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    Re: After you’ve used KM to defend yourself, do you report it or keep quiet?

    quote stevetuna:

    “I was in fear for my life. I defended myself. I am very upset at this time and will make no further comments until I speak with my attorney. Thank you.”

    Absolutely spot on.

    I found this presentation to be quite enlightening.


    Re: After you’ve used KM to defend yourself, do you report it or keep quiet?

    quote unstpabl1:

    It be easier to talk to you if I could do the quote thing you do. I suck at typing and computers. i have however, played both lawyer and convict on tv

    If you quote, you quote what hasn’t already been quoted (outside the box) and you can comment inside the box. Otherwise, you can cut and paste and then add comments…

    We’re way more on the same page than you think. Remember this discussion start as devils advocate. I’m not seconding Kontact, just didn’t read him as extreme as you did. I’m sure your more sensitive to it and probably more aware.. I got the rhetoric and attitude and posted that, but also saw other things worth discussion.

    Which I don’t mind discussing with you or others who do have an open mind or at least are not anti-LE. It’s hard enough doing this job dealing with the small percentage of people who are truly criminal and associated – when we have otherwise regular people (not necessarily outright criminal) who are also anti-LE, it just makes it harder.

    To be honest, I think at some point she has to attack and destroy, before he destroys her or worse like the Santa Claus murders here.

    I think this is what I referred to earlier as the “killed or be killed” mentality/belief. Do the “laws of man” allow this type of behavior – primarily no. Do I subscribe to this philosophy? Ehhh maybe, depends. I would not rule out that in certain cases or dire circumstances, this course of action would make sense to me. Problem is that if the “laws of man” were to allow “open season” on everyone who presents a threat – you’d have widespread wanton killing all over the place. People losing fights coming back to kill the winner (like cowardly gang bangers already do), road rage incidents, conflicts heavily influenced by alcohol or drugs, husbands/wives killed at the first hint of possible domestic violence, etc etc etc.

    The problem is that everyone has a different view of what constitutes a “threat” or a different level of when they believe their life is in danger. IME, some are legitimate but many are BS. E.g. I worked as front desk personnel (counter traffic, business phones, 911, dispatching) for about a year and a half. I would guess that around 85-90 percent of all 911 calls were NOT emergencies. Most of the domestic violence/family disturbance calls I handle are BS, baby’s mama drama, finger pointing due to child custody, etc. OTOH, DV situations are one of the two most deadly types of situations we have to deal with. I remember kind of venting about DV situations in another thread – if you call us due to a DV emergency, and then later drop charges and/or bail the other party out and continue to stay with the other party or allow the other party come back and live with you, then No, IMO, you would not be able to later on kill the other person because you felt threatened.

    If you have someone threatening you – short of hunting down/seeking out the BG, what other options would you consider?

    Though, I’m not familiar with that case and prior behaviors. Defending never wins, well the Ravens did it once and the Bears, but with an offensive defense. thumbsupI’m sure their are women both convicted and freed for enacting this. The reason she waits for ambush is he gets out he decides to attack and she’s trying to be legal and in truth doesn’t want to hurt anyone, just wants to be left alone. So in my mind even if she buys a gun, in order to be self defense she has to wait for his ambush/ attack.

    “Legal” does not mean she has to stay on the train tracks waiting for the train to come. If she has a “victim’s” mindset, she will be a victim, no matter what action she takes. If she doesn’t have the right mindset to avoid problems, take precautions, protect herself, etc she might want to find someone to help her. If she doesn’t “want to hurt anyone”, she shouldn’t be buying a gun. Yes, if he is not dead or incarcerated, there is always the chance that she may meet him again somewhere/sometime.

    Don’t know about the uprooting thing. Possibly and probably depending on the scale. Who’d I piss off as in witness protection. But I have a life here and a job that I like, though I’m brokerofl2 I’d like to say I wouldn’t let anyone deny my freedom to live where I want. Isn’t that the plot of almost every western movie. Besides in my friends instance he knows she went back to her family. So she gives up her career and has to give up her family now too. She was advised to buy a gun but I’m not sure by whom. Why do I have to uproot we have laws;):

    Again, is vacating/leaving/uprooting easy or fair? Not really. But again, was staying worth dying for? I know of a recent situation where a woman received threats from her abusive husband (again). Deputies responded but the husband was not there and could not be found. A police report was taken and an emergency protective order was issued but he wasn’t served because he couldn’t be found. The next night, the husband came home and killed the woman. If she truly believed her life was in jeopardy, why stay where the BG knows where you’re at?

    Yeah I get it: Cause everything you wrote about in the paragraph about me not understanding what Military and LE do, I agree with, passionately. I’ve seen what happens when it breaks down,,LA riots,earthquakes and was under martial law for a week in the 60’s.

    Be well

    Let’s say for a minute that in a DV situation where the husband is abusive and there is a history of abuse and he has gone to prison for abuse before and he has made criminal threats recently and the wife was otherwise allowed to go out and hunt him down (she is allowed to “attack and destroy”) but she can’t find him. Then what types of things could/should she do in the meantime?


    Re: After you’ve used KM to defend yourself, do you report it or keep quiet?

    quote Don:

    Let’s say for a minute that in a DV situation where the husband is abusive and there is a history of abuse and he has gone to prison for abuse before and he has made criminal threats recently and the wife was otherwise allowed to go out and hunt him down (she is allowed to “attack and destroy”) but she can’t find him. Then what types of things could/should she do in the meantime?

    Agreed with the above post and will explore doing quotes as time permits

    Hide till he’s found, establish a paper trail, file charges for what? Terroist threats? Harassment? obvious is call the cops. Arm herself. Hire a PI if money permits. I’d be leary of putting family in jeopardy. Now they got to hide as well, because the 1st place I’d go to find is to her family and friends. Thats what I meant by waiting for ambush. He picks the time and place

    How much time does he /shethumbsup, DV goes both ways, get if caught. Then the whole cycle starts again…man its a vicious cycle…now I’m really glad I lost that 100lbs in the biker bar:woohoo:Just kidding….

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