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    Yep, my right forearm is bothering me. It was pretty bad–had trouble grasping things. It’s gotten better, but there is still some pain there.

    Never had it before in my life, and I have self diagnosed it. There is only one thing that could have caused it: right crosses and straight punches.

    Now what do I do? I’m going to a class this morning, and if we do a lot of right punches, it’s going to worsen.

    I cannot be the only one who has experienced this. Do I need to strengthen my forearms? How do I stretch the forearm muscles?


    Re: Think I have tennis elbow

    You need to rest it before it becomes chronic and bothers you the rest of your life. I used to ignore things like that and now I can’t scratch my a$$ when it’s cold outside because my shoulders don’t work right. Rest it for a week and see a Doctor. Since your’e going to ignore me anyways, you might want to try one of those velcro pressure bands that wrap around the forearm just above the elbow, they’ve helped me in the past.


    Re: Think I have tennis elbow

    Definetely take Jeremy’s advice.
    Resting is the best thing for it and the forearm straps are helpful for recovery as well.

    Take my advice, you don’t want chronic problems with this unless you want like your lower fingers going numb like I do.


    Re: Think I have tennis elbow


    I’m not going to argue with people who know better. I NEED my right arm. I can rest it, but can I get away with just leaving those punches out? I can still kick, and do left jabs. I also need the aerobic part of the class.

    Are push ups out of the question? Other excercises to avoid? I will go to my doc, but that won’t be until after the holidays.

    We have no more class until next Thursday, anyway, but you know: I DID receive a small Wavemaster for Christmas. 🙂


    Re: Think I have tennis elbow

    Rest up, don’t overdo it and have it checked out by a doctor. That’s the only way you’re gonna be sure.:wav:


    Re: Think I have tennis elbow

    I’m currently experiencing just a little “tennis elbow” in my right elbow. But, it is actually from playing tennis. It’s not bad at all so I’m not concerned about it at this time.

    However, in your case, I recommend following the advice of others above. Give it a rest. Also, I think you are fooling yourself if you think you can continue to train in a high tension Krav class and not use your right arm. As your adreline flows and with the excitement of the training, you will probalby forget about your right arm and use it. I’ve been there and done that.

    I pulled the muscles and tendons in my left arm really bad. For a couple days I couldn’t hold a toothbrush in my left hand. I laid off training for a couple weeks and, although I still couldn’t use my lft arm that well, I went back to training thinking I would take it easy on my left arm. As the stress and pressure mounted during class, I forgot about my arm and hurt it more. I had to force myself to lay off training for a while.

    When I started training again, I found that a velcro wrap on the forearm did help a lot until my arm was 100% again. Someone mentioned the velcro wrap in an earlier reply – they do work.


    Re: Think I have tennis elbow

    I jammed my wrist pretty bad the other week in class. I finished up the the class with it, but it hurt like hell. The next day I talked to my dad about my injury (he’s an E.R. physician) and he told me to rest it. Figuring that I can tough out minor injuries pretty well, I went back to my Army mentality and went to the gym, threw on some gloves w/ wrist support and lowered my weights a bit. That worked out okay, but still hurt. The next day I went back to class, promising myself to take it easy on my right side. As was said earlier, my adrenaline got up and I wasn’t feeling my wrist at all… Until a hammer fist sent searing pain throughout my right arm. It’s over a week later and my wrist is still jacked up. When I talked to my dad, all he could say was “told you so…”. So yeah… Either listen to everyones advice or end up not training for 2 weeks like my stupid a$$. :banghead:



    Re: Think I have tennis elbow

    Well, looks as if I am outnumbered.

    I’ll just do some aerobics/walking the neighborhood. Lower body excercises.

    Discovered that raising a two-pound pistol is painful with tennis elbow. Even more reason.

    I’ll call the doc next week and get an appointment.

    Thanks, folks. 🙂


    Re: Think I have tennis elbow

    i’ve had tennis elbow for about 10 years, (work related), in april i went to the work doc and he said you have cronic tennis elbow, take advil, ice it and live with it(what a dick!) i went to my family dr and told him, he said to try a medrol dose pack (it’s a steroid)6 pills the 1st day,5 the 2nd day,4 the 3rd day,3 on the 4th day,2 on the 5th day and 1 on the last day, BY DAY 2 THE PAIN WAS GONE, and stayed gone till december(i started krav in november) he gave me another pack, and i’m fine no pain, no tenderness and my elbow is in better shape than when i was in my teens ask for the medrol dose pack(the generic is called methylpred)

    good luck


    Re: Think I have tennis elbow

    I caught a finger nail in the eye today and after I had it looked out I found out it scratched my cornea. I got this gel stuff from the pharmacy. I’ve broken a bunch of things over the years but I think this one takes the cake as not the most painful but certainly the most uncomfortable injury. It feels like I have a grain of sand under my eyelid and each time I blink it scrapes my eye. Hopefully by Wed when they are back open I won’t have to go see my GP.

    Who knows with this goop on my eye I might wake up tomorrow and be fine.


    Re: Think I have tennis elbow

    quote CJs Dad:

    I caught a finger nail in the eye today and after I had it looked out I found out it scratched my cornea. I got this gel stuff from the pharmacy. Iíve broken a bunch of things over the years but I think this one takes the cake as not the most painful but certainly the most uncomfortable injury. It feels like I have a grain of sand under my eyelid and each time I blink it scrapes my eye. Hopefully by Wed when they are back open I wonít have to go see my GP.

    Who knows with this goop on my eye I might wake up tomorrow and be fine.

    Eye stuff jiust makes me cringe


    Re: Think I have tennis elbow


    Rest is not necessarily the best option for some injuries. It was the normal recommendation, but working the injury out is becoming common as well. So with that said Step one: go see a doctor:OhMy: Reason being it could be a number of things. self diagnosing usually means your doctor has no training. I could say it more bluntly, but I’ve been accused of being blunt actually I’m a great guy. even if I’m the only one who would say so:dunno:

    I was working out hitting pads one night. Around 2am my right wrist hurt so bad I couldn’t pick up a piece of paper. Thought I badly sprained it. Couldn’t shift my car or write my name. Treated it like a sprain. 6 weeks later of agonizing pain I had a realization. I get gout in my toes. Reading the net I found out wrists were common for gout. I took one pill and no more pain. Had I been smart enough to go see the doc, I would have saved myself 6 weeks of misery. Attack things when there small:abx:Sounds like krav huh


    Re: Think I have tennis elbow

    I feel your pain on the wrist issue.

    I have a problem with Ganglion Cysts in my wrists for years. The problem comes and goes without notice and like right now I have no problems at all but when it hits I have problems bending my wrists for simple pushups or hitting with a palm heal strike can hurt like hell.

    Told my doctor (I’m in the Navy) and all I get is “Take some Motrin and live with it.”

    There is surgery that can remove them but there is little guarantee that they will not return. Cysts seem to be a common thing with me for some odd reason.


    Re: Think I have tennis elbow

    Playing guitar hurts with tennis elbow too! 🙂

    Had the same thing on my left side… An elastic support worked great to alleviate the pain but the velcro or the small plastic buckle piece could scratch a partner during some exercises and elbows to the pad are out of the question. Good thing is that the problem eventually went away, for me in approx ~3 weeks.


    Re: Think I have tennis elbow

    There was a guy at the NTC who once experienced having the velcro of a training partner’s wrap scratch along his cornea. He said he was practically blind for a week, because he had to keep both of his eyes closed 24/7. But then it seemed to have healed well. That’s one good thing about wearing contacts, they protect the eye from scratches.


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