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  • #35444

    Also, are fingertip pushups bad for your hands?



    1. Pullups / Handstand Pushups – 5 Sets stopping a rep or two before failure. If you cannot do handstand pushups, hold the top position or do partials. No rest between exercises, 2 minute rest between sets.

    Rest 3 Minutes

    2. Pushup Circuit / Chinups – 3 Sets stopping a rep or two before failure. No rest between exercises. 2 minute rest between sets. The chinups are close grip.

    Pushup Circuit:
    -5 One-Leg Pushups (Left Leg)
    -5 One-Leg Pushups (Right Leg)
    -5 Regular Pushups
    -5 Tricep Pushups

    Repeat until almost failure. Do not let your body touch the ground during the entire circuit, then go onto chinups. When you can, add in 1-arm pushups.

    Rest 2 Minutes

    Pistols – 3 Sets each leg until near failure. 2 Minute rest between sets. Use a pole to help as little as possible. Go slowly.

    Rest 2 Minutes


    1. 5 x 5 Janda Situps. Go up as far as you can, then hold it for 5 seconds. Power breathe when holding it. Then use your hands to get to the top and do a 5 – 10 second negative. 2 minute rest between sets.

    Rest 3 Minutes

    2. Tuck Sit. As few sets as you need to work up to a 15 second hold. When you can do this straight, add on another 15 seconds. When you can do it for a minute straight, do a full L-sit. As much rest as you need between sets.

    Rest 3 Minutes

    3. Hyperextensions. 2 sets of 30. 1 minute rest between sets. When you can easily do this, add 5 pounds of weight. If you can’t do the whole thing yet, stop just before failure.

    1. 3 x 3 Minute Rounds – Skill emphasis. 1 Minute rest between each round.

    Rest 1 Minute

    2. 3 x 30 Second Punch-Out Drills. 1 Minute rest between each round. Use straight punches.

    Rest 1 Minute

    3. 2 x 2 Minute Power Boxing Rounds. 1 Minute rest between each round.

    1. Burpees x 30 seconds
    2. Shadow box x 30 seconds
    3. Repeat For 2 – 3 Minutes

    When one program becomes easy, move onto the next one.

    1. 4 x 2-minute rounds with 1 minute of rest between rounds

    2. 6 x 2-minute rounds with 1 minute of rest between rounds

    3. 6 x 3-minute rounds with 1 minute of rest between rounds

    4. 6 x 3-minute rounds with 30 seconds of rest between rounds


    Always do burpees with a pushup and a jump.

    Do All Exercises Midspeed.

    If you feel tired or sore, decrease the intensity of the workout, or skip it. If you think you are overtraining, decrease the intensity or frequency. After a while, add in the 2 types of breathing to the janda situps.

    On the first week, do the bag workout after the workout, on the next do Burpee Intervals. Keep switching back and forth. When the burpee workout gets to easy, move onto the next program. When the bag workout becomes too easy, make the rest period shorter or the work periods longer.

    For the running, just run 3 times a week and increase the mileage by about 10% everyone other week. Once you have a good base, do the beginners Ultimate 5K Plan, then start a 2-week circuit with all the different types of runs in it.

    Burpee Program – #1
    Hyperextension Weight – 0 Pounds
    Tuck Sit Time – 15 Seconds
    Week – Bag

    Monday – Krav Maga, Running
    Tuesday – Workout
    Wednesday – Krav Maga, Running
    Thursday – Workout
    Friday – Running
    Saturday – Krav Maga, Workout
    Sunday – Rest

    Mon – Fri morning and night do a hamstring stretch and a door-grab (both hands as long as you can)


    [double post]


    I have been away for a while, I just got back. I’m going to create a modified routine for my time schedule. I decided i’ll use a routine for a while.



    thanks, i’ll be sure to check it out.


    Ok, let me explain. I WANT to do crossfit, but i can’t because i only have a 3, 5, 8 pound dumbbells… and i don’t think that’s enough to do the excercises with because i can lift a lot more than that… And I don’t have a bar



    Ok, i’m confused. I have the exercises, but what do I do for each workout if I can’t do crossfit.


    If I could, i would run around, but if I was cornered or something, I think the best thing to do would run through, and throw a lot of heel palms and elbows.


    Ok, but if I don’t use a routine, and I don’t use crossfit, what do I do for each workout?


    So if i use a set rep routine, the workout will not be as effective as if i didn’t? Then what do i do for each workout… just whatever i feel like?


    Yes, but is it okay to follow a set routine (like at the top of the first page) And how many sets and reps should I do,



    Ok, thanks,

    And should i have a ‘routine’ or how should i ‘plan’ each workout. Also, are their any other specific exercises I should focus on other than the ones at the top of this page? And are Hindu pushups, Hindu Squats, and the Back Bridge (Matt Furey’s ‘royal court’ you’ve probably heard of them) really as good as some people say they are?


    Yes, but i heard that kids, up to about 15 or 16, should do low weight, high reps when lifting weights (8-12 reps) because it can ‘damage their growth plates’ or something, is this true? Also, how often can you do these exercises (days a week), and how many sets or reps?



    yes, I have a heavy bag (80 pounds) and some gloves. And when doing the olympic lifting movements, does it have to be 1 handed, or can it be 2 handed (using dumbbells) since the videos i saw (crossfit) it showed 1 handed…

    thanks for all the help,


    I am 13 to 😀

    So i should basically use:

    Deadlifts, Squats, Bench Press (Powerlifts)
    Snatch, Clean And Jerk (Olympic Lifting)
    (All with dumbbells)

    And some other compound movements such as

    Shoulder Press
    Push Press
    Jerk Press

    Also pullups, crunches, pushups, etc?

    Thanks for all the info,

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