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  • #89843

    Re: Kicked out of class – justified?

    If you are in the Raleigh Durham NC area come over to TKM. You will love it. We have a school in Cary too. I have been there two years and have never had so much fun training. They are pretty relaxed about the protocol at the school. And, yes, many have barfed and come back on the mat… not me of course.:woohoo:


    Re: Optimal Fighting Weight

    This is all good info. I’ve never wrestled or fought in a formal or regulated setting. I went to nationals at 16 in swimming and was trying to make Olympic trials. I hit puberty and never got that fast again.

    I did Kung Fu for five years and I was much lighter say 120. It didn’t really matter because we didn’t spar much.

    I was so lucky to find my Krav school. At that point I was pushing 150.:thunbsdown: Now I’m motivated. Most of June I did a healthy food plan. Now I just want to improve to a point where I’m happy with my body and to keep up good nutrition is essential for that. I do not starve myself because that’s messed up. Anyhow I’ll get more professional help with it soon. thumbsup


    Re: Optimal Fighting Weight

    Thanks Don. I’m looking at it as adopting a healthy eating plan and seeing a nutritionist next week. I don’t want to risk injury or my training progress. I’ve also slacked off the strict 1500 cal a day thing. I’m originally from Wisconsin, so I’m addicted to cheese.:D:


    Re: Do Men and Women Train Together at Your School????

    I would encourage you to speak to the head instructor. If it helps, write down exactly what you need to say. As much as I dislike wrestling with a 240 lb sweaty guy who is almost twice my size, I wouldn’t have it any other way. Maybe the owner needs a simple assurance you won’t sue for sexual harassment under any circumstance. Maybe it’s time to move on. Maybe you will make your school a better place for females to come. You will know what to do by the reaction you get. Let them know you are serious about becoming the best Kravist you can be! 🙂


    Re: Dit da jow for bruises?

    One of my old Kung Fu instructors is a Master Chinese Herbalist and they (old KF instructors) swear by it. I am making a big batch now. Don’t put it on open skin unless you want a huge pucker factor. DAMHIK!


    Re: Do Men and Women Train Together at Your School????

    To the original poster:

    As a woman who has trained in Kung Fu for five years and am just beginning Krav, I would say that maybe you are not at the right school.

    My Sigung would always said you want to partner with the masters, because that is the only way to really get exponentially better. I believed him too after he dropped me like a sack of potatoes with a pinch to the nerve under my arm. 🙂

    I am glad my Krav school makes no distinction and I will tell you why. If you do not learn the technique on people of differing abilities, sizes and strengths, then, I feel, you are completely wasting your time.

    My school is very challenging sometimes because the men don’t go easy on you just because you are a girl, in particular when holding pads. That is part of what attracted me to it though. Chances are that 4/5 times if you get assaulted you are going to be assaulted by a guy, so I would rather have it be realistic training than not.

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