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  • #56976

    \”DODGEBALL IS A F#!!@NG AWESOME MOVIE!!!\” — agreed. you wanna mate? lol

    We offer a free trial class and i always try to be there to observe. there have been several times when a prospective student would challenge rhon, not personally, but more about the ideas behind krav maga. when rhon tells them that its ok to use a weapon in a street fight, to kick someone when they’re down, gouge the eyes, etc (essentially the things that make krav maga krav maga), they are very suprised, almost offended, one time to the point of saying (and i quote) \”but if you hit a guy when he’s down, you’re a pussy\”. lol. rhon took it in stride and calmy explained that the guy wasn’t looking to learn how to defend himself in a street fight, but was looking more for a boxing class or some sort of sport. poor guy, seemed like he was a bit too…confrontational.

    reminds me of that jackaass episode when johnny knoxville walked into a dojo and started doing \”katas\”


    \”Did I somewhere break an unwritten rule that limited experience students forfeit their constitutional rights? Are you \”just curious\” as stated, or back to stir the pot some more?\”

    easy, big fella. sounds like you’re jumping to conclusions. I am genuinely interested, given that from the posts you do talk a good game. I was curious as to how long you’ve been with KMWW in an effort to find out why you seem so opinionated. no big deal.


    yes, that’s exactly it 🙄

    \”Your trolling buddy, let it die\”

    i think you mean \”you’re\”…and I’m not *your* buddy. 😉


    …and you have yourself to blame 😆

    ps, i wasn’t continuing the conversation regarding instructorship or politics…i was asking about his training


    vwr32 —

    what is your training background?


    😆 are we having fun yet? I am…

    1. libel: To defame, or expose to public hatred, contempt, or ridicule, by a writing, picture, sign, etc.; to lampoon. i guess doesn’t know what libel is either…

    2. whether or not the 6 month black belt comment was directed at our school, the context of the thread lead me to believe that it was. don’t tell me that it was an innocent comment, as it was included in a thread named \”KM Federation\”, in addition to a conversation regarding said federation.

    3. fair enough, we agree to disagree.

    4. THANK YOU. i was begging to think all hope was lost. we can disagree on many things (and we have…and will…), but we can both agree (see my earlier post) that Krav Maga is a wonderful, effective, efficient system. your school is your school, our school is our school.

    what do i hope to accomplish? valiantly saving the good name and reputation of my one and only school that teaches the best krav maga ever, by anyone. and the east coast is the best…and…uh…no one is as good as us…and…did i get everything?



    quote :

    You admit you cannot speak for Dror’s comments against KMWW, yet jump up and down if anyone says anything in praise for KMWW.

    really? i jumped up and down? I got upset at KMWW members praising their own school? even you don’t believe this…never did i \”insult\” anyone for praising their own school. I made the distinction between false accusations and the truth about my school. again, read more carefully (but at this point i get the feeling that you’ll see whatever it is that you want to see in my posts)

    quote :

    I didn’t see any slams against K Fed, yet you’ve fired multiple insults at the posters for nothing more than having an opinion that differs from your own.

    lol first of all, touche on the \”K Fed\”, which, if you want to nitpick, can be seen as a blatant disrespectful libel. ill let it go.

    i can only count one \”insult\” to which you refer (see: \”I shouldn’t have a battle of wits with those who are unarmed…but maybe i’ll humor them….\” it was a friendly jab. obviously it was ill received so, since this is your forum and i am a guest, i apologize for that.

    on the other note, your comrades aren’t as benign as you claim. nothing more than having an opinion that differs from my own? really? lets see…

    \”There will always be a lower bidder. Look around ñ itís easy to find a martial arts school that will give you a black belt in six months.\”

    \”Maybe they offer fantastic instruction, but a bad \”smell\” comes off the whole website.\”

    you even hurl insults and judgments in the post to which i’m responding:
    \”why don’t you start by dropping the 13 year old spoiled brat drama show and grow up when you’re waving your school’s flag to the world.\”

    lol come on dude, try to find where i’ve \”waved my schools flag around the world\”. seriously.

    also…everyone seems to be preoccupied with drors comments. i will say two things about them, but of course, this is coming from me, not from dror:

    1. again, everything he said was true. think about it.
    2. did he not post an apology? did he not then invite several members to come train with our school, a favor not returned by any of you?

    aaanyway, is everyone satisfied with the examples i’ve provided? i think that’s enough nitpicking for now. as far as i’m concerned, we can all arrive at the following conclusions:

    1. krav maga is great. it’s better than great.
    2. we have different organizations that are run differently, taught differently, and operate differently. let’s just leave it at that. clearly we both have our respective \”issues\” with the other, myself included (duh).

    despite my failed attempts at cooling your heated and rude posts, I suspect that this post will be scrutinized and such, poked and probed…


    moti y, you are absolutely right. i should not rely on what others have told me and I should do my own research, seek out information straight from the source. and that I have — once again members of KMWW are claiming untrue things (see: \”i can guarantee that what you know about la’s certification programs comes to you from sources within KMFederation…\”). obviously, you can’t guarantee this.

    to be true to my earlier post, i won’t post now what i was told when i emailed KMWW directly and asked about how a person with no martial arts training can, and has, become an instructor. but i have emailed them and what i say is based on what i was told by KMWW, not KMFederation (in other words, i refused to take my school’s word for it and found out for myself).

    to each his own, that is fine with me. just don’t spread untrue and unsourced lies about a fine organization that not only promises high quality instruction (at ALL levels), but delivers just that. oh right, and don’t sue us.

    anyway, in a purely curious and, i assure you, non patronizing manor, i have a question:

    how often does darren himself teach classes?


    why post here? i dont know. who doesn’t like a good argument….

    maybe you’re right…I shouldn’t have a battle of wits with those who are unarmed…but maybe i’ll humor them….:D

    this is my gripe: we are a small fish in a big pond that gets pissed off whenever we get picked on. i’m responding to a slue of remarks that i found disrespectful and, more importantly, completely untrue. if you read the post to which you refer in the other forum more carefully, you would understand this.

    John and Darren may not be on the forum bashing our or other organizations…speaking of which, when is the last time you saw darren? does he teach at your school?…but they have done some things outisde of the forum that can be considered extremely disrespectful and downright offensive.

    I cannot speak for Dror. However, I can say that although you may not have liked his posts, nothing he said wasn’t true. what can i say…truth hurts…


    clearly you are all ill informed. has any one of you trained with KM federation?

    i’ve been with them for a year. the training is excellent. i have trained in muay thai and in jiu jitsu, and finally found krav maga federation…and i am VERY happy here.

    say what you will, that you don’t like us, that our mothers wear combat boots, whatever. please don’t make outragious claims that you obviously made up…a black belt in 6 months…try 10 years, give or take. the integrity instilled in my instructors and the school as a whole is, as far as i know, unblemished and
    top notch.

    if you really want to trade insults, i could talk about your instructor \”certifications\”…but i honestly think we all have to agree to disagree.

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