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    After reading through some of the other threads, a lingering question comes to mind and I am curious to gauge how others feel about it.

    Say you are unfortunate enough to get attacked, whether it be an assault involving a robbery or a simple barroom brawl (the list could go on and on, so be creative). In KM, we’re taught to flee danger as soon as the threat is neutralized. So, if the assailant is incapacitated by your hand and no longer a threat of inflicting harm, you hightail it out of Dodge, right?

    Whether it be an dark alleyway, bar/club, parking lot, whatever…, do you report the crime to authorities after you’ve been involved in an altercation that you’ve “won”? Whether there are witnesses or not, fleeing is the best course of action to ensure you get home safely: the goal of fighting back in the first place.

    It seems to me that coming clean to authorities after being involved in a self defense situation has its pros and cons.

    Obvious pros would include that an offender may be taken off the streets where he/she can no longer pose harm to you and others. Especially if the attacker had a weapon, it would be one less maniac on the street that could harm your loved ones.

    However, if you’ve inflicted damage (most likely serious if you fight like you train) to someone, it may result in either a situation where it’s your word against your attacker’s, or, if witnesses were present, possible conflicting stories from the attacker’s friends or folks that didn’t get the whole picture but saw you book out the door after striking someone. I think it’s fair to say that it’s not likely that authorities will get a 100% unanimous account of what happened, but someone is left lying down bleeding and it’s not you…

    Are there laws that state that you should not literally hit and run? I realize that depending on the situation, common sense will prevail, but do you think that you would turn yourself in after incapacitating someone or just go on in relief that you survived an attack without having to deal with any legal ramifications?


    Re: After you’ve used KM to defend yourself, do you report it or keep quiet?

    quote mikwrigh:

    After reading through some of the other threads, a lingering question comes to mind and I am curious to gauge how others feel about it.

    Say you are unfortunate enough to get attacked, whether it be an assault involving a robbery or a simple barroom brawl (the list could go on and on, so be creative). In KM, we’re taught to flee danger as soon as the threat is neutralized. So, if the assailant is incapacitated by your hand and no longer a threat of inflicting harm, you hightail it out of Dodge, right?

    Whether it be an dark alleyway, bar/club, parking lot, whatever…, do you report the crime to authorities after you’ve been involved in an altercation that you’ve “won”? Whether there are witnesses or not, fleeing is the best course of action to ensure you get home safely: the goal of fighting back in the first place.

    It seems to me that coming clean to authorities after being involved in a self defense situation has its pros and cons.

    Obvious pros would include that an offender may be taken off the streets where he/she can no longer pose harm to you and others. Especially if the attacker had a weapon, it would be one less maniac on the street that could harm your loved ones.

    However, if you’ve inflicted damage (most likely serious if you fight like you train) to someone, it may result in either a situation where it’s your word against your attacker’s, or, if witnesses were present, possible conflicting stories from the attacker’s friends or folks that didn’t get the whole picture but saw you book out the door after striking someone. I think it’s fair to say that it’s not likely that authorities will get a 100% unanimous account of what happened, but someone is left lying down bleeding and it’s not you…

    Are there laws that state that you should not literally hit and run? I realize that depending on the situation, common sense will prevail, but do you think that you would turn yourself in after incapacitating someone or just go on in relief that you survived an attack without having to deal with any legal ramifications?

    What would YOU do?


    Re: After you’ve used KM to defend yourself, do you report it or keep quiet?

    Maybe this isnt the case for a real hardcore street thug but 2 bit thugs will turn the tables on you with the police in a minute.

    My friend was getting harassed and some punk grabbed his chain, lets forget about KM for a second…he punched the punk in his face. Police came to see as did the thugs Mommy. They pointed at my friend and made him out to be the attacker. In addition, because my friend opened up the punks face, Mommy wanted $ because his potential modeling career was effected.

    Long story short, 2 years later and 10s of thousands of dollars, charges were dropped.

    Cops told my friend “you gotta be the first to scream out “arrest him he attacked me”.

    Seems like the loser is the victim unless you have a lot of unbiased witnesses which is rare.

    Love to hear from police out there as to the best way to handle this.

    By the way, in every instance I have heard locally…a martial artist that pounds a guy out always ends up in the can because they either call him the agressive one or he went “too far” and given his “training” he should have stopped at some point.

