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    ok guys here’s the deal I’m 18 heard about Krav from some friends and watched in on Human weapon. I’m about 375 pounds I talked to a instructed on the phone asked if me being over weight would be a problem he said no so I thought I would ask here. I need to lose weight and the only way I see myself doing it would be by doing something I enjoy and would be intense. You guys think my weight would be a major issue? Any tips? This is very important guys so plz help!


    Re: wieght and krav

    One of the great things about Krav is that it is scaleable. Obviously you would have to start slow and work at your own pace, but within a very short period of time, the weight would start to come off and your body would start to adapt. Just be careful in regards to your knees and back until you start to get used to the rigors of class.

    Good Luck!


    Re: wieght and krav

    #1 thing: Stick with it, even after the pain. You will see results and fairly quickly if you put in good effort. If you get a good diet going it will be even faster and will help perform in class.

    Concentrate on yourself and don’t worry about what the others are doing, keep your goals in mind and try to improve (do more reps) every time you go to class.


    Re: wieght and krav

    I was in fairly poor shape physically when I started Krav 3 years ago. You will have to work up to speed, but don’t let being out of shape stop you from starting.


    Re: wieght and krav

    Cshuler, hey man you are on the right track. Something like Krav Maga is the right place to start. You’ll make good friends, set yourself on an exercise plan, and it has reachable incremental goals that are perfect for your motivation.

    As Mr. Stafford pointed out you will have to skip the running portion of some of the warm ups due to the damage you would do to your knees but you can do just about everything else. It will not take long before you start to notice your weight dropping and your ability to give into your training start to increase.

    BTW, what part of Texas are you in?


    Re: wieght and krav

    Oh you asked for tips also, ok.

    Start drinking about two liters to a gallon of water three days before you start your first Krav Maga class. It is VERY VERY important that you stay well hydrated. It is the great equalizer as I have seen poor hydration take down some of the most fit people with the initial signs of heat stroke (nausea, dizziness, etc). It can also sap your strength as you overheat.

    When you start your Krav Maga class you are going to be quickly introduced to a whole new world. So never give up! If you need to take a break then do it but do it quickly. Its when we push ourselves beyond what we can do is the time we realize that is was our preconceptions that held us back. I can say it here but it will hit you like a ton of bricks in class when you realize your limitations are mental and not so much physical .

    You are going to start performing techniques. Initialy you are not going to do them the way the instructor showed you. Don’t worry about it and just be loose and relaxed. Practice slowley with and eye to perfecting the move. Remember you can never do a technique wrong unless you stop half way through. Never stop, just complete what you are doing and put more effort into it the next time.

    Stretch……Stretch……and then stretch some more. Your off Krav days should have stretching. Oh…..and remember to stretch.

    The most important rule…when the instructor is talking, shut your trap. You might not have this issue but others sure do. Bring respect as your instructor will have already brought his/hers

    There might be more but I have to hop on this conf. call


    Re: wieght and krav

    quote Jeremy Stafford:

    One of the great things about Krav is that it is scaleable. Obviously you would have to start slow and work at your own pace, but within a very short period of time, the weight would start to come off and your body would start to adapt. Just be careful in regards to your knees and back until you start to get used to the rigors of class.

    Good Luck!

    Cshuler, this advice is right on target! I would only add that, as with any new exercise program and given your expressed concerns, you might want to see your doctor first, let her/him know the type of training you intend to do and see what she/he says.

    In addition to the mental and physical challenge and aches/pains/soreness and possibly a few bumps and bruises you’ll experience from training, I will also tell ya that you will likely be very pleased with the results that show in your body from training.

    Best of luck ~ and enjoy!! thumbsup


    Re: wieght and krav

    Thanks for the post guys I really apriciate then they’ve helped a lot. I’m going to find the nearest to start classes. And plz keep them coming I can use all the help I can get! Oh and Bracious I live about 2 hours from you on the other side of Waco


    Re: wieght and krav

    Cool! Welcome to Krav and I encourage you to share with us. There is a wealth of experience here


    Re: wieght and krav

    I like to tell people that weight, disabilities, injuries, age, etc. does not stop you from being a victim of an attack – it may actually increase the odds – so it shouldn’t stop you from training to beat the attacker’s butt. Great advice has already been posted.

    I’ve had at least 4 guys at that weight take lessons from us. Just go at your own pace. One of those guys actually tested to level 2 and I really think anyone messing with him would pay the price! Good luck!


    Re: wieght and krav

    I lost 30 lbs in less than 2 months. And I’ve managed to bring my type 2 diabetes pretty much control with Krav and a healthy diet. The changes were so drastic my doctor could not believe it. I’ve not only managed to keep the weight off, but I continue to keep losing pant sizes while increasing muscle tone and flexibility. Stick with it.


    Re: wieght and krav

    Krav will get you in to shape! Start out slow, do what you can and have fun. You will notice a change in your fitness level, health and wellbeing. Kudos! I admire your courage!


    Re: wieght and krav


    I understand EXACTLY how you feel. I started Krav @ 330 lbs and could barely get through the class in the beginning. I have been going for 5 months now, and am down to 270 lost 6″ off my waist and will probably be getting of the high blood pressure and eventually the diabetes medication soon!

    However I will let you know, in my case, the first 2 weeks are going to REALLY stress your body so I’d let your doctor know and most iimportant do NOT try to keep up with the uber-fit 20 year olds. I am seeing HUGE improvements, couldn’t do a pushup when I got there and now am doing as many as required, still working on core strength.

    The best thing is how I feel about me, no embarassment in public and lots more energy. I also really haven’t changed my diet except in the evenings I eat air popped popcorn instead of unhealthy things

    GO FOR IT!!!!

    If you’d like, send me e-mails through the system and I will be glad to talk to you one on one. I understand the situation better than most since I am/was in it myself. Take a quart of gatorade or water and drink every time you have to!


    Re: wieght and krav

    i can chime in this one. i was a smoker and disregarded my health for nearly 12yrs . i ate,drank & partied my early life away. when i started krav 2 months ago i was overweight and had no stamina. now i do fireman drills as warm ups before my exercises, i haven’t been to a crossfit class but out of self determination i lost 22 lbs in a month. yeah sounds unreal but i feel the weight thats off, i began eating correctly and do cardio workouts on my off days. ur body will get used to the so called pain that KM inflicts on it. oh yeah sleep is also something you’ll enjoy more cause it actually means something good… your body will evolve into what you want to do to it.


    Re: wieght and krav

    I’m 48 and out of shape thinking about training do you have any advice on how to prepare?

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