiting us because of me and a couple of other guys are tired of the training.

    I will take that argument up with the head honcho, thanks!

    I’m also looking for a good Ju-Jitsu school around Va Beach in case this scenero goes sour, then I’ll really be thinking I’m right about the 90% satistic!



    For myself, I’d rather train beforehand like everyone else and if I don’t feel I’m ready, I won’t take the any of it. For others, they may just want to see based on the workshop if they’re ready. To me, it’s nice the option is there.

    Also, it’s always different what the ‘wear you out’ portion of the workshop is like. I have yet to see the same thing twice.


    What Giantkiller said makes sense to me, though I’m no lawyer either. 🙂 . Hope you can get this all worked out – places like that will give other KM centers a bad name.


    In addition to the BJJ school you could also try a Muay Thai or kickboxing school. They won’t teach you gun or knife defenses, but at least you’d get some decent stand up skills to go along with the ground fighting. Maybe even a MMA school if there is one in your area, where you would get both stand up and ground skills.


    I would love to find a MMA school, i was sopposed to train with this guy the other day that was training for a mixed martial arts fight, but he cancled cause of something, but we will get together again (hopefully). I just want to train hard again…!!


    I too will have to agree with Giantkiller. It sounds like breach of contract to me. You payed to be trained by a certified KM instructor and that did not happen. You have every right to end the contract without paying an early termination fee.

    Also, they cannot tell you that you are not allowed to switch. Once you break the contract, you are free to go anywhere you want.

    The way we do it at my facility is, we give every potential student/member a free week of training. That way they can see if they like the level of instruction before they commit to anything. You should ask your next place if they do anything like that.


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