    Usually comes down to $ and civil lawsuits—–SHOCK


    Re: After you’ve used KM to defend yourself, do you report it or keep quiet?

    When each side presents conflicting stories on what happened;I wonder if the following would help.

    Ask the police,in front of the opposing party,to administer polygraph tests to both sides at the station.Also request that they ‘throw the book’ at whichever party fails the polygraph test.Look at the bad guys and say,”How about it? Do you agree to do this?


    Re: After you’ve used KM to defend yourself, do you report it or keep quiet?

    Not totally related, but last night by the bar district at the beach I saw a guy with a mohawk and a leather jacket with a cardboard sign that said “punch me in the jaw- $10”. I asked if he had a mouthpiece and he said no. Now there’s a guy with a short modelling career. I told him he should get one, since there’s a lot of boxers and MMA fighters in Pacific Beach who could easilly knock out his teeth, and that he should stand on the beach, not the sidewalk, since after he gets knocked out it’s the ground that’s going to cause the real skull cracking damage. He was a jerk about the advise, and part of me wished I had $10.


    Re: After you’ve used KM to defend yourself, do you report it or keep quiet?


    WOW, just WOW.


    Re: After you’ve used KM to defend yourself, do you report it or keep quiet?

    quote CLFMak:

    He was a jerk about the advise, and part of me wished I had $10.

    Screw the $10, go back with a $100 and make sure he earns the money rofl2

    I’d say get out of the area, try and get to somewhere more public where you can call the police. If there is a station near by run to it and report what happened. If the guy is a thug and started sh!t with you chances are he’s known to the police and if not is affiliated to someone who is. I’m not a LEO, nor even a practicing KM student (yet), but I would imagine honesty is your best defence. Most people suck at lying, crooks included, and I’m sure after a couple of years on the force most LEO can pick a BS story out of a line-up.


    Re: After you’ve used KM to defend yourself, do you report it or keep quiet?

    A wise man once said the following: “Shoot, shovel and shut up.”

    I’m just saying…


    Re: After you’ve used KM to defend yourself, do you report it or keep quiet?

    I have had the pleasure of working closely with LEOs during the decade or so I worked as an EMT. The advice I got was to call it in, and be the first one to tell the story. It also looks good if you are trying to render aid by calling an ambulance for the guy.


    Re: After you’ve used KM to defend yourself, do you report it or keep quiet?

    quote phlegmon27:

    I have had the pleasure of working closely with LEOs during the decade or so I worked as an EMT. The advice I got was to call it in, and be the first one to tell the story. It also looks good if you are trying to render aid by calling an ambulance for the guy.

    Honest men have nothing to hide… unless you started or made it worse by your word or conduct and are just as guilty as the other guy/gal. Then I am sure you wouldn’t want to report it.

    Integrity is demonstrated when nobody is watching.


    Re: After you’ve used KM to defend yourself, do you report it or keep quiet?

    This was a question I have been mulling over the past few days. Thanks for posting it up, mikwrigh.

    I think the problem I was having was when you feel like you may have injured the guy, and don’t want him to bleed to death or something along those lines. Perhaps if you have punctured his lungs, or broken some bones that wouldn’t allow him to get to safety, this might be a problem. I don’t want to kill anyone here.

    Just an interesting perspective. It also seems to make much sense to report the crime.


    Re: After you’ve used KM to defend yourself, do you report it or keep quiet?

    I thought about it and I wouldn’t wait around to explain period in most cases. I have assets and do not want any BS civil case brought against me which I could end up racking up thousands and thousands of dollars in attorney’s fees fighting it. However if there are plenty of witnesses around I probably would up staying and explaining.



    Re: After you’ve used KM to defend yourself, do you report it or keep quiet?

    By the way I would not volunteer that I used Krav to defend myself. No way! Anything you say can be used against you.



    Re: After you’ve used KM to defend yourself, do you report it or keep quiet?

    “I was in fear for my life. I defended myself. I am very upset at this time and will make no further comments until I speak with my attorney. Thank you.”


    Re: After you’ve used KM to defend yourself, do you report it or keep quiet?

    I like SteveTuna’s response also. I would add I saw him reaching in in pocket, thought he was going for a gun. If it is a scumbag habitual thief he most likely would already have a record.


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